Jimmy Carter says Mideast peace is 'vanishing'

The British hated George Washington and Mahatma Gandhi ---too
quite right, habibi

churchill hated india and called gandhi a "half naked fakir"

then he starved a million at least Bengalis to death in 1943 to 45...scorched earth policy

very few indians i know like gandhi much...too soft on the muslims they say and also his worship of poverty

the latter I agree with

washington I know little of except didn't he own slaves and a few half caste bastards?

doubtless a great man, but i don't know.

both are universally admired in UK now...........
Like Obama, Carter believes there will only be peace in the Middle East once they get rid of Israel
the crusaders sure as hell got rid of all the jews when they took Jerusalem, don't you know??

the christians massacred every single jewish man woman and child there; 10,000 at least

change your name if you wanna support israel; they hate crusaders there same as nazis

Stop Kvetching
I was addressing Roudy and you...both Jewish

I speak several lingos including Hindi / Urdu and bits of many others

I was just using Turkish words on anpther thread

it's known as communication

for you everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi islamo pig

try using a few different words or lingos; it would be a blessed relief!!

sure---I will use some words I picked up from pakistani colleagues
just to make you happy MADERCHOD uhm...I do not know what
muslims say in Hindi-----all the hindi speaking people I knew were kaffirin
Hindi and Urdu are basically the SAME language so any kind of relational chod is the same for both!

Try me cago en la leche...spanish for defecating in mum's milk.

I wish I knew more Yiddish..teach me some other choice yiddish insults. please

I learned Yenta here...like to know more

But better still, what we jews are ALL best at.....above all the peoples on gods earth

some jewish humour..........

You didn't know the word Yenta? Guess you've never seen Fiddler on the Roof.
kvetch----your use of "jewish words" like your idiotic screen name and ----your use of the term "shekels" reveals you as the fraud you are. In fact your usages show up in the same manner YOU use them in the NAZI PIG literature. I am very familiar with it-----I first stumbled into it as a child of ten (that is a long time ago)
I was addressing Roudy and you...both Jewish

I speak several lingos including Hindi / Urdu and bits of many others

I was just using Turkish words on anpther thread

it's known as communication

for you everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi islamo pig

try using a few different words or lingos; it would be a blessed relief!!

sure---I will use some words I picked up from pakistani colleagues
just to make you happy MADERCHOD uhm...I do not know what
muslims say in Hindi-----all the hindi speaking people I knew were kaffirin

it's more rhythmic in english.
Jimmy Carter says Mideast peace is 'vanishing' - Yahoo! News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said Monday during a visit to Jerusalem that the prospect of an Israel-Palestinian peace accord is "vanishing," blaming Israeli settlement of the West Bank.

Carter, a longtime critic of Israeli policies, called the current situation "catastrophic" and blamed Israel for the growing isolation of east Jerusalem from the West Bank. He said a Palestinian state has become "unviable."

"We've reached a crisis stage," said Carter, 88. "The two-state solution is the only realistic path to peace and security for Israel and the Palestinians."

Carter is currently on a two-day visit leading a delegation known as the "The Elders," which includes the former prime minister of Norway and the former president of Ireland. The group met with Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
"As president, Carter brokered the historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. But since he left office, he has become increasingly critical of Israel. His 2006 book, 'Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,' claimed that Israel's settlement of Palestinian land was the primary obstacle to Mideast peace."

And he's right.

From the very inception of the Jewish State it was clear that all the land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan was slated for minority control; the impending annexation of Area C brings the Zionist dream one step closer to becoming a nightmare for a majority of the population living under Israeli laws.

Jimmy Carter says Mideast peace is 'vanishing' - Yahoo! News
I am not interested in reading any WHAT IF.......... reconstructions of history

No - you are not interested in facts, nor in history, and neither is Roady.

Otherwise you would read, you would travel, and you would watch documentaries.

It really is as simple as that.

wrong again------in fact I have read quite a bit in my life which is why I recognize who and what you are. Documentaries are useful only for ENTERTAINMENT-----as to "travel" anyone who imagines that vistiing Indian market places or sipping tea in the tent of a Bedouin provides insight into the real lives of people----is an idiot My interaction with people is an experience you can never duplicate-------it is very very very penetrating in a manner which even if I explained it to you------you would not understand

No of course we wouldn't,sitting around talking to Zionist Terrorists,the world knows,frankly too much time and money is spent on a self promoting,self interest,arms manufacturing and CRY WOLF :eusa_boohoo:look at us poor Jews....of a small tribe occupying "Ilegally" Palestine.

Talk all the intricate shit you like to Justify your recidivistic behaviour....You are NOT what YOU think YOU ARE.
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I am fascinated with "kvethch"s claim that

"israel trained the secret police of all the world's worst pro western dictators; the list is staggering

all the worst of africa and latin america as well as iran"

How FASCINATING just what SECRETS did they impart?
were they "trained" in their own countries or IN ISRAEL?

can I have a few names?

Kvetch----I have heard it all before-----I have worked with muslims educated in both pakistan and India-----young professionals ------FULL OF THE KNOWLEGE OF THEIR recent school years------the very best-----which is why they got into the best schools of their counties
my main source for the staggering list:

Blog: Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo - Wake Up From Your Slumber !
Nice site the blabbering Kvetching Yenta uses. You will also find this article on the blog that she clearly admires.
Of course it was the US that removed the elected government and installed the Shah in 1953.
Yup, he was a Socialist and the US and the West could not take the chance with the Cold War raging back then. Besides how do you know those elections were "fair" and Mossadegh wasn't a Communist plant?
because Mossadegh was a conservative, that's why

not a left wing cell or bone in his body

an aristocrat, a feudal landowner, I think.............look him up

all he asked BP ...then it was the Iran Petroleum Co.for .....very politely.....was the same level of royalties that Saudi was getting from Aramco, the USA Oil Co....50%

when he was refused viciously, it all escalated

if BP had been human and not the greedy buggers we know them to be, Iran could be a conservative democracy to this day

and the heirs to a great civilisation of persia which freed the jews from babylon and put israel back on the map, not threatening to wipe it off the bloody map!!
How dramatic the babbling Kvetching Yenta is!!! It is Iran who wants to blow Israel off the map, and the Israelis just want to put the nuclear facilities out of commission. No doubt as an anti-Israel "pseudo" background with a Jewish mother, the Yenta agrees with Iran.
I was addressing Roudy and you...both Jewish

I speak several lingos including Hindi / Urdu and bits of many others

I was just using Turkish words on anpther thread

it's known as communication

for you everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi islamo pig

try using a few different words or lingos; it would be a blessed relief!!

sure---I will use some words I picked up from pakistani colleagues
just to make you happy MADERCHOD uhm...I do not know what
muslims say in Hindi-----all the hindi speaking people I knew were kaffirin
Hindi and Urdu are basically the SAME language so any kind of relational chod is the same for both!

Try me cago en la leche...spanish for defecating in mum's milk.

I wish I knew more Yiddish..teach me some other choice yiddish insults. please

I learned Yenta here...like to know more

But better still, what we jews are ALL best at.....above all the peoples on gods earth

some jewish humour..........
You want some Jewish humor? Try this one on for size since you seem extraordinary obsessed with the "chosen" bit which is mainly brought up on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites.

I guess the babbling sketching Yenta never enjoyed the Jewish comedians who so many Americans of all religions enjoyed.
Yup, he was a Socialist and the US and the West could not take the chance with the Cold War raging back then. Besides how do you know those elections were "fair" and Mossadegh wasn't a Communist plant?
because Mossadegh was a conservative, that's why

not a left wing cell or bone in his body

an aristocrat, a feudal landowner, I think.............look him up

all he asked BP ...then it was the Iran Petroleum Co.for .....very politely.....was the same level of royalties that Saudi was getting from Aramco, the USA Oil Co....50%

when he was refused viciously, it all escalated

if BP had been human and not the greedy buggers we know them to be, Iran could be a conservative democracy to this day

and the heirs to a great civilisation of persia which freed the jews from babylon and put israel back on the map, not threatening to wipe it off the bloody map!!
How dramatic the babbling Kvetching Yenta is!!! It is Iran who wants to blow Israel off the map, and the Israelis just want to put the nuclear facilities out of commission. No doubt as an anti-Israel "pseudo" background with a Jewish mother, the Yenta agrees with Iran.
no this male yenta agrees with putting all the nukes out of order, Iran's, Israel's and everyones

he's a quaker yenta and quakers are anti war and nukes for anyone

seriously, israel just can't do it; even the yanx could only delay it

that's what Israel's army and intelligence are saying to nyet yahoo and barak who seems to have changed his views just in time for the election to come in israel

only regime change in iran will do the trick, and the yanx wont do that, will they??

trillions and trillions that would cost, even

I don't, unlike you, believe the ayatoilets; it's just bla bla

ahmedinejad is already history; he's a nutter but yesterday's nutter

same applies to nyet yahoo...all talk and blackmale to squeeze Obama and get Moron Romney in.

very dangerous game he is playing; dangerous for israel

al qa'ida is a different matter..they just might even tho it would destroy islams 3rd holiest site, al quds

but they would steal a nuke from pakistan, not iran; they make small nukes there

it's no laughing matter.................
sure---I will use some words I picked up from pakistani colleagues
just to make you happy MADERCHOD uhm...I do not know what
muslims say in Hindi-----all the hindi speaking people I knew were kaffirin
Hindi and Urdu are basically the SAME language so any kind of relational chod is the same for both!

Try me cago en la leche...spanish for defecating in mum's milk.

I wish I knew more Yiddish..teach me some other choice yiddish insults. please

I learned Yenta here...like to know more

But better still, what we jews are ALL best at.....above all the peoples on gods earth

some jewish humour..........
You want some Jewish humor? Try this one on for size since you seem extraordinary obsessed with the "chosen" bit which is mainly brought up on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites.

I guess the babbling sketching Yenta never enjoyed the Jewish comedians who so many Americans of all religions enjoyed.
Thanx Hoss fly, its great..lets share it with the folx...
"Oh Shit," Say Jews

Jerusalem (SatireWire.com) Update — Jews, whose troubled, 10,000-year term as God's "chosen people" finally expired last night, woke up this morning to find that they had once again been hand-picked by the Almighty. Synagogues across the globe declared a day of mourning.

Asked if the descendants of Abraham shouldn't be pleased about being tapped for an unprecedented second term, Jerusalem Rabbi Ben Meyerson shrugged. "Of course, you are right, we should be thrilled," he said. "We should also enjoy a good swift kick in the head, but for some reason, we don't.
God conducts blind drawing for next Chosen People
God conducts blind drawing.

"Now don't ask such questions until you watch the news, or read history, or at least rent 'Fiddler on the Roof'."

Much of the world's re-blessed Jewish community shared that feeling. "It's always been considered a joke with us. You know, 'Please G-d, next time choose someone else,' ha ha," said New York City resident David Bashert.

"Ha. Ha ha," Bashert added. "Shit."

According to a worldwide survey of faiths, not a single group expressed an interest in being chosen, and the only application submitted before last night's filing deadline, on behalf of the Islamic people, proved to be a fake.

"Somebody filled out a form and signed our name to it, but I guarantee it wasn't us," said Imam Yusuf Al Muhammed of Medina, Saudi Arabia. "I'm not going to say who it was, but the application was filled out in Hebrew."

"Oh, don't be such a k'vatsh," responded Meyerson. "It's only 10,000 years. Trust me, after a few diaspora, you would have gotten used to the universal hatred thing."
Buy a Moses Tour T-shirt!

Due to the absence of voluntary candidates, God's Law stipulated that the Almighty had to choose a people at random to serve out the next 10-millenia term. Elias Contreau, director of the International Interfaith Working Group, said he wasn't surprised it came to a blind drawing.

"According to the Bible, God promised to bless Abraham and those who came after him," said Contreau. "Who knows, maybe that sounded good at the time, or maybe 'blessed' meant something different back then, like 'Short periods of prosperity interrupted by insufferable friggin' chaos.' Whatever, I think it's safe to say that people didn't know what they were agreeing to."

Now they do, Contreau added, which he said explains why so many religions had lately been exalting God's existence, but downplaying their own.

"We were not avoiding Him. We just told our parishioners that if Anyone asks, we're out," insisted Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. George Carey, who had called off services during February. "Besides, we weren't the only ones. I didn't see the Hindus raising their hands."

"Now look, it's like we told the ethereal vision who dropped off the application, 'Sure, we have a strong shared faith and all that, but I wouldn't exactly say we're a 'people,' not really,'" recalled Hindu leader Samuldrala Swami Maharaj of Calcutta. "Plus, you know, I told him we had a lot of other commitments. We'd like to help, honestly. Another time, maybe."

In Jerusalem, Jewish leaders said they will propose an amendment to God's Law prohibiting a people from having to serve more than two consecutive terms. "Hopefully, G-d will hear our prayer," said Meyerson. "No, wait, that's what got us into this."

Americans, meanwhile, expressed outrage at the decision, saying they had assumed they were God's chosen people. However, exp
hoss fly.....................flying horse

we should call you pegasus......peggy for short

rush is right has replaced superior firepower in your blue print

who is rush.....that woman hating shock jock limbaugh??

if so, inferior firepower for sure

try a comedian instead; that was great stuff you gave me

my fave USA jewish comedian is swami beyondananda aka steve bhaermann..a new age joker but very jewish

i actually seriously believe jews are the most talented people on gawd's earth...no doubt about it

but talent can be and is abused, especially by us...we do the best and worst of everything!

happy eid !! don't kill a sheep tho!
roudy said:
"Yes, I heard there are some very old historical Sephardic synagogues there. India was one of the countries that many middle eastern Jews fled to after their expulsion in the late forties. The reason Indians were more tolerant was because their religion is not a derivative of Judaism."

aint that the truth!!!

yes the indian family of religions are more tolerant diverse and non exclusive and none of their scriptures claims they are the one and only which is a problem in all 3 abrahamic faiths

difficult with thousands of gods to be exclusive!!

but they all have flaws imho and the buddhist, hindu and sikh fanatix are all fascist killers identical to the abrahamic ones

i think cochin, kerala in the south; a beautiful place was the main centre of judaism in india and christianity is very old there, too

mumbai is very crowded; can't stand it more than a couple of days but the rich jews were there

the docks in mumbai are named sassoon docks; my relations...a distant part of the family; iraqi jews who got rich dealing indian opium to the british royal family and others

NOT proud of them tho other sassoons were great artists and architects.

one thing: you will see swastikas absolutely everywhere in india; even painted on floors outside people's houses at festivals

you probably know it was an ancient hindu spiritual sign long before jesus, never mind hitler and there's nothing at all negative about it;

and all north indians call themselves aryans because they ARE the true aryans! hitler stole that name, too.

most indians including muslims know nothing of hitler or even jews

there's very little anti semitism in india except for the ultra fanatix jihadis who hate hindus rather than jews.

pakistanis are different; they have hatred for everyone except in lahore which is lovely..

please take care; that mecca nuke pic of yours was very funny and artistic but honestly i would watch out with pictures. I would delete it if I were you
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you are beyond islamo nazi-----you are paranoid and incoherent

You just cannot comprehend anything apart from Hating...as the Palestinians Know Well.

YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE.....NO WAY......Weep for you,impossible I weep for Palestinians,Shackled for 60 years.


Rosie you spend far too much time glaring in the MIRROR,as is you want and :confused:need for your very low esteem.

Shame for You Rosie.
For the record----the jews in India -----are not if the jews who fled the filth of shariah cesspits in the late 1940s as Kvetch claims-----they are jews who fled the filth of Shariah ----centuries ago ------from such lands as Iraq ---some from Iran and various other shariah filth infected countries in the middles east They are there with the zoroastrians who also fled the filth of shariah in iran I have this information because I have friends from Mumbai (bombay)
Carter is an imbecile....he's always hated Israel, but calls himself a Christian.

The Crocodile Tears .. if someone says peace they are not human .. they can be removed in this world i know .. because democrat people cannot be objective ..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5drXEXkf9s&feature=fvwrel]Jewish girl tries to criticise Dr. Norman Finkelstein - YouTube[/ame]
Tinmore support FCKING in the belief that ANY PERSON CAM BECOME A "MUSLIM" and therefore SUPERIOR TO ALL NON MUSLIMS and have a right to rape non muslim woman and enslave non muslim children It is important to keep in mind that "EQUALITY" in the minds of muslims means ----ANYONE CAN BECOME A MUSLIM---------and rape non muslims
Carter is an imbecile....he's always hated Israel, but calls himself a Christian.

The Crocodile Tears .. if someone says peace they are not human .. they can be removed in this world i know .. because democrat people cannot be objective ..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5drXEXkf9s&feature=fvwrel]Jewish girl tries to criticise Dr. Norman Finkelstein - YouTube[/ame]
I'll take what son of Hamas founder says over Finkle-nobody:

Son of Hamas Leader: The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality; Muhammad - a False Prophet - YouTube

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Tinmore support FCKING in the belief that ANY PERSON CAM BECOME A "MUSLIM" and therefore SUPERIOR TO ALL NON MUSLIMS and have a right to rape non muslim woman and enslave non muslim children It is important to keep in mind that "EQUALITY" in the minds of muslims means ----ANYONE CAN BECOME A MUSLIM---------and rape non muslims

I bet you wish you had 4 or 5 sweaty muslim brothers taking you on! :lmao:

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