
From Florida....and proud to be a deplorable!

Hey, Joanimaroni! Welcome! It's great to see you again.

It appears that the "powers that be" at the other place have managed to kill the forum. Pride did them in. They can't admit that by killing off any and all opposing views, there was nothing left that was interesting.

I sent several messages to Boards, if he's still around, asking him to extend my sympathy and prayers to 2seaoat for his difficulties and especially the family of Z for their loss. Sadly, no response.

Wow! I just looked and I am still incredibly popular! You posted my screen name and presto, they have more activity, on one thread than they've had on all their threads combined in the past week. However, their hate and vitriol are sad. I'm sorry you took such abuse. So childish.
I need to ask for your help.....but I have to make 50 posts before I can access the messaging system here.

PkrBum and I are on our own over there. A handful of people posting and several socks.

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