Jon Stewart Rips President Obama For Debt Ceiling 'Dealageddon' (VIDEO)


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Jon Stewart Rips President Obama For Debt Ceiling 'Dealageddon' (VIDEO)

The deal, consisting of trillions of dollars in spending cuts but no revenue increases, will raise the debt ceiling until 2013 but has Stewart wondering why President Obama gave up on his demands. What about all that talk about how important it is to have a balanced debt reduction plan including higher taxes on the rich? Stewart was even more confused when the President thanked the American people for tweeting and contacting their Congressmen and women to garner support for his plan, even though hardly any of it made it into the final deal:

"Let me just stop you right there -- you're not pinning this turd on us. Last time I checked, the buck stops with you, not the Twitterverse."

Watch the full clip below to hear the rest of Stewart's reaction (including how he realized a certain bow-tied National Journal reporter is the only one who knows what will happen next) and watch the second segment below to hear his take on the Tea Party's reaction.
ZOMG!!! Stewart is against Obama!!

If Colbert is against Obama that would mean 100% of the Liberal Intellectual Elite punditry has turned against him!

I think we will be seeing a lot more of this soon. Everyone who carried Obama's water for him in this fight, climbed out on a limb for him, stuck their necks out... is going to be furious with both him and themselves. Fearless leader has led the troops into a morass, and then fled the scene.

There is going to be quiet a lot of fury directed to Obama for this abandonment of his troops. It looks like BD Boop is already suffering the pangs of Wilee Coyote stuck with an anvil in this one.
Even on the campaign trail Stewart was lampooning Obama's gift of promising the "Moon".

Specfically after the Second debate.
It's too bad, Jon nails it in the first clip then goes off on the deep end in the second trying to claim the TP guys want zero, not less but zero, none, no more or all Government gone.

Also Jon needs to learn some context, 2 Trillion in cuts over 10 years is a joke. The credit rating stands a very good chance of being downgraded but I find myself wondering if Jon would take credit for supporting the bill that makes it happen. Prolly not.

Still Jon can be funny, but he really needs to base his humor in reality not an ideology to please the part of his vastly un-informed viewership.
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The best part was when he said Obama was trying to pin this crap bill on the people and the tweet-a-verse. So true, Obama take credit when polls make something look good but dumps his problems on others when poll so it's not popular.
My feelings are all over the map on this one. I've gone from feeling completely betrayed to knowing that they (Dems) were fucked without benefit of lube OR a reach-around. They either capitulated, or the country was screwed, because they were up against terrorists. Yeah, I don't care that Biden backed off. I won't.
ZOMG!!! Stewart is against Obama!!

If Colbert is against Obama that would mean 100% of the Liberal Intellectual Elite punditry has turned against him!

ZOMG!! means liberals are not sheep unlike Fox noise watchers.


Yeah, my opinion of the left was far far to high.

seriously, you guys are getting your political insites from a comedian.

this is really clearing up the Al Frankin thing for me.

but hey, if you guys elite Dane Cook or Titus, I'm buying tickets to the rally.
My feelings are all over the map on this one. I've gone from feeling completely betrayed to knowing that they (Dems) were fucked without benefit of lube OR a reach-around. They either capitulated, or the country was screwed, because they were up against terrorists. Yeah, I don't care that Biden backed off. I won't.

poor little moron

Is math that hard?

Are you claiming that 1/2 of 1/3 of the government just took your punk ass to the hole?

Are you truly trying to claim libs don't have the numbers to do what they want?

You got everything you wanted except for the truly horrid act of stealing from people to pay for more wastefull spending.
Both videos were good, but the second was better. Couldn't have said it better myself. :cool:

Said what? That the Bill is nothing that the TPM wanted and the people put in office to represent that belief voted how the millions who put them there wanted.... Rand Paul had a budget that balanced the budget in 5 years with a 19 billion dollar surplus and it didn’t touch MC/MC/SS… That’s not “No Government.”

Again, it's easy for people like Jon, when things go bad under policy he supports he can just make fun of it because he holds no office.

In the end as someone who is not in the TPM, not a Republican or a Democrat, but as someone who watches it all pretty closely Jon seemed to run out of material so he went for the "this joke always gets a good laff." Jon literally criticized Obama for not holding his ground and then turns around and attacks the TPM (very incorrectly/misinformation) for holding theirs. He would have a point if the issue were the TPM guys not voting yes for a bill that balances the budget in 10 years VS let’s say 5, but that’s not the case. The TP guys vote no on a bill that vastly adds to the growing deficit over 10 years, that’s it, meaning there is literally zero compromise. But you can’t spell out something that simplistic to someone that hates the TPM, so go for the easy laff.
ZOMG!!! Stewart is against Obama!!

If Colbert is against Obama that would mean 100% of the Liberal Intellectual Elite punditry has turned against him!

ZOMG!! means liberals are not sheep unlike Fox noise watchers.

Sheep ? How many millions of idiots like you followed the "Hope and Change" bullshit blindly right into the election booth ?


You have a lot of balls referring to others as Sheep.

Don't you have a bowel to move ?
Are we talking about the opinion of a comedian? And if so, why for the love of god do we care?


That's a very good point. Jon can be great but when he gets cornered he then claims "I'm a comedian and come on after a puppet show." Coming on after a puppet show does not allow Jonto lie or be wrong and get away with it just because it's a joke... he seems to think so and I find it to be a huge negitive as to who he is and what he stands for.
My feelings are all over the map on this one. I've gone from feeling completely betrayed to knowing that they (Dems) were fucked without benefit of lube OR a reach-around. They either capitulated, or the country was screwed, because they were up against terrorists. Yeah, I don't care that Biden backed off. I won't.

In the end, you'll blame the Tea Party, strap on your official 0bama kneepads, and pull his lever in 2012...

Like the good little sheeple he expects you to be...
My feelings are all over the map on this one. I've gone from feeling completely betrayed to knowing that they (Dems) were fucked without benefit of lube OR a reach-around. They either capitulated, or the country was screwed, because they were up against terrorists. Yeah, I don't care that Biden backed off. I won't.

In the end, you'll blame the Tea Party, strap on your official 0bama kneepads, and pull his lever in 2012...

Like the good little sheeple he expects you to be...

Sounds familiar? I read this elsewhere...

"In the end, you'll blame the Allies, strap on your official Hitler kneepads, and pull his lever in 1939...

Like the good little sheeple he expects you to be."
I think we will be seeing a lot more of this soon. Everyone who carried Obama's water for him in this fight, climbed out on a limb for him, stuck their necks out... is going to be furious with both him and themselves. Fearless leader has led the troops into a morass, and then fled the scene.

There is going to be quiet a lot of fury directed to Obama for this abandonment of his troops. It looks like BD Boop is already suffering the pangs of Wilee Coyote stuck with an anvil in this one.

I gently disagree. They went about it politically correctly--major defense cuts; entitlement programs pretty much untouched--and now Obama is back on the campaign trail claiming victory and he can now focus on stimulating the economy, creating jobs, stopping global warming, curing all deadly diseases, feeding the poor, restoring America's prestige, and proving what a glorious leader he is.

And unfortunately, his troops will probably fall right back in line because it all sounds soooooo good and I'm sure he really does mean it this time.

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