Jobs Report Out

More than 8 million jobs have been added under President Biden!

Lets Go Brandon!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
2 million fewer people employed than in February 2020 under Trump, despite Biden letting in millions more illegals.


Pathetic performance.
Yup, back to the "real unemployment" rate again. I see the talking points are out. You know the official unemployment rate is so low, it's making rightards uncomfortable so they have to drag out the "real unemployment" rare.

BTW, rightard, "real unemployment" under Trump peaked at 22.8%, more than 3 times what it is now.
I didn't drag it out. The LIBTURD op posted it LMAO. It goes to show that libturds can't read or do not know how to react to changes in the economy.
Why can't Demonicrats admit it was their policies under COVID that slammed the economy, and it was their polices that removed restrictions after the election in-spite of covid, all so these assholes can suggest "Biden created 70K jobs"?

Go ahead fucks, try to swing your way out of that. You won't, you can't, and that should tell you what you stand for. But it won't, because not only are your kind twisted as fuck, but you're dishonest and cowardly to the core. Right?

Good Chart!

Jan 2017 145,600
Jan 2021. 143,000

Jan 2021 143,000
Today 150,400

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Please take off your partisan blinders.

As you know, Biden still has not matched the total employment Trump achieved before the Democrats used the plandemic as an excuse to lay off millions of American workers and destroy our economy.

Two years ago, there were over two million more Americans employed under Trump than there are now under Biden.

Biden has only put back to work 80% of the people laid off by Dems who had jobs under Trump. He has not made gains, we are still two steps backward.
Please take off your partisan blinders.

As you know, Biden still has not matched the total employment Trump achieved before the Democrats used the plandemic as an excuse to lay off millions of American workers and destroy our economy.

Two years ago, there were over two million more Americans employed under Trump than there are now under Biden. you have a problem that Biden hasn't completely fixed the disaster left to him by the previous occupant of the WH in just one year?

Well he's well on the way to doing that...obviously you have a problem that Biden hasn't completely fixed the disaster left to him by the previous occupant of the WH in just one year?

Well he's well on the way to doing that...obviously
Yes. I have a major problem with that.

Biden was an enabler, sending everyone stimulus payments to keep them out of work. For every dollar he sent affected or lazy people, the average American taxpayer will have to pay back $10, plus interest.
Please take off your partisan blinders.

As you know, Biden still has not matched the total employment Trump achieved before the Democrats used the plandemic as an excuse to lay off millions of American workers and destroy our economy.

Two years ago, there were over two million more Americans employed under Trump than there are now under Biden.

Biden has only put back to work 80% of the people laid off by Dems who had jobs under Trump. He has not made gains, we are still two steps backward.

Cherry Pick away
Life is always easier when you pick out the best report and ignore the bad

Looking at the WHOLE record, Biden has added 8 million employed while Trump Lost 3 million


:clap: :clap: :clap:
Why hasn't trump called his butt buddy, putee, and told him to knock it off in Ukraine? That would help bring the gas prices down.
Biden was an enabler, sending everyone stimulus payments to keep them out of work. For every dollar he sent affected or lazy people, the average American taxpayer will have to pay back $10, plus interest.
So you think the American people are lazy? suck...a lot

What Biden well as Trump before him...was make the tough decisions necessary to keep the American economy functioning

And doesn't "add $10 dollars plus interest" to anything. You have no clue what you're talking about
Feb Jobs Report

almost 700,000 jobs created and unemployment drops to 3.8%

Republicans can scream all they want but the economy is doing well

Way to go Joe

By the way, your article doesn't have the word 'created' in it.

Economy isn't doing well. Inflation is killing it.

No jobs created, only people taking existing jobs that were unfilled.

From your article:
“The labor market recovery remains very robust across the board as more Americans are returning to work,” added Eric Merlis, managing director of global markets at Citizens Financial Group.

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