Jews Viewed Most Favorably With Muslims Least Favorable


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Narrative Fail.

Despite a divisive election campaign that saw a significant spike in hate crimes against minority religious groups, Americans’ views of almost all religious groups have become more favorable in recent years, a new survey indicated. Respondents to a Pew Research Center survey, released Wednesday, were asked to rate eight religious groups as well as atheists on a “feeling thermometer.”

Jews were viewed the most popular, garnering a mean rating of 67 on a scale of 0 to 100, similar to the findings of a survey in 2014. That put the group one point ahead of Catholics and two points ahead of mainline Protestants. Evangelical Christians were the only group to see their rating remain unchanged, at 61.

Muslims saw their rating boosted from 41 to 48. However, they remained the group viewed least warmly.

Most Popular Religions In America: Jews Viewed Most Favorably With Muslims Least Favorable
What's not to love?

When they own everything , they will make you lick their feet.
I wouldn't let you lick my feet, you'd get my feet dirty and probably eat all my toe lint, which I intend to use to knit you an itchy christmas sweater with.
I wouldn't let you lick my feet, you'd get my feet dirty and probably eat all my toe lint, which I intend to use to knit you an itchy christmas sweater with.

I have no intention of licking a jews feet, and I do not worship a jew either. Let me tell you a bit of news, see the middle man on my avatar, that is JC, on the left of him is the Father, and on the right is the Holy Ghost.
See this is why we are popular(sense of humor), and you're not (see EWTN televised mass they look miserable like their cat died or something.)
I wouldn't let you lick my feet, you'd get my feet dirty and probably eat all my toe lint, which I intend to use to knit you an itchy christmas sweater with.

I have no intention of licking a jews feet, and I do not worship a jew either. Let me tell you a bit of news, see the middle man on my avatar, that is JC, on the left of him is the Father, and on the right is the Holy Ghost.

Deep down you know you're Jewish at heart even though you will deny it three times while collecting your thirty pieces of silver...

The Jewish population love you Pen and just embrace your inner Jewish self...
I wouldn't let you lick my feet, you'd get my feet dirty and probably eat all my toe lint, which I intend to use to knit you an itchy christmas sweater with.

I have no intention of licking a jews feet, and I do not worship a jew either. Let me tell you a bit of news, see the middle man on my avatar, that is JC, on the left of him is the Father, and on the right is the Holy Ghost.

Deep down you know you're Jewish at heart even though you will deny it three times while collecting your thirty pieces of silver...

The Jewish population love you Pen and just embrace your inner Jewish self...

See this is why we are popular(sense of humor), and you're not (see EWTN televised mass they look miserable like their cat died or something.)

Titus and his ex jewish friend, Tiberius Alexander, his right hand man, ended the civil war in Judea and Israel, and when you destroy the last of the arabs, the jews will begin a civil war again, the zealots against the seculars.
Wow, you like totally twisted that around from one culture to another. Deflected history and ideology, does the DNC know they are missing out on your professional propagandist skills? They can use your anger and lack of truth & accuracy.
Ever think about being a political analyst on a CNN panel?
Wow, you like totally twisted that around from one culture to another. Deflected history and ideology, does the DNC know they are missing out on your professional propagandist skills? They can use your anger and lack of truth & accuracy.
Ever think about being a political analyst on a CNN panel?

What did I twist. The civil war, Simon and John fighting each other, burning a town with grain. Rome had had enough, time to put it to an end and it didn't end there, then the Kitos war, no it was not the Romans who were so brutal, the Romans accepted all religions as long as they were not fighting , robbing and killing travelers and traders, and paid dues. Romans were very religious and accepting of all, many jews lived in Rome without a problem.
See this is why we are popular(sense of humor), and you're not (see EWTN televised mass they look miserable like their cat died or something.)

Oh the jews , rocking at the wailing wall, and the little black box on their forehead, rocking, and stuffing their little notes in the cracks. What do they think an angel comes and delivers them to God. Heaven forbid if a woman comes there, well I read they can come now, but the men do not like it.
Racial, religiouis, ethnic opinions of "favorability" has has as much to do with myth, misconception, bigotry, hatred and fear then the respondents actually meeting and knowing the real people.

Look at the history of anti-semitism and the constant resurgence of certain canards and imagery.

Look at Islamophobia now, the canards and imagery associated with it.

5 4 3 2....until someone says it wasn't Jews that brought down the twin towers
Don't be that way, the devil at least chose you to his self destructive captain of his Life Haters Club, you just have to share it with the radical progressive liberals and
Tila Tequila.
Assuming you aren't
Tila Tequila using this anonymous name.
Lol...Tila Tequila..... What does Tequila say when there is a party in your stomach.... Alright I have arrived the party is over everyone to think of it isn't that what the Liberal Democrats are trying to do now that there party is over... It was one big drink fest....Penelope is just angry because the Romans and their affiliates have had one big drink fest for a very very long time and now that the Jews have returned home the party is over and the cleanup has begun but unfortunately it is still ongoing as the party goers left one HELL of a mess behind for the Jews to clean up....Wink...

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