Jimmy Carter To President Trump: Sign A Peace Treaty With North Korea--Treat Them With Respect


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Jimmy says President Trump should sign a peace treaty and treat them with respect because they're human beings. Well Jimmy, Kim Jong-un is a human being and he ordered his own uncle to be killed by an anti-aircraft gun. He's a human being and had his own brother poisoned and other family members killed. I'm sure they'll treat us with the up most respect if we sign a peace treaty with them. Not!

Jimmy Carter brands US ‘oligarchy’ & urges Trump to sign N. Korea peace treaty

Jimmy Carter:

"Until we're willing to talk to them and treat them with respect as human beings, which they are, then I don't think we'll make any progress," he said.
Carter despite what all the brainwashed moron sheep think on him being the worst president ever other than Obama,was actually the last decent president we had.All the others since then have been MUCH worse than him all starting wars with other countries where he kept us out of him yet he is the one that always get demonized?:rolleyes:

he was better AS president than when he got out of office strangly.that was not the case with all the others after him.just the opposite because they were mass murderers while in office.
Carter despite what all the brainwashed moron sheep think on him being the worst president ever other than Obama,was actually the last decent president we had.All the others since then have been MUCH worse than him all starting wars with other countries where he kept us out of him yet he is the one that always get demonized?:rolleyes:

he was better AS president than when he got out of office strangly.that was not the case with all the others after him.just the opposite because they were mass murderers while in office.

Obama was the most racist and most corrupt President
I believe that the current administration has been willing to discuss a peace treaty as long as NoKo is willing to negotiate the shutdown of their nuclear weapons program as part of any treaty. NoKo has refused that condition.
Jimmy says President Trump should sign a peace treaty and treat them with respect because they're human beings. Well Jimmy, Kim Jong-un is a human being and he ordered his own uncle to be killed by an anti-aircraft gun. He's a human being and had his own brother poisoned and other family members killed. I'm sure they'll treat us with the up most respect if we sign a peace treaty with them. Not!

Jimmy Carter brands US ‘oligarchy’ & urges Trump to sign N. Korea peace treaty

Jimmy Carter:

"Until we're willing to talk to them and treat them with respect as human beings, which they are, then I don't think we'll make any progress," he said.

He should also mention they we should bend over and allow Little Kim to fuck us with a 10 foot black dildo

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Somewhere between Trump's "fire and fury" paper tiger bloviating bullshit and Jimmy Carter's appeasement monkey spinelessness is the world we actually live in.

We lived with a nukular armed Russia and a nukular armed China, both of which are actual existential threats. We will live with a nukular North Korea, which is not an existential threat to us, though they are an existential threat to South Korea.

Everyone is ignoring the real reason Kim is going nuclear: Propagation is an income-generating enterprise. Kim's treasury is empty. Brokedick. Hard.

Kim's in this for the money, and the more we put financial pressure on him, the more pressure he will feel to sell arms to Iran and Syria and all of Putin's other puppets.
I dismiss Carter as being old and senile, so I wish the poor old coot would just retire back to his nursing home.
Carter despite what all the brainwashed moron sheep think on him being the worst president ever other than Obama,was actually the last decent president we had.All the others since then have been MUCH worse than him all starting wars with other countries where he kept us out of him yet he is the one that always get demonized?:rolleyes:

he was better AS president than when he got out of office strangly.that was not the case with all the others after him.just the opposite because they were mass murderers while in office.

Wow you are truly a dumb fuck. Even liberals recognize he was a horrible president. Why don't you go back to your hole and fuck yourself!

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The Presidency of Jimmy Carter was very painful to patriotic Americans, because we woke up every morning wondering what treasonous thing he'd do next.
Carter despite what all the brainwashed moron sheep think on him being the worst president ever other than Obama,was actually the last decent president we had.All the others since then have been MUCH worse than him all starting wars with other countries where he kept us out of him yet he is the one that always get demonized?:rolleyes:

he was better AS president than when he got out of office strangly.that was not the case with all the others after him.just the opposite because they were mass murderers while in office.

Obama was the most racist and most corrupt President

That is BECAUSE every president that gets in office is always more evil and corrupt than the previous one was.Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america which each president since then has contiuned and expanded on,not because they are more corrupt than their predeccers but because the establishment ups the anty on them when they get in office,if they dont do what their puppet masters tell them to do,they end up like kennedy.

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