José speaks the truth about the destruction of America's racial composition


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Originally posted by 1751Texan
When Europeans started on the worldwide expeditions, the natural outcome was going to be intercultrual mixing...Can't unscrew a pregnant light bulb.


The demographic destruction of western countries have 0 to do with Christopher Columbus and everything to do with Adolf Hitler.

After WWII (as a reaction to the excesses of Nazism) America decided to commit "demographic suicide" by allowing/ignoring massive non-white legal and illegal immigration.

Australia, New Zealand, Britain, etc, etc... are just little monkeys mimicking the leader of the western world.

But I fully agree with what you said elsewhere, Texan:

Whites must stop trying to find scapegoats for their own sovereign past decisions.

It's true that american jews lobbied hard for the relaxation of US immigration policies to allow non-white immigration but this doesn't change the fact that the mentally insane decision to destroy America's ethnic makeup was taken by the OVERWHELMING WHITE MAJORITY that ruled America in the 50's and 60's (more than 90%).

Just google "1952 Immigration Act" and "1965 Immigration Act" if you have any doubt.

So this is what I have to say:







It's a mix of factors, but you are correct that whites themselves could spend a little less time obsessing about Jews and a little more time connecting, making babies and growing a spine. If just 1/3 of all whites decided "enough is enough", that would be enough. We would start organizing, seceding, making our own demands, getting our own into power, and the rest would be pretty easy. Others would just start moving -- the racial separation would be very natural.

The "Greatest Generation", my ass. All these white men who fought Hitler will lie in their nursing homes, being neglected by the lazy black nurses. And they'll never get it.
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To become Westreners, Europeans had to leave their confinds and venture out...Columbus was not the only Europeaner that explored the world. This was race mixng on a worldwide scale...So what is happening now is not a concern for me becasuse it a natural progression. To ignore natural history and blame anyone or any group for what Humans do naturally...move beyond their boundries and extreamly short-sighted.

In the larger scheme of things...lables like black or white will be irrelevant.

PS I stand by my statement in the context in which it was posted...
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The historical reality check says:

From 1790 (first census conducted in America) to 1960 the US population was overwhelmigly white (with 20%/10% black and a small hispanic minority).

Whites are now (roughly) 70% and will account for less than half of the population in a few decades.

This sudden, radical change in the demographic makeup of the United States has nothing to do with the discovery of the New World.

This change is the DIRECT RESULT of the highly controversial decision made by US political representatives in the 50's and 60's (99% of them white) to destroy the historical demographic balance of America by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignore non-white illegal immigration (no more mass deportations of illegal immigrants, aka, Operation Wetback).
José;3802439 said:
The historical reality check says:

From 1790 (first census conducted in America) to 1960 the US population was overwhelmigly white (with 20%/10% black and a small hispanic minority).

Whites are now (roughly) 70% and will account for less than half of the population in a few decades.

This sudden, radical change in the demographic makeup of the United States has nothing to do with the discovery of the New World.

This change is the DIRECT RESULT of the highly controversial decision made by US political representatives in the 50's and 60's (99% of them white) to destroy the historical demographic balance of America by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignore non-white illegal immigration (no more mass deportations of illegal immigrants, aka, Operation Wetback).

Stop being so paranoid.
José;3802439 said:
The historical reality check says:

From 1790 (first census conducted in America) to 1960 the US population was overwhelmigly white (with 20%/10% black and a small hispanic minority).

Whites are now (roughly) 70% and will account for less than half of the population in a few decades.

This sudden, radical change in the demographic makeup of the United States has nothing to do with the discovery of the New World.
This change is the DIRECT RESULT of the highly controversial decision made by US political representatives in the 50's and 60's (99% of them white) to destroy the historical demographic balance of America by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignore non-white illegal immigration (no more mass deportations of illegal immigrants, aka, Operation Wetback).

I never made that contention...I simply stated that world-wide cultural change[via Human migration and cutural mixing] happend long long ago and will continue long...long into the future. Im not fixated on "America's historical demographic balance".

If I were to address the changing American demographic, I would contend...if Americans wanted to keep the curtural identity pure, they should have stayed in the original 13 states and not ventured out.
If the colonialists had really wanted to maintain ethnic purity more than half of the grandparents of "white" people in this nation today, wouldn't have been allowed to emmigrate here.
If the colonialists had really wanted to maintain ethnic purity more than half of the grandparents of "white" people in this nation today, wouldn't have been allowed to emmigrate here.

Editec, with all due respect, you're trying to blur or even delegitimise the distinction between whites and non-whites by questioning the "whiteness" of southern europeans, eastern europeans, etc, etc...

This is a dishonest game you play to avoid confronting the fact that 60, 50 years ago the political representatives of the parents and grandparents of most living americans took the outrageous decision to erode the demographic composition that characterised America for more than 250 years.
José;3802439 said:
This change is the DIRECT RESULT of the highly controversial decision made by US political representatives in the 50's and 60's (99% of them white) to destroy the historical demographic balance of America by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignore non-white illegal immigration (no more mass deportations of illegal immigrants, aka, Operation Wetback).

You're missing the part where "non-whites" decide to breed and whites decide to not breed. If WASPs and other "whites" were having 4 children per women, the immigration policy wouldn't be nearly as decisive.

Here are birth rates for teens by ethnicitiy:

The birth rate for non-Hispanic white teens aged 15-19 increased 2% between 2006 and 2007 (from 26.6 per 1,000 to 27.2 per 1,000).

The 2006 birth rate for non-Hispanic black teens aged 15-19 increased 1% between 2006 and 2007 (from 63.7 per 1,000 to 64.3 per 1,000).

The 2006 birth rate for Hispanic teens aged 15-19 decreased 2% between 2006 and 2007 (from 83.0 per 1,000 to 81.7 per 1,000).

The 2006 birth rate for American Indian teens aged 15-19 increased 7% between 2006 and 2007 (from 55.0 per 1,000 to 59.0 per 1,000).

The 2006 birth rate for Asian/Pacific Islander teens aged 15-19 increased 2% between 2006 and 2007 (from 17.0 per 1,000 to 17.3 per 1,000).

You may not be unsatisifed with teen pregnancy rates, so here is a map for births per ethnicity by state, sorted by absolute numbers or percentages.

You'll notice that African Americans constitute 12% of the population but 14% of the births, and hispanics 16% of the population, but 24% of the births. Whereas non-hispanic white constitute 59% of the population (75% - 16% hispanics) but have only 53% of the births.

Its more than immigration policy at work.

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