Joseph McCarthy: Was He Right After All?

Evans and you got your ass kicked by me and others every time he shows up.

You're delusional and the evidence is right there in the thread. Further, it was co-author and researcher Mark Rochelle, not Stan Evans.

Are you no longer on speaking terms with reality?

People STILL believe that McCarthy ran the HUAC and blacklisted Hollywood actors.

This is why I say that "McCarthyism" is the campaign the Democrats ran to protect their Communist masters. A complete, total up-is-down disinformation ampaign that ran for generations

If you believe that McCarthy was a bad man because he used his HUAC to blacklist Hollywood actors, please go pick up a book on the subject. I recommend "Blacklisted" by Stanton Evans.
The sad thing is that Senator McCarthy knew at his end that he would go down in the history books as a dirty word. The unfortunate thing is that it will probably take a number of McCarthys over time for Americans to learn they do not have to be frightened into a panic by McCarthyism. Then again perhaps each generation of Americans must go through the same learning process? Certainly the
"scare Americans" tactic is still the mainstay in American politics.
I well remember the McCarty Era. Allegations that couldn't be proven, kind of like all the Benghazi thing. Or every other thing that comes down the pike, like homophobia or racism that can't be substantiated.
How sickening that anyone would try to resurrect the memory of the mccarthy era and engage in revisionist history.

A McCarthy subversive right there^^^^

Try's to destroy our traditional culture, morals, ethics and borders.... Scum by any other name! ..... We have seen what happens to Europe when they forego their former beliefs...but these bastards still want to end what our Greatest Generation fought to preserve....PATHETIC!
Joe McCarthy was an incense huffing rosary swinging drunk and heroin addict, he die from alcoholism

McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. The official cause of his death was listed as acute hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism, an estimation that is now accepted by contemporary biographers

Did America's First Drug Czar Secretly Supply Dope to Sen. Joe McCarthy? | Alternet
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Joe McCarthy was an incense huffing rosary swinging drunk and heroin addict, he die from alcoholism

McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. The official cause of his death was listed as acute hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism, an estimation that is now accepted by contemporary biographers

Did America's First Drug Czar Secretly Supply Dope to Sen. Joe McCarthy? | Alternet

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

In his 1961 book, The Murderers, Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1962, announced that he knew of a prominent member of Congress in the 1950s who was addicted to heroin. Anslinger went to the member of Congress and demanded that he stop using heroin. The Congressman refused and dared Anslinger to reveal the addiction, arguing that, if Anslinger did reveal the addiction, it would cause irreparable harm to the Free World.

In order to keep the addiction secret, Anslinger arranged for the Congressman to receive a secret supply of drugs from a pharmacist.

Who was the Congressman? Senator Joseph McCarthy, of anti-communist fame.

The case is mentioned in chapter 5 of the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Another noteworthy case of a distinguished addict was reported in 1962 by Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. "This addict," Commissioner Anslinger stated, "was one of the most influential members of the United States Congress. He headed one of the powerful committees of Congress. His decisions and statements helped to shape and direct the destiny of the United States and the free world." Commissioner Anslinger heard of this man's addiction, recognized the political damage that might follow exposure, and therefore arranged a continuing supply of drugs for the elderly Congressman from a pharmacy on the outskirts of Washington. When a nationally syndicated columnist got a tip on the story from the pharmacist, Commissioner Anslinger staved off exposure by warning the journalist that "the Harrison Narcotic Act provided a two-year jail term for anyone revealing the narcotic records of a drug store." 7 The Congressman died in office, still legislating, still addicted, and still unexposed. *

Further evidence came forth in a 1978 article in Ladies Home Journal:

In the past, Washington politicians have been suspected of using far more dangerous and compromising substances than marijuana or cocaine. Agents who worked under Harry J. Anslinger, Commissioner of the DEA forerunner, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, for 30 years, claim that the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy was addicted to morphine and regularly obtained his narcotics through a druggist near the White House, authorized by Anslinger to fill the prescription.

Anslinger, according to one of the retired agents, wrote about McCarthy's problem (without naming him) in The Murderers, a memoir the late commissioner wrote with Will Ousler, which was published in 1961. And Ousler today agrees with the agents. "Yes, I'm sure that is correct", he says. "Anslinger made a mention of McCarthy agt the time and turned away." :eusa_whistle:
Joe McCarthy was an incense huffing rosary swinging drunk and heroin addict, he die from alcoholism

McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. The official cause of his death was listed as acute hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism, an estimation that is now accepted by contemporary biographers

Did America's First Drug Czar Secretly Supply Dope to Sen. Joe McCarthy? | Alternet

And obuma is an admitted dope smoking fuck up that hardly went to school in order to stay high, as quoted in his book, and we have numerous reports that he's bi-sexual... want to discuss McCarthy compared to this poser, and see which one was MORE PATRIOTIC?


And if that wasn't funny enough, here this gets a little more serious!

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McCarthy wasn't necessarily right but he wasn't wrong either. The point is that McCarthyism never existed. McCarthy had no power. He was a minority republican and didn't even head up a committee. McCarthyism was a term manufactured by the left wing media to protect the Truman administration and democrats and especially Hollywood moguls from criticism.
Joe McCarthy was an incense huffing rosary swinging drunk and heroin addict, he die from alcoholism

McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. The official cause of his death was listed as acute hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism, an estimation that is now accepted by contemporary biographers

Did America's First Drug Czar Secretly Supply Dope to Sen. Joe McCarthy? | Alternet

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a heroin addict?

Renowned atheist, Christopher Hitchens, died an alcoholic. I suppose we could find lots, and lots, and lots of atheist dingbats who died or alcoholism or drug addiction. Let me know if you want me to dig up some more.
Joseph Raymond "Joe" McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public face of a period in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread Communist subversion.[1] He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere. Ultimately, his tactics and inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the United States Senate.
Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It appears that Joe McCarthy saw an emerging threat back in the 50s that almost nobody else was able to see. During his military career in the Marine Corp he was an "intelligence briefing officer." Many may not know that he was favored by Catholic Democrats including the Kennedy family even though he was a Republican.

Anyway, he knew what Communism was and was able to put two-and-two together as the Socialist agenda began to rear its ugly head. At the time, he became one of America's most hated Senators. He became the target of endless barbs, jeers, jabs, stabs, and was ultimately censured by the Senate. He literally became a laughing stock and was mocked off of the public stage.

But hindsight is 20/20. Many scholars today recognize that McCarthy was almost always right concerning his accusations and insights:

Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts — FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 — the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network.
Most-hated senator was right

In my book, McCarthy goes down in history as one of America's heros even though he ultimately died of character assassination. The Leftists have always resorted to defamation of character when their cover is about to be blown. It's how they roll.

Senator Joe McCarthy is one of the strongest pro-American figures in the history of the United States. Despite many attempts by socialists to demonize McCarthy and "McCarthyism" with revisionist history, McCarthy's achievements shine through the propaganda. At a time when America was threatened by a murderous, backward, anti-freedom ideology of Soviet communism, Joseph McCarthy was a champion of capitalism and Democracy. Even when his career was threatened because of his vocal anti-communist speeches, McCarthy did not back down from the cause of freedom. For the courage Senator McCarthy showed in sticking to his American principles, he is today considered to be a hero by many.
Joseph McCarthy, American Hero. Truth about McCarthyism, Red Scare, Communism, and Good Night and Good Luck.
Friday, Oct. 26, 1962 - Time Magazine:
Last week in the Nation, former FBI Agent Jack Levine reported that nearly 1,500 of the Communist Party's 8,500 U.S. members are FBI informants—almost one out of six. Since members must pay party dues, this would make the FBI the largest single financial supporter of the Communist Party, U.S.A. Concluded Levine: "The day will soon come when FBI informants, who are rising rapidly to the top, will capture complete control of the party."

Communists: Gee, Men - TIME
Joseph McCarthy: Was He Right After All?

That there were bad guys in the government? Sure.

Was it anything secret? No.

Did he go about it the wrong way and demagogue look a fool? You betcha.
McCarthy wasn't necessarily right but he wasn't wrong either. The point is that McCarthyism never existed. McCarthy had no power. He was a minority republican and didn't even head up a committee. McCarthyism was a term manufactured by the left wing media to protect the Truman administration and democrats and especially Hollywood moguls from criticism.
The first recorded use of the term McCarthyism was in a political cartoon by Washington Post editorial cartoonist Herbert Block (aka Herblock), published on March 29, 1950. The cartoon depicted four leading Republicans trying to push an elephant (the traditional symbol of the Republican Party) to stand on a teetering stack of ten tar buckets, the topmost of which was labeled "McCarthyism".

By the end of the 50's almost all media would have been considered liberal, aka communist by McCarthy.

McCarthyism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Joseph McCarthy: Was He Right After All?

That there were bad guys in the government? Sure.

Was it anything secret? No.

Did he go about it the wrong way and demagogue look a fool? You betcha.

Only to a left wingnut! Especially after viewing where we are today, and the Communist influence in the obuma regime!...The ADMITTED COMMUNISTS!
The problem is that no matter how seriously you take his allegations, and the Verona project and subsequent soviet secrets revealed, show there was substance, the man was an egomaniac more interested in self importance than anything. The man's schtick was he destroyed the lives of ordinary people who never posed a threat to the US and whose only crimes were listening and leaning left in a time when people were literally starving to death from an economic collapse, and who never even considered opening the country to a post-WWII stalin.
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The problem is that no matter how seriously you take his allegations, and the Verona project and subsequent soviet secrets revealed, show there was substance, the man was an egomaniac more interested in self importance than anything. The man's schtick was he destroyed the lives of ordinary people who never posed a threat to the US and whose only crimes were listening and leaning left in a time when people were literally starving to death from an economic collapse, and who never even considered opening the country to a post-WWII stalin.

Isn't that EXACTLY what Obuma is doing to our citizens....I believe I've hit a sore place!


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