Joe Biden IS Gutting Our First Amendment (Free Speech)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Let's take a look at the now becoming famous Politico story that broke the news a few days ago about Biden and the 1st Amendment (free speech). >> “Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.”

Jen Psaki, whose job as press secretary is devoted to making the outlandish sound routine, elaborated on the plan Thursday and confirmed it’s already in operation. Within the Surgeon General’s Office, we’re flagging posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” Psaki said. “We’re working with doctors and medical professionals to connect medical experts with people, who are popular with their audiences, with accurate information and boost trusted content. So, we’re helping get trusted content out there.”

So the government is not only “flagging” people it doesn’t like, it’s also helping to “boost trusted content.”
“It’s important to take faster action against harmful posts,”
Psaki added. “As you all know, information travels quite quickly on social media platforms. Sometimes it’s not accurate, and Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful violative posts.”

Her words,not accurate” and “harmful violative posts,” are so vague as to give the government an open-ended license to push Facebook and other platforms to censor almost anything somebody in the White House doesn’t like.

Sure, this all starts with disagreements over COVID, but why would it end there? Suppose there’s a story about, oh, let’s take a wild stab and say the foreign business interests of the president’s son that also implicate the president.

Might there be any pressure on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and others to block the story from being shared? Does any of this sound familiar? Psaki dug a deeper hole Friday by arguing that people banned from one social media platform should also be banned from others. Her proposal effectively urges the companies to create a unified ban against American citizens.

On top of Biden’s inflammatory accusation, her remarks and the government’s actions make it clear we are far down the slippery slope.

There’s already one example of the potential impacts. The Post’s expose on Hunter Biden’s laptop last October was blocked by Big Tech for two crucial weeks while voting in the presidential election was underway. Later, a poll found most voters were not aware of the stories, and some 8 percent said they would have voted differently had they known the facts. Most folks might not be seeing how huge this all is.

Thanks to Michael Goodwin at the New York Post for supplying this much of this harrowing information.


DNC isn't monitoring private messaging, and Biden isn't involved​

In an email to USA TODAY, a spokesperson for the DNC said the claim was false on several counts. Senior spokesperson Lucas Acosta said the committee is not monitoring private texts, and the Biden administration is not part of the initiative.

"Of course the DNC has no ability to access or read people’s private text messages, and we are not working with any government agency, including the White House, to try to see personal text messages," he wrote.

Rather, Acosta said, "when the DNC's counter disinformation program receives complaints or reports of fraudulent broadcast SMSs that we believe violate the text aggregators’ terms of service, we notify the broadcast text platform to help combat this troubling trend.”
someone needs to complain.
Right wingers are so simple minded. They don’t even understand the basic concept of free speech. Any right wingers willing to let me put up a sign in their yard saying “Republicans are racist simpletons”? No? What about my free speech?

It's your yard do what you will. It's people like YOU who want to use force against any "speech" you don't like.

DNC isn't monitoring private messaging, and Biden isn't involved​

In an email to USA TODAY, a spokesperson for the DNC said the claim was false on several counts. Senior spokesperson Lucas Acosta said the committee is not monitoring private texts, and the Biden administration is not part of the initiative.

"Of course the DNC has no ability to access or read people’s private text messages, and we are not working with any government agency, including the White House, to try to see personal text messages," he wrote.

Rather, Acosta said, "when the DNC's counter disinformation program receives complaints or reports of fraudulent broadcast SMSs that we believe violate the text aggregators’ terms of service, we notify the broadcast text platform to help combat this troubling trend.”
someone needs to complain.

Child EVERY post you make, every text you send, every phone call you make is logged by the Gov. You don't that the Executive Branch can't access them?
Right wingers are so simple minded. They don’t even understand the basic concept of free speech. Any right wingers willing to let me put up a sign in their yard saying “Republicans are racist simpletons”? No? What about my free speech?

Facebook has every right to allow or disallow anything they want. The problem here is the government being involved.

The government isn't all that trustworthy. I'm sure they would have flagged man made virus posts not long ago. (Still might).

The government has made remarks about putting restrictions on social media. When they do that and then flag something for removal what is a site supposed to do? Risk government retaliation?

When Facebook was removing posts I was clearly on the side of them being able to. When the government is pointing out what to remove that is completely different.
Limiting your speech on a private platform is not violating your free speech. Just like not allowing you to post everything you want here is not a violation of your free speech.
It is when the Govt is involved. The private citizen, or company can become a state actor if directed by the Govt.

"If the government merely acquiesces in the performance of an act by a private individual or organization it is not state action, but if the government coerces, influences, or encourages the performance of the act, it is state action "(Rendell-Baker v. Kohn, 457 U.S. 830 (1982)

"If the government merely enters into a contract with an individual or organization for the goods or services, the actions of the private party are not state action, but if the government and the private party enter into a "joint enterprise" or a "symbiotic relationship" with each other it is state action" (Burton v. Wilmington Parking Authority, 365 U.S. 715 (1961));

"If government agencies are simply members of a private organization, the actions of the organization are not state action, but if the government is "pervasively entwined" with the leadership of the private organization, the acts of the organization are state action" (Brentwood Academy v. Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association, 535 U.S. 971 (2002)).
What is being implemented now is odious
I don’t know if USMB is under the gun yet but internet posting that are dismissive of Covid are disappearing in droves as this false premise of “you are killing people” is another emotional fiction that has gained traction. Pretty much comments or opinions that endorse the panic are the only ones that can remain
Very very very sinister and it’s lib loons faults for being such sheepish advocates of lockdowns and other freedom grabbing compliance.
No, it isn't. If you come in my house demanding to be able to talk about what a great president Trump was, my throwing you out is not curtailing your free speech.

And the feds are not in control of the content of FaceBook, Twitter or any other social media.
That’s because coming to your private home is an Act and not speech.

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