Joe Biden is leading many to faith

Trump did well--it's a lie to pretend otherwise.

Biden has sold us out for decades to the chinese communists and others--------------------you should leave if you don't understand these basics.
that was corporations seeking lower labor costs, not Biden.

you are a joke

so you believe abortion should be left to the states and not the women that are affected ... so much for your murder claim, christian. are they 2/3 less citizens like african americans. in -- your state. you also lost the civil war, loser try and get over it.

find somewhere else to live as already recommend for you than the u s that stands for personal choice over sociopaths hiding behind madeup religions trying to tell other people how to live their lives.

contraception and abortion are the same result, whether you like the reality or not.
When are wars won exactly?

For example, America defeated the National Socialists of Germany and also the former communists of the USSR in a cold war, but then the Left later took over their own country via politics.

Wars don't end.

PSALM 2021-22

Biden is the shepherd I did not want.

He leadeth me beside the still factories.

He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.

He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,

I shall fear no hunger, for his bailouts are with me.

He has anointed my income with taxes,

My expenses runneth over.

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,

And I will live in a mortgaged home forever..

I am glad I am American,

I am glad that I am free.

But I wish I was a dog .....

And Biden was a tree.

And so it tiz...

And no, I didn't write it but refuse to tell you who did.

Jerry Falwell in the 60's used abortion to get his congregation to vote for Republicans. I can see stupid Trump supporters being sucked into religion very easily. A lot of them would enjoy church if they would just give it a try. This battle is great for religion. It's a recruiting mechanism.
When are wars won exactly?

For example, America defeated the National Socialists of Germany and also the former communists of the USSR in a cold war, but then the Left later took over their own country via politics.

Wars don't end.

-- your state. you also lost the civil war, loser try and get over it.

not sure where your post came from, certainly wars are won - temporarily any way ... however the addition to the constitution will not easily be removed as starting a new war - too bad for daveman he luvs his state so ...

as for the nazi's ...


they're back - will they be stepped on like roaches for removal, time will tell.
then, you need to revoke the 14th - civil war - amendment, states rights do not exist exclusive to themselves - and never really did. -

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

or better, just run away to where people only care for themselves and cry like little babies ...

No one's denying free elections, nor are they wanting to restrict voting rights. Your leftists leaders are lying to you. As for abortion, it should be left to each state to decide, as outlined in the Constitution.

And you have a happy new year, bones.
Why would a medical procedure be a matter for the states to decide in the first place ? Isn't that outside their jurisdiction. An overreach of tremendous proportions.
Whenever I see Trumpsters talking religion, I start looking around for some kind of online lightning.
Its very entertaining when the democrats, on occasion, gain control of the government..........its like living in a Bizarro world. You have the democrats saying and promising everything, declaring how government is the answer to the problems created by the very same democrat party the last time they were in power. They say one thing and the reality produced is the exact opposite.........its a Clown Show with the blind leading deaf and dumb.
Its very entertaining when the democrats, on occasion, gain control of the government..........its like living in a Bizarro world. You have the democrats saying and promising everything, declaring how government is the answer to the problems created by the very same democrat party the last time they were in power. They say one thing and the reality produced is the exact opposite.........its a Clown Show with the blind leading deaf and dumb.
The clown show is the Republicans trading in their souls and following trump. He is the saddest clown that ever was.
That was a great poem

I don't normally like poetry but I like the kind that makes me LOL and reflects reality such as this one
Then you must have really opposed the Federal government being involved in it.
I guess you weren't alive back then. The whole reason that the federal government stepped in is because the states were creating all kinds of problems because of the " egregious " abortion laws they were passing. It's ironic, because the abortion laws that are passing now, even before Roe versus Wade has been done away with, are even more egregious. We are just beginning to witness the problems they are creating once again already.
I guess you weren't alive back then. The whole reason that the federal government stepped in is because the states were creating all kinds of problems because of the " egregious " abortion laws they were passing. It's ironic, because the abortion laws that are passing now, even before Roe versus Wade has been done away with, are even more egregious. We are just beginning to witness the problems they are creating once again already.
The 10th Amendment is a bitch, ain't it?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Looks like maybe SCOTUS read that part and correctly decided RvW is not a power delegated to the Federal government.
The 10th Amendment is a bitch, ain't it?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Looks like maybe SCOTUS read that part and correctly decided RvW is not a power delegated to the Federal government.
If states do not act responsibly in this endeavor, the federal government will have no other choice but to intervene again. So far they are proving they are less irresponsible than they were prior to 1973.
If states do not act responsibly in this endeavor, the federal government will have no other choice but to intervene again. So far they are proving they are less irresponsible than they were prior to 1973.
" Less responsible than they were prior to 1973. " Is what the last sentence should read.
The clown show is the Republicans trading in their souls and following trump. He is the saddest clown that ever was.
Yeah.......that must be why Gas has went from under 2 dollars to over 5 dollars a gallon.....why inflation is rampant with vital food stuffs tripling in price........why illegal drugs and aliens are flooding our southern border......why the US has went from the number one producer of fossil fuel exports to the need to go to 3rd world shitholes to import energy, why crime is up and mass shootings have become common place.......inspite of the democrats attempting to punish the inanimate weapon instead of enforcing the laws already on the books and stopping the actual criminals that kill unarmed innocent people. The left has made nothing more than sheep of We the People as they are being slaughtered in our public schools churches, shopping malls etc., Another promise gone to hell and back?

That evil TRUMP......he must have planted a time bomb for the US economy, or its just a quinky dink that our economy is going to hell under democrat leadership......or the lack thereof. The proof is actually in the pudding.

Why.........the US has been on the verge of a global war since Brain Dead Biden has been in office. Real management. The democrats point to the republicans as being War Profiteers ..............but its been nothing but endless conflict since Biden. Can we spell KICK BACK?

As I say one thing but We the People get the opposite of what was promised.........high energy costs, high crime rates, more drugs, more mass shootings, while the democrats Fiddle like Nero in's that dog and pony show going while this nation burns to the ground? Have you Got TRUMP YET? Vindictive AOs. You did nothing while the US was literally burning to the ground in was just peaceful protesting....with murders, billions of dollars in property damage....but 1 day with no one killed in a protest in DC, Jan. 6 th has been investigated for almost 2 years while the US economy goes to hell.

The left has dug its own this latest CLOWN SHOW.
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Yeah.......that must be why Gas has went from under 2 dollars to over 5 dollars a gallon.....why inflation is rampant with vital food stuffs tripling in price........why illegal drugs and aliens are flooding our southern border......why the US has went from the number one producer of fossil fuel exports to the need to go to 3rd world shitholes to import energy, why crime is up and mass shootings have become common place.......inspite of the democrats attempting to punish the inanimate weapon instead of enforcing the laws already on the books and stopping the actual criminals that kill unarmed innocent people. The left has made nothing more than sheep of We the People as they are being slaughtered in our public schools churches, shopping malls etc., Another promise gone to hell and back?

Why.........the US has been on the verge of a global war since Brain Dead Biden has been in office. Real management. The democrats point to the republicans as being War Profiteers ..............but its been nothing but endless conflict since Biden. Can we spell KICK BACK?

As I say one thing but We the People get the opposite of what was promised.........high energy costs, high crime rates, more drugs, more mass shootings, while the democrats Fiddle like Nero in's that dog and pony show going while this nation burns to the ground? Have you Got TRUMP YET? Vindictive AOs. You did nothing while the US was literally burning to the ground in was just peaceful protesting....with murders, billions of dollars in property damage....but 1 day with no one killed in a protest in DC, Jan. 6 th has been investigated for almost 2 years while the US economy goes to hell.

The left has dug its own this latest CLOWN SHOW.
Ask yourself who controls the oil. It's not the Democrats. Therein lies that problem and it's creating all the other problems.
Ask yourself who controls the oil. It's not the Democrats. Therein lies that problem and it's creating all the other problems.
Yeah.......its not the democrats......just another quinky dink? The democrats are not to blame for shutting down fossil fuel production. It was just a quinky dink that the US was the number one exporter of oil/fossil fuel energy under the Trump Administration.

You do know that the democrats have the option to place a freeze on wages and the Republicans did in the 70s fuel Where is the leadership? Gas is now 5.00 a gallon in every state in the Union........for the 1st time in US HISTORY. Fiddle while Rome burns..........we must go green. :abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah.......its not the democrats......just another quinky dink? The democrats are not to blame for shutting down fossil fuel production. It was just a quinky dink that the US was the number one exporter of oil/fossil fuel energy under the Trump Administration.

You do know that the democrats have the option to place a freeze on wages and the Republicans did in the 70s fuel Where is the leadership? Gas is now 5.00 a gallon in every state in the Union........for the 1st time in US HISTORY. Fiddle while Rome burns..........we must go green. :abgg2q.jpg:
And when did you hear that the US was the number one oil exporter in the world and we were self-sufficient. In the middle of the pandemic because there was no demand for it nothing was happening nobody was going anywhere. We can always be sufficient when that happens. Everything's going full steam now, there are more jobs than people available to fill them, the airlines are almost back to normal, supply and demand chains are getting back to normal. We went from no demand to super demand, of course there's going to be problems. And the oil situation, well did you know that by 2040 the Earth will be out of oil entirely. The reason the Saudis cut production and raise prices is because their oil fields are more than 50% depleted, they know once the oil is gone all they will be left with Sand dunes. So they're trying to gouge us now. Russia was our third biggest supplier and now they're out of the picture because they invaded the Ukraine. The president and both houses of Congress approved of that ban. I realize the gas prices are shocked to most people, they may go down a little but I don't think they'll ever go back to the low levels they were before the pandemic hit. Supply and demand decides that for the most part, but of course personal greed place a part too.
And when did you hear that the US was the number one oil exporter in the world and we were self-sufficient. In the middle of the pandemic because there was no demand for it nothing was happening nobody was going anywhere. We can always be sufficient when that happens. Everything's going full steam now, there are more jobs than people available to fill them, the airlines are almost back to normal, supply and demand chains are getting back to normal. We went from no demand to super demand, of course there's going to be problems. And the oil situation, well did you know that by 2040 the Earth will be out of oil entirely. The reason the Saudis cut production and raise prices is because their oil fields are more than 50% depleted, they know once the oil is gone all they will be left with Sand dunes. So they're trying to gouge us now. Russia was our third biggest supplier and now they're out of the picture because they invaded the Ukraine. The president and both houses of Congress approved of that ban. I realize the gas prices are shocked to most people, they may go down a little but I don't think they'll ever go back to the low levels they were before the pandemic hit. Supply and demand decides that for the most part, but of course personal greed place a part too.
Excuses are like ASSHOLES.........even you have one. The question you forgot to ask.........why did oil bottom out? It was the policies of one Donald John Trump that brought the big oil cartels to their knees.

As soon as the democrats gain power its........ WHAT YOU CALL.....Back to normal? Dependency upon 3rd world shitholes and WAR? Who needs the Saudi's and Russian produces less than 3% of the oil required (can we spell EXCUSE?)......the US has more than enough OIL to be totally energy independent from the OIL cartels in the Middle East. As pointed out.............its the DEMOCRATS that keep forcing the US to be dependent upon these shithole nations by shutting down fossil fuel production in the US. Its all about the attempt to force GREEN ENERGY upon THE PEOPLE way before the technology exists to exit fossil fuel dependency.

The results? You are looking at the results of such idiocy. Super inflation while the US becomes another banana republic.

The democrat party is ass deep in bed with the Chicoms. Just look at the Biden Crime Family. Follow the money. First you cause the world wide panic (the chicom virus) then pretend to be the answer to the problem created by your criminal party.

TRUTH: Donald Trump scares the crap out of you communist puppets.
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