The Road to Hell

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
There is a famous song by a rock group that sings about being on the highway to hell. Years ago, parents were not aware of the influence that rock music has on their children but after many cases of suicide, murder of parents, fellow students, mass murder at schools, people are beginning to wake up.

Does this music effect young people?

A Slayer fan writes in Spin magazine (May 1989):"I hate your God, Jesus Christ. SATAN IS MY LORD. I sacrifice animals for him. My god is Slayer. Its THE WORDS of their music I BELIEVE IN."

The group Acheron, has an album titled, "The Rites of the Black Mass". On the album Peter Gilmore, of the Church of Satan, actually reads the rites of a Black Mass, as the group Acheron, in hellish growls, sings such lyrics as:

"Glory to thee almighty Satan . . .
We praise thee, we bless thee,

The group Manowar, sings in "The Bridge of Death":

"Dark Lord, I summon thee
Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . .
Take My lustful soul
Drink my blood as I drink yours . . .

Rock Music: The Devil's Advocate

When you consider, the average young person ingests 6 hours a day of this
What do you think this music is doing?

According to the book, Satanism in America, which is endorsed by the National Criminal Justice Task Force on Occult Related Ritualistic Crimes, hard-core Satanism is, "the fastest-growing subculture among America's TEENS."

Studies taken by the Georgia Police Academy revealed — 90% of those involved in satanism are TEENAGERS!

Television personality, Geraldo Rivera, who explored the terrifying rise of Satanism said, "It exists AND IT'S FLOURISHING. IT IS TEENAGERS who are most likely to fall under the spell of satanism."

How serious are they? At the 1992 MTV Awards, the group Red Hot Chili Peppers, upon receiving their award and giving thanks, said:"FIRST OF ALL we want to thank Satan . . ."

And finally there is this very sad report..........

In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says:" . . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL."

So would Tommy Sullivan of New Jersey — AND TOMMY DID!
Tommy, your typical, all-American, fourteen-year-old, one Saturday night, slit his own mother's throat, and then gouged her eyes out. Tommy then slashed his wrists and cut his throat from ear-to-ear, with an intensity that nearly decapitated him. Mayor Fran Slayton said, "There's just something that's bothering me about this situation. It bothers me that a good kid like that can go in two weeks."

Tommy's father said, all week his son had been singing a ROCK SONG, "about blood and killing your mother."

Dr. Paul King, medical director of the adolescent program at Charter Lakeside Hospital, in Memphis Tennessee, says more than 80 percent of his patients are there because of rock music. He says, "the lyrics become a philosophy of life, a RELIGION."

Rock Music: The Devil's Advocate


Question for the readers: When a cult sings about being on the highway to hell and uses music to lead your sons and daughters to commit suicide, kill others, commit acts of unspeakable violence should it be given the same freedom in our country as Christianity?

Is this what our founding fathers meant when they wrote about freedom of religion? I do not believe that is what they meant at all. How about you?
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'Loving' teenager hanged himself after listening to 'death metal' music with 'dark lyrics which glorified death' | Daily Mail Online

'Loving' teenager hanged himself after listening to 'death metal music with dark lyrics which glorified death'
  • Truman Edley, 15, found hanged in hallway of family home by mother
  • Mother describes how teen started behaving badly and lost self-esteem
  • Coroner refuses to read out dark lyrics of music Truman listened to
Of course the coroner refused to read out loud the lyrics Truman had been listening to. Are your children listening to heavy metal, rap music, rock music (that includes "Christian" rock), techno music......? It's time to pay attention and realize that this music should not be permitted in any home / ipod / computer...... car stereo. What are your kids listening to? Do you know?
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There is a famous song by a rock group that sings about being on the highway to hell. Years ago, parents were not aware of the influence that rock music has on their children but after many cases of suicide, murder of parents, fellow students, mass murder at schools, people are beginning to wake up.

Does this music effect young people?

A Slayer fan writes in Spin magazine (May 1989):"I hate your God, Jesus Christ. SATAN IS MY LORD. I sacrifice animals for him. My god is Slayer. Its THE WORDS of their music I BELIEVE IN."

The group Acheron, has an album titled, "The Rites of the Black Mass". On the album Peter Gilmore, of the Church of Satan, actually reads the rites of a Black Mass, as the group Acheron, in hellish growls, sings such lyrics as:

"Glory to thee almighty Satan . . .
We praise thee, we bless thee,

The group Manowar, sings in "The Bridge of Death":

"Dark Lord, I summon thee
Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . .
Take My lustful soul
Drink my blood as I drink yours . . .

Rock Music: The Devil's Advocate

When you consider, the average young person ingests 6 hours a day of this
What do you think this music is doing?

According to the book, Satanism in America, which is endorsed by the National Criminal Justice Task Force on Occult Related Ritualistic Crimes, hard-core Satanism is, "the fastest-growing subculture among America's TEENS."

Studies taken by the Georgia Police Academy revealed — 90% of those involved in satanism are TEENAGERS!

Television personality, Geraldo Rivera, who explored the terrifying rise of Satanism said, "It exists AND IT'S FLOURISHING. IT IS TEENAGERS who are most likely to fall under the spell of satanism."

How serious are they? At the 1992 MTV Awards, the group Red Hot Chili Peppers, upon receiving their award and giving thanks, said:"FIRST OF ALL we want to thank Satan . . ."

And finally there is this very sad report..........

In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says:" . . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL."

So would Tommy Sullivan of New Jersey — AND TOMMY DID!
Tommy, your typical, all-American, fourteen-year-old, one Saturday night, slit his own mother's throat, and then gouged her eyes out. Tommy then slashed his wrists and cut his throat from ear-to-ear, with an intensity that nearly decapitated him. Mayor Fran Slayton said, "There's just something that's bothering me about this situation. It bothers me that a good kid like that can go in two weeks."

Tommy's father said, all week his son had been singing a ROCK SONG, "about blood and killing your mother."

Dr. Paul King, medical director of the adolescent program at Charter Lakeside Hospital, in Memphis Tennessee, says more than 80 percent of his patients are there because of rock music. He says, "the lyrics become a philosophy of life, a RELIGION."

Rock Music: The Devil's Advocate


Question for the readers: When a cult sings about being on the highway to hell and uses music to lead your sons and daughters to commit suicide, kill others, commit acts of unspeakable violence should it be given the same freedom in our country as Christianity?

Is this what our founding fathers meant when they wrote about freedom of religion? I do not believe that is what they meant at all. How about you?
You're trying to silence ROCK N' ROLL?

Go ahead, SATAN DARES YOU! :dev3:
'Loving' teenager hanged himself after listening to 'death metal' music with 'dark lyrics which glorified death' | Daily Mail Online

'Loving' teenager hanged himself after listening to 'death metal music with dark lyrics which glorified death'
  • Truman Edley, 15, found hanged in hallway of family home by mother
  • Mother describes how teen started behaving badly and lost self-esteem
  • Coroner refuses to read out dark lyrics of music Truman listened to
Of course the coroner refused to read out loud the lyrics Truman had been listening to. Are your children listening to heavy metal, rap music, rock music (that includes "Christian" rock), techno music......? It's time to pay attention and realize that this music should not be permitted in any home / ipod / computer...... car stereo. What are your kids listening to? Do you know?
I feel like hanging myself every time you post.
Sounds like the spirit of Joseph Smith. He couldn't stand hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached either. Joseph Smith was an occultist. Why do you follow his teachings?
Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
should it be given the same freedom in our country as Christianity?

the real freedom of this country will not be experienced till the 4th century christian bible is exposed for the political agenda it disguises as a religion is finally rendered harmless for all those that are destined to experience its deceitful intentions.
God have us free will and the Founding Fathers have us the right to worship whatever God we want.

As a Unitarian I believe if someone worshipa Lucifer then that is their choice and not my problem..
As a Unitarian I believe if someone worshipa Lucifer then that is their choice and not my problem..[/QUOTE]
God have us free will and the Founding Fathers have us the right to worship whatever God we want.

As a Unitarian I believe if someone worshipa Lucifer then that is their choice and not my problem..

Until their influence happens to destroy the life of someone you love. Then it does become your problem. I suppose the question is, if you know that a cult is vying for the status of "religion" and all that religious rights - freedoms afford / grant in this country, should that claim be accepted without question or should the fruit of said religion be examined first? The same could be said for Islam. What teachings, doctrine, impact is this going to have on society and will the fruit of it be a blessing to our country or a curse?

Does it matter? It does to me.
God have us free will and the Founding Fathers have us the right to worship whatever God we want.

As a Unitarian I believe if someone worshipa Lucifer then that is their choice and not my problem..
Bruce if what you say is true concerning the intent of our founding fathers and the freedom of religion, why did they forbid Pagan days such as Halloween, Nimrod's birthday and other such Pagan days from being celebrated here in America?
Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Concerning songs, singers and such I see things in a way that you apparently do not at this time. The earth and all of the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord and all who dwell therein. When Ethan is contemplating Ethan also admits, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.
Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Concerning songs, singers and such I see things in a way that you apparently do not at this time. The earth and all of the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord and all who dwell therein. When Ethan is contemplating Ethan also admits, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.

No, the occult is the occult and what belongs to the Lord belongs to the Lord but we do not offer occult things to the LORD in the matter of worship, music, false doctrines as that would be a blasphemous thing to do.

The music by Led Zepplin should not be listened to by any Christian nor should some of their songs such as Stairway to Heaven be construed as a song Christians should listen to or sing. God forbid. GOD FORBID. We cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the LORD, Rod. It's one or the other.

I found the story that I was looking for. Here it is:

Aleister Crowley, Jimmy Page and the Curse of Led Zeppelin-When Myth, Magick and Weird Facts Collide

The curse of Led Zeppelin. People started to whisper about this in the late seventies. Nobody had any particular facts. But when Zeppelin drummer John Bonham died in September 1980, things started to pick up. So—is there anything to this so called Led Zeppelin “curse”? Nonsense, right? Let’s see…

Most of the curse talk is centered around the little understood late 19th century magician, Aleister Crowley. To say the word magician in the 21st century conjures up images of David Blaine or David Copperfield working illusions. In the late 1800’s, there existed a different kind of magician. These guys were serious-unlocking dimensions, communication with extra terrestial intelligences, communication with the dead, thought teleportation, spirit photography-spooky stuff, and grounded in science. The spiritualist movement was huge at this time, and though many charlatans inhabited the terrain, making the public think this was all some tomfoolery, others knew better. (Read up on the influence of Helena Blavatsky in the spiritual movement and Theosophy). Much of this work was centered in England around the Golden Dawn Society. Founded by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers in the late 1880’s, it was a secret society based loosely on Freemasonry, and like the Masons, had access to ancient secret Egyptian knowledge…supposedly. Their intent wasn’t evil or underhanded, they knew that humans had unlimited potential, and had vast untapped reservoirs waiting to be discovered. In short, they wanted mankind to rise up to a higher level of consciousness and awareness, not bad aspirations. They attracted high society intellectuals (William Butler Yeats was an early member), but infighting for control of the group, and a new member, Aleister Crowley, caused rifts that tore the group apart. . By the early 1900’s, the group had splintered into several sects and Crowley was off on his own.

The salacious aspects of Crowley are the easiest to locate in books and internet articles: copious use of drugs and sex. Lots and lots of sex. And sex while on drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. You get the idea. His life is far too much to cover here, but suffice it to say, Crowley continued on an esoteric magical path that continued to confound and mystify-and push the boundaries of understanding of the unseen further than anyone in the last 200 years. (he is indirectly responsible for Scientology, but was long dead when L Ron Hubbard foisted that scam onto the public). He became known as the master magician of the early 20th century-part devil incarnate or part receptacle of interdimensional knowledge? It was easy to find both opinions.

Enter Rock n Roll. From Beatle-esque good times to the psychedelic movement was a scant three years. Fans and bands were looking for something further. LSD and a rainbow of other drugs gave the insight that there actually was something further out there. Bands started to get weird and fans got weirder as the sixties shifted into 1970. It was around this time that Jimmy Page began to have a large fixation with Aleister Crowley. His bookstore he financed, The Equinox, was named after a Crowley journal, and it stocked some seriously rare and pricey occult books. This is the time when supposedly Page asked the band to perform a magical ritual with him, a ritual that would bring the band power unimaginable and something akin to everlasting life. Now for anyone who has heard or talked to people “in the know”, this kind of magic is nothing to fool with. It supposedly involves forces with powers beyond any human imagination, and is not to be trifled with by anyone not steeped in mountains of experience, certainly not for novice magi or stoned guitarists.(The oracle at Delphi giving mixed prophecies is a good ancient example). Blame hubris, blame drugs, but Page allegedly got the band, minus one, to join in this solemn and ancient ceremony. Jon Paul Jones was either skeptical enough or learned enough to stay far away.

The first evidence of this pact showed up on Led Zeppelin III. It was years before I discovered its exixtence. Between the end of the last song and the paper label is the outro groove. (this is where matrix numbers used by the pressing plant are usually located). Written into the vinyl (carved with a stylus into the test pressing acetate more correctly) was So Mote it Be on one side and Do What Thou Wilt on the other. These are basic stock phrases that are in the core of Crowley’s belief system, and are familiar to most who are aware of him. The magical significance of a Crowley power phrase spinning simultaneously on thousands of turntables across the world could not have escaped Page’s notice. (colleagues of this era say he most certainly was a member of the O.T.O. at this point)

It was on Led Zeppelin IV that the symbolism became more overt. No band name or title graced the cover or spine. Inside, a haunting painting of the hermit, a powerful tarot card symbol, was the sole image. On the innersleeve-more esoterica. Four symbols boldy across the sleeve. From left to right, these represent Page, Jones, Bonham and Plant. Page has said in interviews that most of these were taken Rudolf Koch’s 1955 Book of Signs, a collection of ancient and magical symbols from across the world. Plant’s is the easiest to decipher, the feather of truth from the Egyptian goddess Ma’at. Plant brought the truth and spoke it. Bonhams’s is the least esoteric-depending on who you believe it is either a symbol for a drumkit, the family unit, or the Ballantine Beer logo. Wise pundits refer to the latter as most likely. Jon Paul Jones’ logo, likely chosen by Page, is an ancient Celtic symbol with differing meanings and was co-opted by the early Christian church as a meaning for Trinity. The famed Zoso symbol is harder to pin down. Page famously has said he will never tell anyone what it means, but that it has obvious magical and occult significance. Robert Plant once said that in a quietly guarded moment, Page revealed the full meaning of all four signs, including a lengthy discussion of what Zoso meant. Unfortunately for the rock world, Plant said “I was a bit wasted at the time, and by the next morning I had forgotten. I asked him the next day to tell me again and he said he couldn’t/wouldn’t”

Even Sandy Denny of Fairport Convention, the ethereal voice on Battle of Evermore got her own symbol (cue foreshadowing music here) in the credits. Her symbol is related to both godhead and the power of the female.

Page at Boleskine, Crowley’s mansion

Page with Miss Pamela
That is a lot of esoteric ballyhoo, but where is the curse? According to Pamela des Barres, groupie extraordinaire and main squeeze of Page during this era, Jimmy got very deep into the Crowley myth, tasking her to scour San Francisco and Los Angeles for Crowleyania. She managed to come up with some impressive artifacts, manuscripts and even the magical robes Crowley wore. Then Page dropped a large chunk of change to acquire Crowley’s mansion, Boleskine, located on Loch Ness. Page said that the house had a history of suicides, which was true. This was now a serious obsession, but he managed to keep it fairly quiet above boards. Visitors to Boleskine said that at dusk, the outdoor patio was awash with shadows-phantoms and ghostly shapes, residue of decades of conjuring and whatnot. Whatever you believe, maids and servants were a quick turnover in employment, as all agreed the place was haunted to the point of being uninhabitable and beyond creepy.

Enter Kenneth Anger, Crowley disciple and filmaker. He was a noted underground filmmaker, drug taker and subversive. When Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin hatched a plan to exorcise and levitate the Pentagon in 1967, people took it as a Yippie lark, a stage show. However, Anger was ensconced under a truck, busily drawing magic circles, burning incense and chanting spells in Enochian-truly and seriously trying to do a real ritual exorcism. When plans for his film Lucifer Rising began to go astray-the lead actor was Bobby Beausoleil, later convicted of murder as a Manson family member, had to quit; Anton Lavey of the Church of Satan had a cameo; he had an off and on relation with the Rolling Stones for soundtrack work, (oddly right before the Altamont tragedy); rough cuts and cameras were stolen. In stepped Jimmy Page to do the soundtrack. This was the start of a love/hate relationship between Anger and Page. The music Page produced was genuinely creepy (some showed up on In Through the Out Door as the intro to In the Evening.) Anger moved into Boleskine and they shared their love of Crowley memorabilia. Anger was eventually asked to leave Page’s house where he had been living as the relationship degenerated and Page pulled out in 1975. Anger did a major flame job in the media publicly, but privately said he had cursed Page and Zep with one monster of a spell, the hugest psychic whammy he could conjure, replete with the worst Crowleyisms he could muster. This is where shit really started to go south.

First Robert Plant was in a horrific car crash, plunging off a cliff in Greece in 1975, nearly killing himself, his wife and child Karac. This forced a cancellation of the remainder of the Physical Graffiti tour, and postponed the recording of Presence, which Plant was forced to record in a wheelchair. The make up tour was then plagued by a plethora of highly negative events. A sudden case of laryngitis for Plant after the band had shipped all of their equipment and instruments to the States meant zero rehearsing was possible. Ticketless fans in Cincinnati rioted and stormed the gates (oddly the site of the infamous trampling incident at the Who two years later that killed eleven), In San Francisco, manager Peter Grant and John Bonham roughed up Bill Graham and nearly beat a Bill Graham employee to death-Bonham and Grant narrowly escaped serious charges and incarceration. Then Karac got sick. the best physicians money and private jets could buy all had the same answer-‘we have no idea what is wrong’. He passed away in 1977 right after the Graham incident, and as the band arrived in New Orleans, they got the news. The tour was immediately canceled. Plant quit the band and music in response to Page and Jones not showing up to his son’s funeral. Zeppelin truly seemed cursed.

Things continued to implode. Page was nearly comatose on a daily basis from a crippling heroin addiction. Bonham’s alcoholism raged out of control, and he became increasingly violent and unpredictable. In 1978, Sandy Denny, the goddess of Battle of Evermore plunged drunkenly down a flight of stairs and broke her neck and died.

Finally, in September 1980, John Bonham was sent home blisteringly drunk from a band rehearsal. Handlers tucked him in bed, he’d only drank 40 or so shots, he would be fine. Incorrect. He died in his sleep, and so did Zeppelin. The curse had cut a swath through the band in under five years. Only Jon Paul Jones, the only one not to sign the supposed pact, remained unscathed.

When all is said and done, it is pretty easy to chalk all of the above up to circumstance and chance. Eerie circumstances, but nevertheless, a round of odd coincidences. Page had said several times in interviews that he was ‘using a system that worked’ when asked about Crowley. Clearly occult practices were genuinely involved on some level, and some creepy and frightening personages dance in the background of the story. Personally? I am not so sure. Things started to backfire just as the band became the worldwide legends they had tried to magically invoke. Perhaps Page had violated the fourth pillar of O.T.O. commandments ‘To Be Silent’ by dropping some larger hints as to what he was into in his 1970’s interviews, which drew some commensurate magickal actions. But this is the thing that gets me–when so called ‘black magicians’ mess with this stuff, they usually do a protective spell on themselves for extra safety. Because black-ish magic is notorious for either backfiring or not working in the way it was supposed to.

Collateral damage around events associated with this behavior is well known. But Page’s extra level of spell could be simple, like “make sure nothing happens to me”. And looking back on Page’s career since 1980: his level of heroin addiction, lack of production musically (ignoring the Firm), failed Zeppelin reunions, and general dearth of accomplishments after nearly two decades of brilliance….it gives me pause. Nothing, literally nothing has happened to him. Good or bad. Just as it was phrased. And a fairly decent body count to go along with it is just enough to make you wonder. Really wonder.

Out of this story it is clear that some bands /band members will sell their soul to Satan in exchange for fame, power and money but even in the midst of that when they get into their own witchcraft battles with one another you can that because these people opened the door to Satan, and signed on, they can end up on the other end of those spells, hexes without any warning. Look at the deaths, the destruction and the truth is only those in hell will see the end of Jimmy Paige's story because it isn't over yet. When he dies? The judgment will be upon him. Then what? Do you see how dangerous this is and what of the many lives that have been destroyed because of those who listened to their music and were put under those spells by doing so? How many millions of lives have been destroyed because of listening to this demonic music?

Truly a very sad situation.
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Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Concerning songs, singers and such I see things in a way that you apparently do not at this time. The earth and all of the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord and all who dwell therein. When Ethan is contemplating Ethan also admits, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.

No, the occult is the occult and what belongs to the Lord belongs to the Lord but we do not offer occult things to the LORD in the matter of worship, music, false doctrines as that would be a blasphemous thing to do.

The music by Led Zepplin should not be listened to by any Christian nor should some of their songs such as Stairway to Heaven be construed as a song Christians should listen to or sing. God forbid. GOD FORBID. We cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the LORD, Rod. It's one or the other.

I found the story that I was looking for. Here it is:

Aleister Crowley, Jimmy Page and the Curse of Led Zeppelin-When Myth, Magick and Weird Facts Collide
Do you think you can chase away their demons for them?
Considering there is also a song about a stairway to heaven, I think that says something about the expected traffic loads in both directions!
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Concerning songs, singers and such I see things in a way that you apparently do not at this time. The earth and all of the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord and all who dwell therein. When Ethan is contemplating Ethan also admits, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.

No, the occult is the occult and what belongs to the Lord belongs to the Lord but we do not offer occult things to the LORD in the matter of worship, music, false doctrines as that would be a blasphemous thing to do.

The music by Led Zepplin should not be listened to by any Christian nor should some of their songs such as Stairway to Heaven be construed as a song Christians should listen to or sing. God forbid. GOD FORBID. We cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the LORD, Rod. It's one or the other.

I found the story that I was looking for. Here it is:

Aleister Crowley, Jimmy Page and the Curse of Led Zeppelin-When Myth, Magick and Weird Facts Collide
Do you think you can chase away their demons for them?

Every human being has a free will. Jesus Christ will not interfere with the free will of another human being to repent and be born again, Rod. Certainly no follower of Jesus Christ can do that either. What can I do as a believer? I have authority to bind the demons inside of them that are holding them captive so that they cannot operate, I have been given all power over Satan (according to Luke 10:19) to bind him from interfering in their free will choice to repent and be born again. I have authority to pray and ask the Lord to show them every wicked thing they have ever done or said and bring conviction upon their hearts that they might be saved. I can pray and ask the Lord to send laborers across their path to talk to them about being saved.

I can pray that way and when I am praying for people into the occult I can bind up the powers within them in their own soul (rendering them powerless) so that they are not able to harm any other human being but that is done in the hopes that they will repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ. Not to cause harm them.
Job did see angels coming and going on that ladder and Jesus did in fact tell the disciples that they would be as the angels. Going out and coming in are spoke of throughout in the Bible, indeed there is a two way traffic zone.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Concerning songs, singers and such I see things in a way that you apparently do not at this time. The earth and all of the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord and all who dwell therein. When Ethan is contemplating Ethan also admits, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.

No, the occult is the occult and what belongs to the Lord belongs to the Lord but we do not offer occult things to the LORD in the matter of worship, music, false doctrines as that would be a blasphemous thing to do.

The music by Led Zepplin should not be listened to by any Christian nor should some of their songs such as Stairway to Heaven be construed as a song Christians should listen to or sing. God forbid. GOD FORBID. We cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the LORD, Rod. It's one or the other.

I found the story that I was looking for. Here it is:

Aleister Crowley, Jimmy Page and the Curse of Led Zeppelin-When Myth, Magick and Weird Facts Collide
Do you think you can chase away their demons for them?

Every human being has a free will. Jesus Christ will not interfere with the free will of another human being to repent and be born again, Rod. Certainly no follower of Jesus Christ can do that either. What can I do as a believer? I have authority to bind the demons inside of them that are holding them captive so that they cannot operate, I have been given all power over Satan (according to Luke 10:19) to bind him from interfering in their free will choice to repent and be born again. I have authority to pray and ask the Lord to show them every wicked thing they have ever done or said and bring conviction upon their hearts that they might be saved. I can pray and ask the Lord to send laborers across their path to talk to them about being saved.

I can pray that way and when I am praying for people into the occult I can bind up the powers within them in their own soul (rendering them powerless) so that they are not able to harm any other human being but that is done in the hopes that they will repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ. Not to cause harm them.
Well I cannot compete with the power that you believe you have. Carry on and I will keep you in my prayers.
I believe he is referring to Led Zepplin's song, Stairway to heaven which is not a Christian song. Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's manor house, Boleskine and for a time Kenneth Anger (another Satanist) lived at the same residence with him until there was a conflict between the two. This resulted in a warfare in which Kenneth Anger allegedly cursed the band and from that curse / spell that was put against the band members there was a great fall out. The only person who was not harmed was the band member Jones and that was credited to the account that he was the only one that didn't sign some sort of oath with an occult sign on their albums.

I would have to find the news article about it to explain it as I am probably not stating exactly what it was that Jones didn't want to sign and refused. I only know that it had to do with something specific about the occult and all who signed on with Page had disasters come upon them according to the article - including deaths, tragedies and the split up of their band. The story gives a very good picture of the type of battles that go on between people involved in witchcraft and also the dangers of it for those who delve into it. I will trying to find the news article about that story, God willing.
Concerning songs, singers and such I see things in a way that you apparently do not at this time. The earth and all of the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord and all who dwell therein. When Ethan is contemplating Ethan also admits, The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all its fullness, You have founded them.

No, the occult is the occult and what belongs to the Lord belongs to the Lord but we do not offer occult things to the LORD in the matter of worship, music, false doctrines as that would be a blasphemous thing to do.

The music by Led Zepplin should not be listened to by any Christian nor should some of their songs such as Stairway to Heaven be construed as a song Christians should listen to or sing. God forbid. GOD FORBID. We cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the LORD, Rod. It's one or the other.

I found the story that I was looking for. Here it is:

Aleister Crowley, Jimmy Page and the Curse of Led Zeppelin-When Myth, Magick and Weird Facts Collide
Do you think you can chase away their demons for them?

Every human being has a free will. Jesus Christ will not interfere with the free will of another human being to repent and be born again, Rod. Certainly no follower of Jesus Christ can do that either. What can I do as a believer? I have authority to bind the demons inside of them that are holding them captive so that they cannot operate, I have been given all power over Satan (according to Luke 10:19) to bind him from interfering in their free will choice to repent and be born again. I have authority to pray and ask the Lord to show them every wicked thing they have ever done or said and bring conviction upon their hearts that they might be saved. I can pray and ask the Lord to send laborers across their path to talk to them about being saved.

I can pray that way and when I am praying for people into the occult I can bind up the powers within them in their own soul (rendering them powerless) so that they are not able to harm any other human being but that is done in the hopes that they will repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ. Not to cause harm them.
Well I cannot compete with the power that you believe you have. Carry on and I will keep you in my prayers.
If you are a born again Christian and a believer in the KJV Holy Bible, Rod, there is no competition. I'm telling you what my God given authority is according to the Written Word of God is THE SAME authority that is given to ALL born again Believers who stand on the Word of God, the KJV Holy Bible and pray according to God's Word. If you abide in Jesus Christ and HIS WORD abides in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done. This is one of the promises of God and God is not a man that he should lie.

Your problem is that you do not believe in Biblical Christianity. You have delved off into a false Gospel that has no power and no man can do anything apart from God. God does not conform to our beliefs. We must conform to His Word, to His Son's Commands and do what He says. Anything that isn't in the Scriptures (such as God using rock music - clearly satanic music is a tool of Satan, not God) and cannot be confirmed by the Word of God shouldn't be a part of our belief system. We cannot create a god in our own image because it is more palatable to our likes and dislikes. We are commanded to cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

It is written:
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. - Luke 10:19
Question for the readers: When a cult sings about being on the highway to hell and uses music to lead your sons and daughters to commit suicide, kill others, commit acts of unspeakable violence should it be given the same freedom in our country as Christianity?

Is this what our founding fathers meant when they wrote about freedom of religion? I do not believe that is what they meant at all. How about you?

Yes, it is what our Founders meant by both Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.

Now, if the Religion attempts to force people to commit illegal acts or commits acts against people without those people's consent, then those followers need to be held liable to the law of the land.....

LIke walking right past the "No Trespassing" sign on my lawn to knock on my door for 5 minutes until I answer it, to "invite" me to their church.
Question for the readers: When a cult sings about being on the highway to hell and uses music to lead your sons and daughters to commit suicide, kill others, commit acts of unspeakable violence should it be given the same freedom in our country as Christianity?

Is this what our founding fathers meant when they wrote about freedom of religion? I do not believe that is what they meant at all. How about you?

Yes, it is what our Founders meant by both Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.

Now, if the Religion attempts to force people to commit illegal acts or commits acts against people without those people's consent, then those followers need to be held liable to the law of the land.....

LIke walking right past the "No Trespassing" sign on my lawn to knock on my door for 5 minutes until I answer it, to "invite" me to their church.

Really? And when is the last time someone walked right past a no trespassing sign on your back lawn and knocked on your door for five minutes until you answered it in order to invite you to church, Anathema?

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