Jones wins!

Pravdas's Washington bureau did their job.
Had the W Post done their investigation or rather had released their info on Moore's sex issues before the primary (and you can be sure they had that info that far in advance), we would be looking at a repub holding that Senate seat.
We have a serious, serious problem with journalistic standards. MSM is a propaganda outfit for the democrat party.
This was a trial run for what the Democrats will be brewing for Donald Trump in 2018. Sexual harassment accusations and character assassination, it's what Democrats do.
You can't assassinate the character of a person who has none. How can you degrade the character of a man who is a pathological liar, takes no responsibility for his failures, who cheats on his wives and brags about it, considers his admission of sexual assaults just locker room talk, claims to be a Christian but never has time to attend church, leaks nasty stories to the tabloids about his ex-wives, mocks the handicapped, toys with white supremacists, and encouraging political violence. There is just no character to assassinate.

Bill "have trou, will drop" Clinton can't run again, Flapper........and the Hildebeast is a failed afterthought.....gonna run Bashful Bernie Sanders, the closet commie again? Good luck with all that.....

If Trump is what I believe him to be? We are going to be ok.......if he isn't? We are not any worse off than we would be had the Rothschild backed Hildebeast won. If Trump and the white hats do not prevail? We are fucked without the benefit of lubrication....and you can bank on that one.
Doug Jones quoted Martin Luther King Jr. during his victory speech: "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice."

Define "justice" and as it pertains to this rigged financial system and those puppet masters that control the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank and pay off/compromise just enough of these (snicker) "elected" puppets that keep this debt slavery system in place?
Alabama voters have spoken! NO MOORE!!!!!
Warning shot over the Right-Wing bow.....
Gone are the days you can sit out elections and just count on others keep the ship from tipping.
EVERY SINGLE VOTE counts now. All that is required for evil to prevail is for you not to vote.
This is the way you will slowly lose your right to bear arms and everything you hold dear.
Sit out ANY election.......and suffer the consequences. And there will be consequences and a price to pay.

That said, congrats to Mr. Jones. Let's pray he can put politics somewhat aside (yeah, I know)....and do what's best for his constituents and the country even though he has a solid history of Democrat ideals....climate agenda, green energy, gun control, NAFTA and pretty much all the things Dems love that harm America.

Score one for the Left. You got us this time.

I also wonder what will happen now with all the accusations? Will it all evaporate now?
Of course they’ll evaporate. Don’t need ‘em now.
Roy Moore is trying to make it sound like Doug Jones' victory was somehow illegal. What kind of shit will he and his NaziCon buddies try to pull now in an attempt to steal victory from Doug Jones?
But he has a Jew lawyer?
Roy Moore is trying to make it sound like Doug Jones' victory was somehow illegal. What kind of shit will he and his NaziCon buddies try to pull now in an attempt to steal victory from Doug Jones?
But he has a Jew lawyer?

Leftards have always been a big fan of the liberal Jew as long as they fall in lockstep. Israel, a Rothschild state has always been a juggling act for the leftard clown posse while being in the back pocket of the zionist neocons......what to do....what to do. Such a fragile position to hold, eh, Faun? But not for those that are way smarter than you.

Roy Moore is trying to make it sound like Doug Jones' victory was somehow illegal. What kind of shit will he and his NaziCon buddies try to pull now in an attempt to steal victory from Doug Jones?
But he has a Jew lawyer?

Leftards have always been a big fan of the liberal Jew as long as they fall in lockstep. Israel, a Rothschild state has always been a juggling act for the leftard clown posse while being in the back pocket of the zionist neocons......what to do....what to do. Such a fragile position to hold, eh, Faun? But not for those that are way smarter than you.

As always.... :cuckoo:

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