Joe Biden verbally abuses his staff, especially the women, and the left LOVES it

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You loons had to cheat in 2020 to beat him.
Joe Biden won because most Americans wanted to say with their vote and with pure joy, Donald Trump, you're fired! :thup:

And that's a FACT.

And you can bet your booty, we will with complete joy, do the same thing in the 2024 election, vote against Crooked Donald!!! Amen!
Joe Biden won because most Americans wanted to say with their vote and with pure joy, Donald Trump, you're fired! :thup:

And that's a FACT.

And you can bet your booty, we will with complete joy, do the same thing in the 2024 election, vote against Crooked Donald!!! Amen!

So you're good with Biden verbally abusing his staff. Good to know.
As I've said many times, the Bidens are the most white trash family in America, and the fact that Joe abuses his employees is just more evidence of that.
Now that Ivanka has distanced herself from Trump, he now has to resort to drooling over Kari Lake's ass, instead of his own Daughter. :abgg2q.jpg:
When did she say that?

In fact she left it at the clinic she was treated for her drug and sex addiction. Which she blames on those showers. She wanted it to be found.
Joe Biden won because most Americans wanted to say with their vote and with pure joy, Donald Trump, you're fired! :thup:

And that's a FACT.

And you can bet your booty, we will with complete joy, do the same thing in the 2024 election, vote against Crooked Donald!!! Amen!
Why did 20 fbi agents knowingly lied about Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation right before the election? That persuaded a lot of people not to vote for Trump.
If you tell us Biden

a. Raped a woman
b. Didn't pay his taxes
c. Lied
d. Broke a law
e. Cheated
f. wanted to molest his daughter
g. doesn't spend time with all his kids/grand kids

Anything Biden does, Trump already did. And you defended it. So yea, we will throw it back in your face if suddenly you mind now.

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Her own writing, and before you say it's fake. People were arrested trying to sell it. How does it feel supporting a pedophile that inappropriately took showers with his daughter.
Oh and another thing, you loons are such hypocrites you say Trump molested his daughter because of this picture.
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You loons are idiots.
How do you know that's her own writing? Has any qualified handwriting expert con-firmed that? Has she acknowledged that? Link that being the case.
The suggestion that his staffers have Stockholm syndrome is a good one, because this truly is a cult.

Battered wife syndrome on full display.



Where does the Axios article these guys are tweeting about ....mention Biden being tough on particularly women?

Zoom in: Senior and lower-level aides alike can be in Biden's line of fire. "No one is safe," said one administration official.

  • Biden aides still talk about how angry he got at Jeff Zients, then the administration's "COVID czar," in late 2021 when there was a shortage of testing kits as the Omicron variant spread. (The rage was temporary. Zients is now Biden's chief of staff.)
  • A spokesperson for Zients told Axios: "I'm not going to speak to what internal convos may or may not have happened between Jeff and the president."
  • The White House declined to comment.
"There's no question that the Biden temper is for real. It may not be as volcanic as Bill Clinton’s, but it's definitely there," said Chris Whipple, author of "The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House."

  • Whipple's book quotes former White House press secretary Jen Psaki as saying: "I said to [Biden] multiple times, 'I'll know we have a really good, trusting relationship when you yell at me the first time.'"
  • Whipple notes: "Psaki wouldn't have to wait long."
Zoom out: Biden's temper comes in the form of angry interrogations rather than erratic tantrums.

  • He'll grill aides on topics until it's clear they don’t know the answer to a question — a routine that some see as meticulous and others call "stump the chump" or "stump the dummy."
  • Being yelled at by the president has become an internal initiation ceremony in this White House, aides say — if Biden doesn't yell at you, it could be a sign he doesn't respect you.
Ted Kaufman, Biden's longtime chief of staff when the future president represented Delaware in the Senate, told Axios that Biden's process is policy-driven, and has made him a strong executive.

  • "If there is something that's not in the brief, he's going to find it," he said. "It's not to embarrass people, it's because he wants to get to the right decision. Most people who have worked for him like the fact that he challenges them and gets them to a better decision."
Some Biden aides argue that the president's rages reflect his high expectations for his staff.

  • "Speaking Biden" is a particular skill, they said. It can take years to learn to navigate his moodiness, and anticipate what information he's going to ask for in a briefing.

  • Some administration officials, many of whom went to elite schools, struggle with Biden's demand to ditch wonky, acronym-filled language and brief him as if they were talking to a close family member who isn't in the D.C. bubble.
  • Biden's defenders acknowledge he can be tough. But they also say he can be more generous and compassionate than many powerful politicians and can make them feel like family. That's partly why so many aides have worked with Biden for decades, and go in and out of his orbit, they say.
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Where does the Axios article these guys are tweeting about mentionEd being tough on particularly women?

Zoom in: Senior and lower-level aides alike can be in Biden's line of fire. "No one is safe," said one administration official.

  • Biden aides still talk about how angry he got at Jeff Zients, then the administration's "COVID czar," in late 2021 when there was a shortage of testing kits as the Omicron variant spread. (The rage was temporary. Zients is now Biden's chief of staff.)
  • A spokesperson for Zients told Axios: "I'm not going to speak to what internal convos may or may not have happened between Jeff and the president."
  • The White House declined to comment.
"There's no question that the Biden temper is for real. It may not be as volcanic as Bill Clinton’s, but it's definitely there," said Chris Whipple, author of "The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House."

  • Whipple's book quotes former White House press secretary Jen Psaki as saying: "I said to [Biden] multiple times, 'I'll know we have a really good, trusting relationship when you yell at me the first time.'"
  • Whipple notes: "Psaki wouldn't have to wait long."
Zoom out: Biden's temper comes in the form of angry interrogations rather than erratic tantrums.

  • He'll grill aides on topics until it's clear they don’t know the answer to a question — a routine that some see as meticulous and others call "stump the chump" or "stump the dummy."
  • Being yelled at by the president has become an internal initiation ceremony in this White House, aides say — if Biden doesn't yell at you, it could be a sign he doesn't respect you.
Ted Kaufman, Biden's longtime chief of staff when the future president represented Delaware in the Senate, told Axios that Biden's process is policy-driven, and has made him a strong executive.

  • "If there is something that's not in the brief, he's going to find it," he said. "It's not to embarrass people, it's because he wants to get to the right decision. Most people who have worked for him like the fact that he challenges them and gets them to a better decision."
Some Biden aides argue that the president's rages reflect his high expectations for his staff.

  • "Speaking Biden" is a particular skill, they said. It can take years to learn to navigate his moodiness, and anticipate what information he's going to ask for in a briefing.

  • Some administration officials, many of whom went to elite schools, struggle with Biden's demand to ditch wonky, acronym-filled language and brief him as if they were talking to a close family member who isn't in the D.C. bubble.
  • Biden's defenders acknowledge he can be tough. But they also say he can be more generous and compassionate than many powerful politicians and can make them feel like family. That's partly why so many aides have worked with Biden for decades, and go in and out of his orbit, they say.

Is that the part that bothers you?

How do you know that "20 fbi agents knowingly lied"?

Funny how MAGAts are all in on "diaries" and "laptops" with no con-firmed chain of custody.

Actually, it was 51 "senior intelligence officials" who told that lie, as well as numerous FBI supervisors who ordered their subordinates to stop looking into the issue. It was widely reported outside the tiny bubble you live in.


It is hardly a news story that Joe Potatohead is an asshole.

Clarence Thomas told us that Potatohead was a dumbshit years ago and we always knew he was piece of shit.

Here he is fucking up on his trip to UK. Is it dementia or cocaine?

Old Joe Is Completely Lost: King Charles Visibly Frustrated, Has Trouble Urging Joe Biden to Move On During Honor Guard Inspection (VIDEO)

It’s no secret to anyone paying attention that Joe Biden is visibly suffering through mid-stage dementia.

The 80-year-old can barely walk and has no idea what he is doing anymore.

Democrats are running Old Joe for president again which tells you EVERYTHING about the blatant fraud in our elections.

On Monday Joe Biden looked like he could barely walk as he arrived in London for a visit. He later had trouble walking to Windsor Castle.

Biden then walked in front of King Charles during the inspection of the honor guard. The fake news made a HUGE deal out of this when Trump was president.

And at one point King Charles was visibly frustrated as he was forced to tell Old Joe to move on during the presentation after Joe stopped and started talking to the Honor Guard.

What a disgrace.
No. She never said that thing about the shower. That some right winger made up. And you swallowed it.

To be honest, so did I. Why? Because she didn't say "he molested me". She said "he took showers with me and made me feel uncomfortable".

Who would make that up? Well it turns out, Republicans would make that up. It's perfect. They didn't go so far it would be easy to disbelieve. But to say he took showers with her and it made her feel "uncomfortable".

You guys are good liars.

What kind of Father does that?
Turns out that is a lie. Made up.

You defend Trump after his staff told you

a. They wouldn't leave women alone with Trump
b. He would often say how much he wanted to F ivanka.
They left Hillary with her husband with women, and she joined in. Progs have the greatest propaganda machine in human history.
Having Joe Potatohead, who is the world's biggest buffoon, is a hoot and a half. Our buffoon made the UK's buffoon look royal, regal, and sensible. And that takes a lot.
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