Joe Biden is leading many to faith

Excuses are like ASSHOLES.........even you have one. The question you forgot to ask.........why did oil bottom out? It was the policies of one Donald John Trump that brought the big oil cartels to their knees.

As soon as the democrats gain power its........ WHAT YOU CALL.....Back to normal? Dependency upon 3rd world shitholes and WAR? Who needs the Saudi's and Russian produces less than 3% of the oil required (can we spell EXCUSE?)......the US has more than enough OIL to be totally energy independent from the OIL cartels in the Middle East. As pointed out.............its the DEMOCRATS that keep forcing the US to be dependent upon these shithole nations by shutting down fossil fuel production in the US. Its all about the attempt to force GREEN ENERGY upon THE PEOPLE way before the technology exists to exit fossil fuel dependency.

The results? You are looking at the results of such idiocy. Super inflation while the US becomes another banana republic.

The democrat party is ass deep in bed with the Chicoms. Just look at the Biden Crime Family. Follow the money. First you cause the world wide panic (the chicom virus) then pretend to be the answer to the problem created by your criminal party.

TRUTH: Donald Trump scares the crap out of you communist puppets.
I'm trying to tell you the truth, something your Donald Trump will never do. And he scares himself, no one else; he is and always has been a bad joke. He isn't even a good criminal, always getting caught.
The 10th Amendment is a bitch, ain't it?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Looks like maybe SCOTUS read that part and correctly decided RvW is not a power delegated to the Federal government.
he doesn't care

all he cares about is being able to kill any children he accidentally creates when all he wanted was to have fun and use a woman for a night or 2
Excuses are like ASSHOLES.........even you have one. The question you forgot to ask.........why did oil bottom out? It was the policies of one Donald John Trump that brought the big oil cartels to their knees.

As soon as the democrats gain power its........ WHAT YOU CALL.....Back to normal? Dependency upon 3rd world shitholes and WAR? Who needs the Saudi's and Russian produces less than 3% of the oil required (can we spell EXCUSE?)......the US has more than enough OIL to be totally energy independent from the OIL cartels in the Middle East. As pointed out.............its the DEMOCRATS that keep forcing the US to be dependent upon these shithole nations by shutting down fossil fuel production in the US. Its all about the attempt to force GREEN ENERGY upon THE PEOPLE way before the technology exists to exit fossil fuel dependency.

The results? You are looking at the results of such idiocy. Super inflation while the US becomes another banana republic.

The democrat party is ass deep in bed with the Chicoms. Just look at the Biden Crime Family. Follow the money. First you cause the world wide panic (the chicom virus) then pretend to be the answer to the problem created by your criminal party.

TRUTH: Donald Trump scares the crap out of you communist puppets.
i agree

but what is the chicom?
i agree

but what is the chicom?
Chi = Chinese, Com = Communist "Chicoms". Biden and his criminal cronies have been in bed with the Chinese Government for years, laundering money as legit businesses dealings, just like sending tax payer monies to the Ukraine and then washing it back into their personal bank accounts through the CIA puppets they have placed in leadership roles within the Ukrainian government. Can you blame Putin for wanting to kick the US CIA out of what was once the central of the USSR? Putin is being painted as the bad guy by the progressive communists of this nation in order to give the Chicoms room to continue to attack our economy and internet systems.

The liberals hold out their left hand and declare.........See Putin? All the while giving China a free reign to weaponize designer viruses in order to slow the economic growth that was developing under the last administration, not to mention using manufactured mail in ballots for the last election with the "planned-demic" as an excuse not to physically go to the polls, as well as attempting to use the same excuse to control the world's energy markets.
he doesn't care

all he cares about is being able to kill any children he accidentally creates when all he wanted was to have fun and use a woman for a night or 2
I think you're talking about donald trump.
If states do not act responsibly in this endeavor, the federal government will have no other choice but to intervene again. So far they are proving they are less irresponsible than they were prior to 1973.
The Constitution provides a means for changing it. Merely repeal the 10th Amendment.

Good luck with that.
I'm trying to tell you the truth, something your Donald Trump will never do. And he scares himself, no one else; he is and always has been a bad joke. He isn't even a good criminal, always getting caught.
drama queen 2.jpg
The Constitution provides a means for changing it. Merely repeal the 10th Amendment.

Good luck with that.
Actually it's on the states now, if they start causing chaos with their egregious abortion laws they will be the ones in trouble. You can't take away a woman's right to choose. It's inhuman. And believe it or not, the state and the courts do not have any right to control women's bodies. That should be the most fundamental law of all.
Actually it's on the states now, if they start causing chaos with their egregious abortion laws they will be the ones in trouble. You can't take away a woman's right to choose. It's inhuman. And believe it or not, the state and the courts do not have any right to control women's bodies. That should be the most fundamental law of all.
Not being allowed to kill human beings because they're inconvenient is inhuman?

So you're just making shit up now, huh?
Not being allowed to kill human beings because they're inconvenient is inhuman?

So you're just making shit up now, huh?
Are human being has to be born, we all have birth dates. That immediately disqualifies fetuses. And the first thing I hear out of you so called pro-life people is these women are sluts, these women are are whores, these women are incompetent, it's only a matter of convenience. My question is what gave you the right to judge someone you don't know and obviously don't care about. You don't have that right, the government doesn't have that right the courts don't have that right. This decision should only involve the woman and her doctor. Everyone else is just interfering and not needed at all. They're only complicated and already often difficult situation. Not all women who have abortions want them, they have to have them.
I'm trying to tell you the truth, something your Donald Trump will never do. And he scares himself, no one else; he is and always has been a bad joke. He isn't even a good criminal, always getting caught.
Ever notice who are the first to bring up the Donald? Just like its always same people who bring up Homosexuality and place labels upon people. Psych attack what you fear.

Question? If the democrats do not fear the Donald.......why spend the last 6 years attempting to dig up skeletons in a closet where no skeletons exist because the Donald was never a two faced politician blowing smoke up the people's kesters while becoming rich on the tax payer dime. Simply look at congress and the you know what party leads in having re-election campaign contributions from that evil 1% of the most wealthy? Ever wonder why the democrats fight tooth and nail for the larger cities with the most population, such as NY, LA, SF....Chicago...etc.? Because of the support from multimillionaires (including themselves) that exist in these large cities. That's exactly why the communist liberals want to do away with the electoral college and make all races a popularity contest of the largest cities. Yet the democrat declare that republicans are the party of the 1%ers. The democrat party would be extinct without the help of the same Wall St. Corporations and Big Banking families they pretend to hate.

What party was responsible for the failed NAFTA........that saw hundreds of thousands of good jobs go to other nations? What party actually appointed themselves as CEO of General Motors.......claiming it was to big to fail? What party used TAX PAYER monies to fund private sector union pensions? The democrats do not believe in a free market........they like to regulate everything to hell and back and then claim to have the answer to the same problems that over regulation has created.
Ever notice who are the first to bring up the Donald? Just like its always same people who bring up Homosexuality and place labels upon people. Psych attack what you fear.

Question? If the democrats do not fear the Donald.......why spend the last 6 years attempting to dig up skeletons in a closet where no skeletons exist because the Donald was never a two faced politician blowing smoke up the people's kesters while becoming rich on the tax payer dime. Simply look at congress and the you know what party leads in having re-election campaign contributions from that evil 1% of the most wealthy? Ever wonder why the democrats fight tooth and nail for the larger cities with the most population, such as NY, LA, SF....Chicago...etc.? Because of the support from multimillionaires (including themselves) that exist in these large cities. That's exactly why the communist liberals want to do away with the electoral college and make all races a popularity contest of the largest cities. Yet the democrat declare that republicans are the party of the 1%ers. The democrat party would be extinct without the help of the same Wall St. Corporations and Big Banking families they pretend to hate.

What party was responsible for the failed NAFTA........that saw hundreds of thousands of good jobs go to other nations? What party actually appointed themselves as CEO of General Motors.......claiming it was to big to fail? What party used TAX PAYER monies to fund private sector union pensions? The democrats do not believe in a free market........they like to regulate everything to hell and back and then claim to have the answer to the same problems that over regulation has created.
Post 63 was what I was responding to. You brought up donald trump.
Are human being has to be born, we all have birth dates. That immediately disqualifies fetuses. And the first thing I hear out of you so called pro-life people is these women are sluts, these women are are whores, these women are incompetent, it's only a matter of convenience. My question is what gave you the right to judge someone you don't know and obviously don't care about. You don't have that right, the government doesn't have that right the courts don't have that right. This decision should only involve the woman and her doctor. Everyone else is just interfering and not needed at all. They're only complicated and already often difficult situation. Not all women who have abortions want them, they have to have them.
I value human life. You don't. That moral high ground you believe you're standing on are the dismembered corpses of 61+ million human lives pulled from their proper place.

You disgust me.
I value human life. You don't. That moral high ground you believe you're standing on are the dismembered corpses of 61+ million human lives pulled from their proper place.

You disgust me.
You are total hypocrite, you disgust me. No child has ever been the victim of abortion, only fetuses. You drank the poison hook line and sinker.
Post 63 was what I was responding to. You brought up donald trump.
More "semantics"? do not think that people are as intelligent as you and fail to comprehend the implied language presented? The quint essential left wing answer.........deflect but never actually address the truth presented.

The 3rd post on this very thread does not exist, and "Trumpster" is not referring to THE DONALD.

Another "semantical" lie by a lefty..........who'd a thunk it? :no_text11: That is the problem with all child like progressives who have been indoctrinated but never engage your mouth before your brain even knows it has been challenged by the facts in evidence that surrounds it.
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More "semantics"? do not think that people are as intelligent as you and fail to comprehend the implied language presented? The quint essential left wing answer.........deflect but never actually address the truth presented.

The 3rd post on this very thread does not exist, and "Trumpster" is not referring to THE DONALD.

Another "semantical" lie by a lefty..........who'd a thunk it? :no_text11: That is the problem with all child like progressives who have been indoctrinated but never engage your mouth before your brain even knows it has been challenged by the facts in evidence that surrounds it.
You must be insane. You are trying to accuse me of things you are doing. I'm done with you. Try to have a nice day, I plan on it.
More "semantics"? do not think that people are as intelligent as you and fail to comprehend the implied language presented? The quint essential left wing answer.........deflect but never actually address the truth presented.

The 3rd post on this very thread does not exist, and "Trumpster" is not referring to THE DONALD.

Another "semantical" lie by a lefty..........who'd a thunk it? :no_text11: That is the problem with all child like progressives who have been indoctrinated but never engage your mouth before your brain even knows it has been challenged by the facts in evidence that surrounds it.
Reread your own words in post 63, I'm sorry but you sound very ignorant. Or you're just full of bullshit, either way your nonsense doesn't interest me in the least.

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