Joe "The Hypocrite" Biden

Justin Richardson

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2019
Hell, Michigan
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."
How much you want to bet if Biden makes it to the election, that the blacks will vote for him.
Reminds me of KKK LEADER Sen. Byrd:

Longest serving Senator ever. Dems kept him around for over 51 years, cause he "saw the light and all".;)
Hillary @ his funeral:
“Today our country has lost a true American original, my friend and mentor Robert C. Byrd.”. How many blacks voted for her?:eusa_doh:
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Do you know the circumstances of Lee's citizenship restoration?

Correct me if I am wrong...

He (General Robert E. Lee) was a Confederate General and when the Civil War was over and the southern states became part of the newly United States of America. He commanded the Army Northern Virginia until his surrender in 1865.
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does Robert E.Lee have to do with the "Jews will not replace us" riot?
Hypocrisy is a bunch of hard core GOP folk looking to save memorials to confederate “democrats “.
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does Robert E.Lee have to do with the "Jews will not replace us" riot?
Do you know the circumstances of Lee's citizenship restoration?

Correct me if I am wrong...

He (General Robert E. Lee) was a Confederate General and when the Civil War was over and the southern states became part of the newly United States of America. He commanded the Army Northern Virginia until his surrender in 1865. You don't know a damn thing you're talking about.

After the end of the Civil War President Johnson issued a general amnesty and pardon for former confederates, with a handful of special exceptions for high ranking military and political leaders. Individuals excepted were required to apply for a special pardon, and would be required to take a specified oath expressing loyalty to the United States constitution and government.

Of the 14 classes of individuals Johnson specified, Lee belonged to the third (member of the confederate army above the rank of colonel) and the eight (officers of the confederate military educated by the US government at either of the military academies in West Point or Annapolis). Lee eventually made his application and submitted his written oath, but it never made it to Johnson for an unknown reason. Accordingly, his citizenship was not restored.

In 1970 new documents were discovered showing that Lee sent his application, it was approved by the War Department, and that he had made the required oath in writing. That is why Congress restored Lee's citizenship.
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does Robert E.Lee have to do with the "Jews will not replace us" riot?
The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does Robert E.Lee have to do with the "Jews will not replace us" riot?
The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm

I know all about the statue. That wasn't and isn't the question.

What the question actually was, the OP seems to be running away from.
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."
Yup, It was JOE!

Amid Criticism That He’s Too White, Biden Insists He Has A Black Friend.

It's satire, but is it?
He’ll just say times have changed and gets it. Just like he said with the groping scandal
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."
BLUE ON BLUE: ‘No Better Than White Supremacists’: Students Lash Out at Biden for Using Charlottesville Banner.

Trump Condemned White Supremacists in that speech. He noted that their were good people on both sides of the debate over whether to destroy statues. These liars fool no one.

BLUE ON BLUE: ‘No Better Than White Supremacists’: Students Lash Out at Biden for Using Charlottesville Banner.
Do you know the circumstances of Lee's citizenship restoration?
I do not.

Biden Was Projecting When He Called Trump “Divider-in-Chief.”

As is becoming increasingly evident, the previous Democrat administration, of which Joe was a significant member, was up to its eyeballs in skulduggery, working through allies in the Department of Justice and the FBI (and the CIA and the State Department, apparently), to undermine the Trump presidency before it got started. This gave rise to the Mueller probe that tarnished Trump with outrageous accusations of non-existent Russia collusion for over two years, an act of sabotage unprecedented in our history. Again not a word from Joe.

This was divisiveness taken to the nth power. Yet Biden is advertising himself as the decent man of moderation, our new uniter-in-chief, who will cure all this As if.​

They’re gonna put you all back in chains!
Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship?


But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020 pitch, described a deep divide between his view of Charlottesville as a clash between “those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and Trump’s own view that there were “very fine people on both sides.” Biden, in his announcement video, said Trump’s response to the rally was evidence of a “battle” underway “for the soul of this nation.”
That's going to look real good when Biden has to go up against Trump. I am sure his [Biden] excuse will be: "Man, I am getting old. Cut me some slack."
Joe Biden ferociously supported the 1994 Crime Bill that put a generation of Black Men behind bars. Trump, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, and helped fix the bad 1994 Bill.

“Super Predator" was the term associated with the 1994 Crime Bill that Sleepy Joe Biden was so heavily involved in passing. That was a dark period in American History, but has Sleepy Joe apologized? No!

Biden repeatedly used the racist dog whistles of “predators on our streets” who were “beyond the pale” in a 1993 speech on the justice system, reported CNN. The “Super Predator” term was said by then-First Lady Hillary Clinton in 1996. The term was rightfully viewed as racially charged and Clinton called it “a poor choice of words” when pressed during a Democratic presidential debate in 2016, more than two decades later when it became an issue for her.

Joe Biden’s Role in ’90s Crime Law Could Haunt Any Presidential Bid,” a story by The New York Times declared.

Biden became Senate Judiciary Committee chair in 1987. His crime legislation spree in the 1980s and 1990s did more harm than good, and his many years of lawmaking may hamstring him with Democratic voters who resent his harsh drug and crime legislation and connect it to today’s devastating opioid crisis.

Trump's bipartisan work on criminal justice reform stands in sharp contrast to Biden. Trump signed the First Step Act, which gives judges more leeway when sentencing drug offenders and offers more opportunities for prison rehab programs, on Dec. 21, 2018. Even CNN host and criminal justice reform advocate Van Jones could not help but praise Trump when it passed the Senate, calling the president the “loudest champion on criminal justice.”

“That crime bill was one of the foundations of mass incarceration and a very painful era in our nation’s history,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday. “Biden has to be accountable for every vote they take and what’s on their record. And I think that was a huge mistake.”
Given the extraordinarily sophomoric game theory guiding the media these days, Trump can provide a potent boost in the polls for whichever Democratic presidential candidate he chooses to insult. He's been wise to lay off Pete Buttigieg, and even more to laud and normalize that the South Bend mayor is married to a man. But his Biden panic is an effective call to arms for the media to defend and promote Biden.

If Trump loses Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in 2020, he loses the White House, my friends! Biden won them twice along with Obama

Crazy Bernie Sanders plummeted in the polls once Biden jumped in the race. But interestingly enough, Pocahontas has managed to finagle her way into third place. This is excellent news for Trump because Warren is the worst semi-viable candidate in the race.

Trump's attacks on Biden are depriving his campaign of meaningful attacks he could use later in a general election. They also make that matchup all the more likely. Trump ought to pivot and aim his fire toward Pocahontas, giving her the media boost to unseat Crazy Bernie in the polls and position her to fight Biden. If Trump wants to win, he needs to start by throwing all the attention on the bad candidate he wants to run against.
Democrats are always confused about everything. They really don't have a clue on what they believe in. They just mostly wing it.

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