John Bolton: "My testimony would have made no difference". Says Dims committed "malpractice".


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019

Looks like all these weeks of whining and crying about not hearing from Bolton is over yet another NOTHINGBURGER.

Suck it up Buttercups, you have nothing.

'I sleep at night': Ex-Trump adviser John Bolton says his testimony would not have changed impeachment outcome

WASHINGTON – Former national security adviser John Bolton defended his decision not to testify in the impeachment process against President Donald Trump and said he didn't believe the result would have been any different if he had.

"People can argue about what I should have said and what I should have done," Bolton said Wednesday during a lecture at Vanderbilt University. "I would bet you a dollar right here and now, my testimony would have made no difference to the ultimate outcome.

"I sleep at night because I have followed my conscience."

During the House impeachment inquiry, Bolton declined to testify voluntarily and vowed to fight a subpoena in court. House Democrats decided not to subpoena Bolton, arguing that a lengthy legal battle would render the impeachment – which they said centered on concerns about the integrity of the upcoming election – moot.

On Wednesday, Bolton slammed House Democrats for their handling of the inquiry.

"I think the House committed impeachment malpractice the way they conducted it," he said, drawing groans from the audience.

John Bolton: My testimony would not have changed impeachment outcome
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.

I hope you didn't throw your back out with that lameass spin.:21:
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.

I hope you didn't throw your back out with that lameass spin.:21:
It is known Bolton has a book being held up by the White house. It is also clear Trump will use any means to punish those he sees as traitors against him. Bolton protected his book and his reputation among republicans. He has no loyalty to Trump, he just chickened out and took care of number one.
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.

I hope you didn't throw your back out with that lameass spin.:21:
It is known Bolton has a book being held up by the White house. It is also clear Trump will use any means to punish those he sees as traitors against him. Bolton protected his book and his reputation among republicans. He has no loyalty to Trump, he just chickened out and took care of number one.

Your spin is getting worse. I didn't think that was possible.
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.
Yup … it was always all about the book deal, especially the timing of the leak. Face it … you were scammed again.

Meanwhile the latest Trump-is-done "bombshells" can be seen & heard daily from the very same MSM who have for years filled your mouth with all manner of BS … you swallow.

3 hilarious minutes of your gullibility:
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.
Yup … it was always all about the book deal, especially the timing of the leak. Face it … you were scammed again.

Meanwhile the latest Trump-is-done "bombshells" can be seen & heard daily from the very same MSM who have for years filled your mouth with all manner of BS … you swallow.

3 hilarious minutes of your gullibility:

Dimwingers are worse than Charlie Brown trying to kick a football.
Since the Senate vote was a foregone conclusion all this says is that he saved his own ass and protected his revelations for the book he will release as soon as Trump leaves office.
Yup … it was always all about the book deal, especially the timing of the leak. Face it … you were scammed again.

Meanwhile the latest Trump-is-done "bombshells" can be seen & heard daily from the very same MSM who have for years filled your mouth with all manner of BS … you swallow.

3 hilarious minutes of your gullibility:

Dimwingers are worse than Charlie Brown trying to kick a football.

Certainly more feeble and pathetic than Charlie and if they weren't such anti-American drags on our society their constant hysteria would be funny as hell.

Aw fuggit … they are funny as hell.
Well, it was good for a 12-hour news cycle for the politburo anyway. Now we're on to Orange Man wants to bring back slavery because he mentioned Gone With the Wind.

I know it's hard to keep up, but do try.

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