Jimmy Carter on Romney


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

What issues do you suppose Romney will change on vs. what he touted in the Primary?
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

What issues do you suppose Romney will change on vs. what he touted in the Primary?

Health care reform, and immigration for sure.
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

What issues do you suppose Romney will change on vs. what he touted in the Primary?

Health care reform, and immigration for sure.

If the SCOTUS kills the Health Care law, he will bring it back with a state wide intiative, much to the anger of his fellow GOPers. I could live with Mitt the Moderate!
Carter, eh? Damn. I wonder if Romney would have rather had an endorsement from, I don't know, Anthony Wiener?
Who gives a FRELL what Jimmy Carter thinks.

He's nuts. Romney doesn't need to move to the right. Obama's move to the left has energized the conservative base.
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

From what I hear, Obama plans to use the "Romney is too far right" card. In addition to his strategy of diversion, disaster, and diversity, cards.

All I want to hear about are plans relating to the economy.
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

Romney will govern from the right, even more to the right than Bush. Carter is in for a surprise.
On the other hand if a radical lib like Carter shies away from Obama the whole administration must be collapsing.
Actually, Carter is just pleased that Obama now has the distinction of being the worst president ever. The approval ratings were lower than Carter's and the misery index was higher.

Why would Carter want to go out and say nice things about anyone more unpopular than himself? He's trying to improve his own image build a legacy.
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

Not a flip flopper as much as "doing the Obama". Pretending to be centrist in order to win over the middle. Except instead of trying to hide changing positions that have evolved over time, Obama needed to hide the fact he is a far leftwing extremist anti-American radical. I'll take flip flopping Romney -at least I don't doubt his loyalty to this nation and while Obama has grown the level of poverty to its highest in over 50 years, Romney has a proven track record of growing wealth.

Who are poor people more likely to vote for? Democrat or Republican? Then it stands to reason Obama would want to grow those numbers -and he was wildly successful.
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Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

Romney will govern from the right, even more to the right than Bush. Carter is in for a surprise.
A ficus could govern from further right than Chimpola.
Look at it this way:

When the season changes from winter to summer, I stash my winter boots and start wearing my far more comfortable "flip flops". If I were rigid and inflexible, I would insist in wearing my winter boots in July. And then I would - rightly - be called an inflexible ideologue.

I HOPE that my presidential candidate has the wisdom to CHANGE as conditions change and has the integrity not to respond negatively to rigid ideologues.
Jimmy Carter 'comfortable' with Mitt Romney

Carter is right. He is saying what many Democrats are feeling. Romney has had to move to he right to gain the GOP nomination, but if elected he will govern from the middle. He has always changed his postions to suit the situation.

What do we call that? How about a Flip Flopper. Yes, we call it that. But you gotta do what you gotta do....:eusa_whistle:

It's called having no backbone. I supported Romney in 2008; now I loathe him. He will never get my vote again. It is more than obvious that he will say anything if he thinks it will get him a vote.
History has a nasty habit of repeating itself.

The big difference between Carter and Obama is that Carter failed in his grand attempt to penetrate successfully into enemy territory in order to rescue the hostages, while Obama was successful doing so, to kill Osama bin Laden.

But then poor Jimmy Carter did not have a predecessor, like Obama, to lay the groundwork for such success.

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