Jobs Bill

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
In November, soon to be Speaker Boehner and the ambitious Cantor knew they would soon have the power to set the agenda for the House of Representatives and the nation. Nearly 60 days have passed and no job bill has been offered, or to my knowledge discussed and shared with the American people.

So far the social agenda has been the priority, while I understand paying back the social conservatives is important to the RNC, and providing lip service to the TP is necessary, why haven't Messrs. Boehner and Cantor discussed their ideas on job creation?

Why have Cantor and USSC Justice Scalia met privately with the Kock brothers (for those not willfully ignorant I suggest strongly a review of thier business and family political history)? Job creation is likely not a major agenda item in this private, closed door meeting, a meeting mindful of former VP Cheney's closed door energy committee meetings. Plutocracy anyone?
Where you bitching when the Dems did this?

Boehner and company need to walk the walk or they will be booted asap.
The government doesn't create jobs...except for civil service (union) employees.
what the hell is JOBS BILL?

And the First order of Business the people who voted in the Republicans with this last election has been to take on the TAKEOVER of our health care by this commie administration.

They better stay with it if they want to KEEP THEIR JOBS.
NOW you want transparency? ...... :lol:

Signed financial reform law establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans

Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years

Voluntary disclosure of White House visitors for the first time in US history (hey, remember Jeff Gannon? Male whore "money for pay" prostitute who spent dozens of nights "sleeping over" at the White House?)

Reversed the policy of barring media coverage during the return of fallen soldiers to Dover Air Force Base

Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, providing transparency and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse - Tracking the Money

Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Right wingers hate the black guy in the WHITE House. They will never see a single accomplishment. Bush did more, but they can't name what. Unless "more" is a list of disasters.
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Hello. So there is no jobs bill, only the same old tried and failed policy: cut taxes, cut regulations and allow the insurance industry to continue a decades old tradition of raising rates, reducing service and denying coverage.
No concern that Justice Scalia is a confident of the Koch brothers? Or that Eric Cantor spent the past few days in secret meetings with them? Since the meetings was theirs, isn't the agenda important for 'we the people' to know?
what the hell is JOBS BILL?

And the First order of Business the people who voted in the Republicans with this last election has been to take on the TAKEOVER of our health care by this commie administration.

They better stay with it if they want to KEEP THEIR JOBS.

Jobs bill is the Stimulus Bill and it must have created jobs since I printed a list of 114 Republicans in both houses attempting to "TAKE CREDIT" for it.:dance:
Hello. So there is no jobs bill, only the same old tried and failed policy: cut taxes, cut regulations and allow the insurance industry to continue a decades old tradition of raising rates, reducing service and denying coverage.
No concern that Justice Scalia is a confident of the Koch brothers? Or that Eric Cantor spent the past few days in secret meetings with them? Since the meetings was theirs, isn't the agenda important for 'we the people' to know?

No, Republicans don't care. They only obsess about Obama. Everything else is "whitewash".
NOW you want transparency? ...... :lol:

Signed financial reform law establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans

Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years

Voluntary disclosure of White House visitors for the first time in US history (hey, remember Jeff Gannon? Male whore "money for pay" prostitute who spent dozens of nights "sleeping over" at the White House?)

Reversed the policy of barring media coverage during the return of fallen soldiers to Dover Air Force Base

Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, providing transparency and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse - Tracking the Money

Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Right wingers hate the black guy in the WHITE House. They will never see a single accomplishment. Bush did more, but they can't name what. Unless "more" is a list of disasters.

yep, fall back on the ole standard.
Just accuse everyone who is against Obama as hating the BLACK SKINED GUY.
EXPECT to seeing more of this folks now that the Republicans have some say.
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Where you bitching when the Dems did this?

Boehner and company need to walk the walk or they will be booted asap.

No they won't. Boehner passed out bribes on the house floor. You can watch the video tape of him doing it on Youtube. They even interview him afterwards saying, "It probably wasn't a good idea".

Will that stop him? Hardly.

When I ask Republicans, "Do you agree with the apology to BP" or "Should Republicans hold millions of unemployed hostage as a bargaining chip to get tax breaks from millionaires and billionaires", they just say, "Shut up fuckwit". I guess they must agree with those things. What else can it be?
NOW you want transparency? ...... :lol:

Signed financial reform law establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans

Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years

Voluntary disclosure of White House visitors for the first time in US history (hey, remember Jeff Gannon? Male whore "money for pay" prostitute who spent dozens of nights "sleeping over" at the White House?)

Reversed the policy of barring media coverage during the return of fallen soldiers to Dover Air Force Base

Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, providing transparency and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse - Tracking the Money

Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

Right wingers hate the black guy in the WHITE House. They will never see a single accomplishment. Bush did more, but they can't name what. Unless "more" is a list of disasters.

yep, fall back on the ole standard.
Just accuse everyone who is against Obama as hating the BLACK SKINED GUY.
EXPECT to seeing more of this folks now that the Republicans have some say.

And what have they said so far?
They have started on the Jobs issue with the vote to repeal ObamaCare. And now, they are working on initiatives to reduce government spending. These are steps in the right direction to reduce the overwhelming burden of government upon the economy.
In November, soon to be Speaker Boehner and the ambitious Cantor knew they would soon have the power to set the agenda for the House of Representatives and the nation. Nearly 60 days have passed and no job bill has been offered, or to my knowledge discussed and shared with the American people.

So far the social agenda has been the priority, while I understand paying back the social conservatives is important to the RNC, and providing lip service to the TP is necessary, why haven't Messrs. Boehner and Cantor discussed their ideas on job creation?

Why have Cantor and USSC Justice Scalia met privately with the Kock brothers (for those not willfully ignorant I suggest strongly a review of thier business and family political history)? Job creation is likely not a major agenda item in this private, closed door meeting, a meeting mindful of former VP Cheney's closed door energy committee meetings. Plutocracy anyone?

Yeah lets have a 10 trillion dollar stimulus bill!
Or how about a nice war !
The Democrat controlled Senate just voted down a huge jobs bill yesterday.

Is this the bill you're talking about?

American Sauce: What’s in this bill? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Capitol Hill (CNN) - Democrats call it a "jobs bill." Republicans are using it to restage the health care debate. We here at American Sauce feel that, perhaps, we should talk about what's actually in the FAA authorization and modernization bill on the floor of the Senate this week.
Hey, let's have a MANDATE that everybody to buy a house to spur the real estate, construction, furniture, and appliance industries!
In November, soon to be Speaker Boehner and the ambitious Cantor knew they would soon have the power to set the agenda for the House of Representatives and the nation. Nearly 60 days have passed and no job bill has been offered, or to my knowledge discussed and shared with the American people.

Aren't you a retired teacher if I recall? So what would you know about creating jobs? You've never produced anything substantive in your life.

And there is no such thing as a "jobs bill" because the government doesn't create jobs that contribute to the economy.
They have started on the Jobs issue with the vote to repeal ObamaCare. And now, they are working on initiatives to reduce government spending. These are steps in the right direction to reduce the overwhelming burden of government upon the economy.

Interesting thesis, can you list the "burden of government upon the economy"?
I suppose paying taxes and regulating health and safety to our food, drugs, air, water, etc. is a burden to business and industry, but to the entire economy?
How would reducing government spending benefit the economy, exactly? I wonder how eliminating government jobs will help reduce unemployment - can you explain this 'reasoning'?
Do we reduce the numbers in our military?
Cut off Social Security and Medicare benefits?
Eliminate inspectors of food production?

Explain the cost of the Iraq fiasco? Remember, it is on-going and will continue to cost us as we pay for the medical care of seriously and permanently injured combat vets. Do we cut off their care once they have exhausted a certain cost for their care (private insurance does, why not the VA?).
In November, soon to be Speaker Boehner and the ambitious Cantor knew they would soon have the power to set the agenda for the House of Representatives and the nation. Nearly 60 days have passed and no job bill has been offered, or to my knowledge discussed and shared with the American people.

Aren't you a retired teacher if I recall? So what would you know about creating jobs? You've never produced anything substantive in your life.

And there is no such thing as a "jobs bill" because the government doesn't create jobs that contribute to the economy.

Man, you're hilarious.

Technology from NASA is what's produced probably 90% of our economy.

Good teachers produce good students which produce everything else.

What are you? A "Republican scientist"?

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