Joe Biden Confesses On Camera

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
So,.. umm,.. Trump was lying was he? My question is why isn't he locked up and Trump back in the white house? This idiot just told on himself and his whole entire administration and nobody seems to be doing anything.

So,.. umm,.. Trump was lying was he? My question is why isn't he locked up and Trump back in the white house? This idiot just told on himself and his whole entire administration and nobody seems to be doing anything.
You really ARE a dummy huh? :) Also, this is not a Current Event - Old and debunked my friend

Well, my apologies as I didn't know it was old,.. but yeah,.. right,.. sure it was. :rolleyes:
Well, my apologies as I didn't know it was old,.. but yeah,.. right,.. sure it was. :rolleyes:

You should apologize for wasting our bandwidth. No mas.

You should apologize for breathing our air. The video hasn't been debunked at all. It was a man suffering from dementia actually telling the truth because people with dementia lose control and say things they don't want to
So,.. umm,.. Trump was lying was he? My question is why isn't he locked up and Trump back in the white house? This idiot just told on himself and his whole entire administration and nobody seems to be doing anything.

I am wondering why Trump didn't get the firing squad myself.

When you control the institutions who would be responsible for investigating such things and as well as control the court system at high levels of government, who cares what is revealed? Oh, and a press you control and social media you control that won't talk about it as well.

The more brazen and blatant they become it should send a message, and that message is that they are bullet proof and all resistance is futile.
Is this the best argument for fraud you idiots can come up with?

Go take it to court. Watch what happens.
Well, my apologies as I didn't know it was old,.. but yeah,.. right,.. sure it was. :rolleyes:

You should apologize for wasting our bandwidth. No mas.

You should apologize for breathing our air. The video hasn't been debunked at all. It was a man suffering from dementia actually telling the truth because people with dementia lose control and say things they don't want to
My FIL was 95 and with dementia. We knew who he really didn't like in the family and who he did....lolol

Dementia is a truth serum
So,.. umm,.. Trump was lying was he? My question is why isn't he locked up and Trump back in the white house? This idiot just told on himself and his whole entire administration and nobody seems to be doing anything.

Trump really has 60000 emails that would cripple DC totally
So,.. umm,.. Trump was lying was he? My question is why isn't he locked up and Trump back in the white house? This idiot just told on himself and his whole entire administration and nobody seems to be doing anything.
You really ARE a dummy huh? :) Also, this is not a Current Event - Old and debunked my friend

Sure Sparky sure
So,.. umm,.. Trump was lying was he? My question is why isn't he locked up and Trump back in the white house? This idiot just told on himself and his whole entire administration and nobody seems to be doing anything.

He said the quiet part out loud. Unfortunately, he forgot about it two seconds later because he has dementia.

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