Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors
OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors
Real poor judgement, and he wants to be prez? No, No, No.
OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
i was wondering if this was public record or if the "candidate" had to pull strings to get it. if public, and???

I've seen the list of the people who have donated to our state politicians online. I've never looked up presidential but I'm fairly certain the requirements are the same.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

Is this not an admission that Leftists are the violent ones? Why else out the names unless you expect people to bring vioilence upon them.
I'm not sure I understand the concern? Trump donors can handle themselves if they feel threatened. Then if anyone is hurt, Mr Castro might be held to account for promoting violence.
After two high profile mass shootings, you would think that the DC coxuckers would dial down the partisan bullshit......guess not.
Tweeting publicly available campaign finance information is much worse than tweeting the personal phone number of a rival candidate so that everyone and their mother can blow up his phone.
OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
i was wondering if this was public record or if the "candidate" had to pull strings to get it. if public, and???

I've seen the list of the people who have donated to our state politicians online. I've never looked up presidential but I'm fairly certain the requirements are the same.

That’s fine but you don’t put it out there for all to see. Most people wouldn’t even look for it but this asshole put it out there. Ignorance isn’t an excuse.

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I stayed a couple of nights in San Antonio, at a homeless shelter, after fleeing my hometown for my life.

There was a strange sensation of suffocating disease-ridden foulness to the air, and I was horrified to see such a large number of people suffering from a raging epidemic of active tuberculosis. That is still going on, in addition to other problems at the border.

I moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where I felt a vast sense of relief from the cool breeze that blew in from the ocean. Political enemies arrived, and once again I was forced to flee for my life.

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