Joel Pollak, a Jew, defends Stephen Bannon from deomocrat media complex smear machine...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......all of these men of Jewish religious faith defending Stephen Bannon from the same democrats who openly helped hilary try to beat Trump.....and not that he has won....they are trying to smear those who work for him...

Steve Bannon: Friend of the Jewish People, Defender of Israel

I have worked with Stephen K. Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s new chief strategist and senior counselor, for nearly six years at Breitbart News. I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader.

A word or two about my credentials: I am an Orthodox Jew, and I hold a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Studies. My thesis at the Isaac and Jesse Kaplan Centre at the University of Cape Town dealt with the troubled status of Jews in an increasingly anti-Israel, and antisemitic, post-apartheid South Africa. I believe myself to be a qualified judge of what is, and is not, antisemitic.

It defies logic that a man who was a close friend, confidant, and adviser to the late Andrew Breitbart — a proud Jew — could have any negative feelings towards Jews. As I can testify from years of work together with Steve in close quarters, the opposite is the case: Steve is outraged by antisemitism. If anything, he is overly sensitive about it, and often takes offense on Jews’ behalf.
Yep......all of these men of Jewish religious faith defending Stephen Bannon from the same democrats who openly helped hilary try to beat Trump.....and not that he has won....they are trying to smear those who work for him...

Steve Bannon: Friend of the Jewish People, Defender of Israel

I have worked with Stephen K. Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s new chief strategist and senior counselor, for nearly six years at Breitbart News. I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader.

A word or two about my credentials: I am an Orthodox Jew, and I hold a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Studies. My thesis at the Isaac and Jesse Kaplan Centre at the University of Cape Town dealt with the troubled status of Jews in an increasingly anti-Israel, and antisemitic, post-apartheid South Africa. I believe myself to be a qualified judge of what is, and is not, antisemitic.

It defies logic that a man who was a close friend, confidant, and adviser to the late Andrew Breitbart — a proud Jew — could have any negative feelings towards Jews. As I can testify from years of work together with Steve in close quarters, the opposite is the case: Steve is outraged by antisemitism. If anything, he is overly sensitive about it, and often takes offense on Jews’ behalf.

I can't believe they even tried this smear on Bannon. I guess the left wing loons didn't realize that Bannon has been friends with high powered Jews for many a year.

Bet you dollars to donuts the idiots didn't even realize Andrew was a Jew.
Yep......all of these men of Jewish religious faith defending Stephen Bannon from the same democrats who openly helped hilary try to beat Trump.....and not that he has won....they are trying to smear those who work for him...

Steve Bannon: Friend of the Jewish People, Defender of Israel

I have worked with Stephen K. Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s new chief strategist and senior counselor, for nearly six years at Breitbart News. I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader.

A word or two about my credentials: I am an Orthodox Jew, and I hold a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Studies. My thesis at the Isaac and Jesse Kaplan Centre at the University of Cape Town dealt with the troubled status of Jews in an increasingly anti-Israel, and antisemitic, post-apartheid South Africa. I believe myself to be a qualified judge of what is, and is not, antisemitic.

It defies logic that a man who was a close friend, confidant, and adviser to the late Andrew Breitbart — a proud Jew — could have any negative feelings towards Jews. As I can testify from years of work together with Steve in close quarters, the opposite is the case: Steve is outraged by antisemitism. If anything, he is overly sensitive about it, and often takes offense on Jews’ behalf.

I can't believe they even tried this smear on Bannon. I guess the left wing loons didn't realize that Bannon has been friends with high powered Jews for many a year.

Bet you dollars to donuts the idiots didn't even realize Andrew was a Jew.

They still don't realize we have this little thing called the internet....and social media...they can't just throw out lies and have them be the only thing people see and Trump's win shows ...........considering the entire democrat media complex tried to destroy Trump....
Yep......all of these men of Jewish religious faith defending Stephen Bannon from the same democrats who openly helped hilary try to beat Trump.....and not that he has won....they are trying to smear those who work for him...

Steve Bannon: Friend of the Jewish People, Defender of Israel

I have worked with Stephen K. Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s new chief strategist and senior counselor, for nearly six years at Breitbart News. I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader.

A word or two about my credentials: I am an Orthodox Jew, and I hold a Master of Arts degree in Jewish Studies. My thesis at the Isaac and Jesse Kaplan Centre at the University of Cape Town dealt with the troubled status of Jews in an increasingly anti-Israel, and antisemitic, post-apartheid South Africa. I believe myself to be a qualified judge of what is, and is not, antisemitic.

It defies logic that a man who was a close friend, confidant, and adviser to the late Andrew Breitbart — a proud Jew — could have any negative feelings towards Jews. As I can testify from years of work together with Steve in close quarters, the opposite is the case: Steve is outraged by antisemitism. If anything, he is overly sensitive about it, and often takes offense on Jews’ behalf.

I can't believe they even tried this smear on Bannon. I guess the left wing loons didn't realize that Bannon has been friends with high powered Jews for many a year.

Bet you dollars to donuts the idiots didn't even realize Andrew was a Jew.

As long as they have money Trump nor Bannon are racist.
Who's accusing Bannon of anything? Nobody even knows who he is. The only thing people know about him is that he's a partisan hack who ran an embarrassing organization for a while. Why this imagined anti-Semitic victim complex?

And won a Presidential forgot to add that.....
Who's accusing Bannon of anything? Nobody even knows who he is. The only thing people know about him is that he's a partisan hack who ran an embarrassing organization for a while. Why this imagined anti-Semitic victim complex?

here ya go ya hack. GIYF.

Steve Bannon runs an anti-Semitic website, is a misogynist and will be one of Donald Trump’s senior advisers

The democrats in the media pretending to be journalists didn't learn anything from losing the election...they are now using the same smear tactics, out in the open to attack Trump's appointees.........starting with Bannon.......they are going to try to "Palin" him the way they did after john mccain lost the election and they started their jihad against Sarah Palin....

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