"Joker," review...he is the left, he is the woke scolds....John Nolte reviews the movie...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we apparently have a director taking aim at the very people who now make it impossible for him to make comedic films.........that who the "Joker" really is...... those same asshats who attack what is normal.... the masked antifa anarchists......the left wing asshats....

'Joker' Review: Todd Phillips Blasts America's Bitter, Jealous, Violent, Fascist Woketards

ā€œJoker is you!ā€ Phillips is saying. ā€œJoker is the godless god you spoiled losers worship; a sociopath who believes in nothing, who wants to burn down society because heā€™s not happy all the time ā€” your leader is Madness, Anarchy, Intolerance, Jealousy, Envy, Bigotry, and Hate.ā€

If that is not enough of a red pill moment, thereā€™s the gun, orā€¦ The Gun.

Joker doesnā€™t get his hands on The Gun due to lax gun control laws. The Gun comes to him illegally. The Gun empowers a dangerously mentally ill individual who is not getting the mental health help he requires because he lives in an urban nightmare run by incompetent urban politicians.

Reviewer after reviewer after reviewer has attacked the movie as siding with Joker, as empathizing with ā€œa white incel who picks up a gun and lashes out at society to solve his problems.ā€ What movie did these idiots watch? Phillips doesnā€™t empathize with Joker. He reverse-engineers him. This character has been around for nearly eighty years, so we already know what he becomes. All Phillips does is take him apart, piece by piece, and give us a tour of his mind.

And it is only in his mind, only in his psychosis that Joker sees himself as capable of humanity and charm. In the real world, the worst of Jokerā€™s murders are so unthinkable Phillips refuses to let us watch.

No, no, noā€¦ Joker is not tomorrowā€™s mass shooter.

He is the golden calf worshiped by the very same woketard critics attacking Joker, looking to blacklist artistic expression; Joker is those on Twitter and on Rotten Tomatoes who have never accomplished a single goddamn thing in their own pathetic lives other than to tear those down who haveā€¦ Joker is the god of those who condemn Phillips for coloring outside the ā€œapprovedā€ lines, for putting RESIST signs in the hands of losers, for daring to speak out against the destruction of his beloved comedy genre in Americaā€™s new Woketopiaā€¦

Joker warns us of what happens when a society is stupid enough to allow the government to control health care, warns us that what the government giveth, the government can also taketh away, and take away from Fleck it does, and without his medication and with The Gun, Fleck at long last finds a way to matter.

Naturally, the shallow sire of celebrity is one way to matter, but even this is not what it seems. Robert De Niroā€™s Johnny Carson-style late night host Murray Franklin isnā€™t the enemy. Sure, he mocks Arthurā€™s failed stand-up attempt, but then he brings him on the show as a guest, gives him a real shot, and doesnā€™t allow his booker to bully the poor guy.

Phillips isnā€™t attacking this old school-style of show business. Instead, heā€™s reminding us of a more gracious era when people could still take a joke, the pre-Colbert-Kimmel era where the mockery was good-natured instead of bitter elitism, where a handshake and a real opportunity followed.

De Niroā€™s Murray Franklin is eventually revealed as a man of conscience and character, a man who made Arthurā€™s dream literally come true.

Sure, Joker is another comic book movie. And yet itā€™s really not. These of us who regularly complain about Hollywoodā€™s lack of originality and adult fare have a reason to rejoice, to have our faith reaffirmed.

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