Jordan Peterson interviews Ron Desantis.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
More people need to see Ron Desantis, hear what he has to say. He and his wife would be the President and First lady this country needs and deserves...

No. No one needs to hear from that ignorant warmongering CIA cuck.
I wish it were. Glad you liked it though.
Florida is the go-to State for all the people from dimocrap scum States that just can't take it anymore.

And, yes. Before you even think it, the vast majority of them are Conservative. Voter registrations prove it beyond any doubt.

We just had a major, MAJOR Hurricane but before that we were the richest State in the Union. More cash reserves than any other. Still don't have an Income Tax. Think we're #2 or 3 right now. May be back to #1. Don't know, don't care.

We have the best Education system, the best roads, the best Medical Care, the best Hospitals, the best everything in the Country.

Know why? Because we don't tolerate dimocrap SCUM.

What will you do when you can no longer tax the people that have been paying your freight for the last 50 years? When we get a POTUS and a Legislature that won't give money away to you?

Then what? And spare me the GDP shit that you put up trying to show how successful your primitive, stone-age States are. That's all import/export money, none of which ever sees the Treasury of your useless States.

dimocrap States are dying. And that's the reason why -- They're dimocrap.
Florida is the go-to State for all the people from dimocrap scum States that just can't take it anymore.

And, yes. Before you even think it, the vast majority of them are Conservative. Voter registrations prove it beyond any doubt.

We just had a major, MAJOR Hurricane but before that we were the richest State in the Union. More cash reserves than any other. Still don't have an Income Tax. Think we're #2 or 3 right now. May be back to #1. Don't know, don't care.

We have the best Education system, the best roads, the best Medical Care, the best Hospitals, the best everything in the Country.

Know why? Because we don't tolerate dimocrap SCUM.

What will you do when you can no longer tax the people that have been paying your freight for the last 50 years? When we get a POTUS and a Legislature that won't give money away to you?

Then what? And spare me the GDP shit that you put up trying to show how successful your primitive, stone-age States are. That's all import/export money, none of which ever sees the Treasury of your useless States.

dimocrap States are dying. And that's the reason why -- They're dimocrap.
Lol. You’ve lost your mind. Florida doesn’t have the best of anything, other than the weather in winter.

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