Joe B's take on the Midterms

The victims were everyone who died from TRUMP PLAGUE
Everyone who lost their jobs during TRUMP RECESSION
Everyone who lost property during TRUMP RIOTS.

But you owned the libs... that's the important thing.
Global, schmuck.
15 Democrat MDs in Congress and not one said a word.
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Equal rights under the law. You right to hate me, doesn't include denying me service for things like race, gender, or religious affiliation.

These places have said they would sell non custom point of sale items, just not contracted items for a specific event.

For that they have to give up their desired way of making a living?

Why does a person's right to a specific cake for a specific event override another person's right to free exercise of their religion?
Show me where Wedding Cakes are mentioned anywhere in the bible. In fact, Wedding Cakes are a Pagan Roman tradition. (They were baked in the shape of genitals to encourage fertility).

Free Exercise does not mean "I can break any law I like as long as I come up with a religious excuse for it." Otherwise, I want to be able to cut out the hearts of my enemies to please my God, Quetzalcoatl.

Are you arguing that a religious person has the right to be homophobe in her business, but an atheist who just doesn't like gay people because he thinks the butt sex is icky shouldn't be able to? What about a person who believes race mixing is against God's plan and won't serve me and my Asian girlfriend.

Show me where government gets to fucking care unless there is a compelling interest.

One situation, but evidently it's all or nothing for miserable anti-religious fucks like you.

That's what the constitution says. Change it if you are that butthurt about it.

In a restaurant? Actual public accommodation, point of sale service. For the contracted cake, why would you want a person providing you a custom service on supposedly the happiest day of your life if you know they think you are living in sin?
SOme people can totally protect the globs of tissue in their own who-has.

When you guys support policies to take care of these unwanted babies, get back to me about your fake concerns.

Another false flag. There are pregnancy crisis centers doing just that, but idiots like Warren want them shut down, and groups like Jane's revenge are vandalizing them.

Government isn't supposed to be charity.
OMG, you are quite the fiction writer. You type words with no proof, so I can call them LIES.
1. 71% of US voters say Biden is on the wrong track.

2. Your lie about voter suppression was disproven by recent voter turnout, duh. So why lie? You just spout talking points knowing that they are lies.

3. The US Constitution's system of "checks and balances" prevents us from losing our democracy. The MSM's propaganda system of lies, distortion, and bias are more of a threat to our democracy than any potential dictator.

4. Republicans have solutions, basically the reverse of everything Biden and the democrats have done.

5. Biden is president now, not Trump. Your TDS is showing. Trump had a higher approval rating than Joe Biden has, duh.

6. The GOP House will keep the democrat agenda at bay, and show the voters why voting democrats out is a win. Investigating the Biden Crime Family is a MAGA-WIN.

No they don’t say Biden is on the wrong track, they say “the country is on the wrong track”. That’s the same percentage of voters who said the country was on the wrong track when Trump was in power.

No they don’t say Biden is on the wrong track, they say “the country is on the wrong track”. That’s the same percentage of voters who said the country was on the wrong track when Trump was in power.

The people who hate Trump did better under Trump than they ever did.
Nah….I’m sure a great nation can stay great with bottom-feeders calling all the shots.

That’s why Trump and his criminal colleagues were voted out of office. And why they’re now facing criminal charges.

Over a million people died. Of course many of them weren’t white so what do you care?
Show me where government gets to fucking care unless there is a compelling interest.
Human rights are a compelling interest. Just like when the government cracked down on all the racist churches such as the Mormons and Bob Jones.

One situation, but evidently it's all or nothing for miserable anti-religious fucks like you.
Yes, you let one person discriminate, then other people will try to pull the same stuff.

That's what the constitution says. Change it if you are that butthurt about it.

The constitution doesn't let you break other laws... otherwise I have a few people I want to introduce to my authentic obsidian knife I use in my sacrifices to Quetzalcoatl

In a restaurant? Actual public accommodation, point of sale service. For the contracted cake, why would you want a person providing you a custom service on supposedly the happiest day of your life if you know they think you are living in sin?

You are trying to draw a distinction that doesn't exist. There was absolutely nothing stopping those bakers from baking the gay wedding cake.

As for why I'd want a vendor to do it, even if they didn't approve? Because I might have a right to service. 50 years ago, the relationship I am currently in would have been illegal in much of the country. I am sure there are people who STILL disapprove. Fuck 'em.

Another false flag. There are pregnancy crisis centers doing just that, but idiots like Warren want them shut down, and groups like Jane's revenge are vandalizing them.

You mean the ones where they lie to women seeking abortions and then try to pressure them into not getting abortions? Fuck those guys, too.

Government isn't supposed to be charity.
No, it's supposed to support policies to promote the general welfare. That's also in the constitution.

Forcing 600,000 more unwanted births a year and THEN not doing anything to provide for them is pretty much the opposite of that.
That’s why Trump and his criminal colleagues were voted out of office. And why they’re now facing criminal charges.

Over a million people died. Of course many of them weren’t white so what do you care?
More died under Biden, Ms. Dementia.
Not really. Frankly, Trump kind of messed up my economic well being when I was laid off in 2020 and my side business declined by 70% because I could no longer meet customers in person.
The authorities didn’t allow you to visit prisoners?!
Not really. Frankly, Trump kind of messed up my economic well being when I was laid off in 2020 and my side business declined by 70% because I could no longer meet customers in person.
That wasn’t Trump; that was COVID.
That’s why Trump and his criminal colleagues were voted out of office. And why they’re now facing criminal charges.

Over a million people died. Of course many of them weren’t white so what do you care?
How many did almost dead Joe kill?
Wasn’t he armed with a plethora of experimental medicine?
Human rights are a compelling interest. Just like when the government cracked down on all the racist churches such as the Mormons and Bob Jones.

Yes, you let one person discriminate, then other people will try to pull the same stuff.

The constitution doesn't let you break other laws... otherwise I have a few people I want to introduce to my authentic obsidian knife I use in my sacrifices to Quetzalcoatl

You are trying to draw a distinction that doesn't exist. There was absolutely nothing stopping those bakers from baking the gay wedding cake.

As for why I'd want a vendor to do it, even if they didn't approve? Because I might have a right to service. 50 years ago, the relationship I am currently in would have been illegal in much of the country. I am sure there are people who STILL disapprove. Fuck 'em.

You mean the ones where they lie to women seeking abortions and then try to pressure them into not getting abortions? Fuck those guys, too.

No, it's supposed to support policies to promote the general welfare. That's also in the constitution.

Forcing 600,000 more unwanted births a year and THEN not doing anything to provide for them is pretty much the opposite of that.T

Not enough to force a person to quit their livelyhood. Free exercise is a human right as well.

That isn't an argument, it's an excuse.

Laws that violate free exercise are unconstitutional, without a compelling government interest, and even then the minimum force must be applied to fix the situation.

You don't have a right to shit in this situation.

The women can always go somewhere else, is your opinion of these women that they are too stupid to figure this out?

General welfare is a statement in the preamble, not an actual article or amendment.
Not enough to force a person to quit their livelyhood. Free exercise is a human right as well.

That isn't an argument, it's an excuse.

Laws that violate free exercise are unconstitutional, without a compelling government interest, and even then the minimum force must be applied to fix the situation.

You don't have a right to shit in this situation.

The women can always go somewhere else, is your opinion of these women that they are too stupid to figure this out?

General welfare is a statement in the preamble, not an actual article or amendment.

If they can't run their business under the law, they should do something else for a livlihood.

They used a minimum amount of force. They fined the bakers. Then the husband decided to Dox the people suing him, subjecting them to death threats, and that's when they came down hard on his ass.

The women who went to this bakery were INVITED by the wife. Then her crazy homophobic husband started ranting at this woman and her mother.

Promote the General Welfare.... seems pretty clear to me. You guys cite the Preamble for years when defending out bloated military budget... even though forever wars in the Middle East were the opposite from what the founders wanted.
If they can't run their business under the law, they should do something else for a livlihood.

They used a minimum amount of force. They fined the bakers. Then the husband decided to Dox the people suing him, subjecting them to death threats, and that's when they came down hard on his ass.

The women who went to this bakery were INVITED by the wife. Then her crazy homophobic husband started ranting at this woman and her mother.

Promote the General Welfare.... seems pretty clear to me. You guys cite the Preamble for years when defending out bloated military budget... even though forever wars in the Middle East were the opposite from what the founders wanted.

Any law that ignores free exercise is unconstitutional.

They fined then over 100k, that isn't minimum.

Your spin on the situation is about as reliable as a PETA charcuterie board.

Those same founders fought the Barbary Pirates, so another one of your bullshit opinions is bullshit.
No they don’t say Biden is on the wrong track, they say “the country is on the wrong track”. That’s the same percentage of voters who said the country was on the wrong track when Trump was in power.
LOL!! Do you have ANY idea how stupid that post is?
1. Did "the country" allow open borders and 5,000,000 migrants to enter the US illegally?
2. Did "the country" issue EOs declaring a "war on energy" causing skyrocketing energy prices?
3. Did "the country" throw money from helicopters causing 8% inflation?
4. Did "the country" say he's "closing coal power-plants"?
5. Did "the country" say he's "stopping all drilling for oil"?
6. Did "the country" send the FBI to investigate concerned parents?
7. Did "the country" cause lawlessness on the streets and DAs who don't prosecute violent criminals?
8. Did "the country" make it unsafe to ride subways or even walk the streets?

Joe Biden and democrat policies are the cause of the 80% "wrong track" number.
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Any law that ignores free exercise is unconstitutional.
Um, no. Not really. Just ask the Branch Davidians. Your crazy religion doesn't trump other laws.

They fined then over 100k, that isn't minimum.
After they Doxxed the people suing them.

Your spin on the situation is about as reliable as a PETA charcuterie board.

I kind of feel sorry for Melissa Klein...all she wanted to do was a business until her husband screwed it up on her. Now she just cowers in the background as he primps in front of Christian groups.

Kick him to the curb, honey.

Those same founders fought the Barbary Pirates, so another one of your bullshit opinions is bullshit.
Did they spend 40 years fighting wars over there like we have?
Um, no. Not really. Just ask the Branch Davidians. Your crazy religion doesn't trump other laws.

After they Doxxed the people suing them.

I kind of feel sorry for Melissa Klein...all she wanted to do was a business until her husband screwed it up on her. Now she just cowers in the background as he primps in front of Christian groups.

Kick him to the curb, honey.

Did they spend 40 years fighting wars over there like we have?

More bullshit spin from one of the biggest bullshitters on the board.

You really are comparing someone having to spend 10 minutes finding another baker to hoarding illegal weapons and explosives?

They spent at least a decade doing it.

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