Jews for Justice..... If Americans really Knew

Israel can be this:




or this:



Up to you.

What is your point?
Israel can be this:




or this:



Up to you.

So on the one hand we have a culture that fixates on women as brainless bimbo sex objects, while on the other that fixates on them as wives and mothers.


Tough decision.

"One in every three Israeli women has been raped or sexually assaulted, according to the latest statistics from the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI). Nice girls don t get raped - Features - Jerusalem Post"

So because they wear bikinis at the beach, they're bimbos ? Great logic

It's very ironic that you're talking about treatment of women in Israel in comparison to the Arab world where women are known to be treated like dogs in many areas in the ME.
But since it has nothing to do with Israel or Jews, it doesn't concern you.
Starting hostilities is not defending themselves, firing illegal rockets at Israeli civilians is not defending themselves. They are acts of war and terrorism. Would you give a child with a fixation on fire a can of gas and a box of matches ?
Earth to Phoney, earth to Phoney, they didn't start hostilities.

The occupation started a full 37 years before the first rocket went up.

The first documented attacks were against Jews, by Arabs. Even before 1929 Hebron Massacre.
Who starts the fight? The guy who throws the first punch, or the guy who continually needles the guy to provoke him into throwing the first punch?

The arab muslims every time, and then whinge when they get owned
Whenever we debate the 6 day war, you deluded propagandists claim that Israel started the war because they fired the first shot.
But now you appear to be claiming that even though the Arabs fired the first show, they didn't start the hostilities...

Pro Palestinian hypocrisy at its best
Just like the lying Zionist propagandists who say that the Palestinians fired the first shot. (like in 1929)
Can you prove otherwise?? Show me a link that shows Jews killing Arabs before Jews were killed by Palestinians..

Sure, there are plenty. The Europeans behaved like colonial European usually behaved.. Usually they were the first to kill and that was the case in Palestine.

" a new document referring to the Zarnuka incident was discovered recently by researcher Yuval Ben Bassat, in the Istanbul Archives, a petition written to Sultan Mehmet V by heads of families in the area.

The petitioners present themselves as, "We, the residents of villages neighboring with the Jewish colonies of Daran [Rehovot] and Lun Kara (Rishon Leztion)," and complain that the Jews "wanted to strip the camel owner of their clothes, money and camels, but these men refused to give their camels and escaped from Lun Kara with their camels, protecting each other [to seek refuge with] men of the law… The above mentioned Jews attacked our villages, robbed and looted our property, killed and even damaged the family honor, all this in a manner we find hard to put in words."

"This is the first time we see how they describe things from their point of view, "Ben Bassat says." It's not a matter of being for or against Zionism – it simply shows how complex this meeting was, and that can't be learned anywhere else."

New documents reveal early Palestinian attitudes toward Zionist settlements - Israel News Haaretz

When was Zionism invented again ?


When did Mohamed wipe out the tribe of Jews at medina for no reason ?
The first documented attacks were against Jews, by Arabs. Even before 1929 Hebron Massacre.

.........and Toasty, if you bother to read just a bit more beyond the headline....the Hebron incident was sparked by reports that some Jews had planned to blow up a mosque in Jerusalem......Like most things in that region, its always who started it first.

And if you bothered to cross reference the incident you would see that it was a blood libel started by the Grand Mufti so that he could start the final solution and rid the world of the Jews.

Historical fact

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
post makes no sense. Palestinians are not coming to Europe from the Middle East and definately not due to Israel. Most of the murdering is being done by another arab, namely Assad. Our immigrants are from Kosovo, Syria, Albania. Can't blame that one on the "zionist

Well, here's why................
The only legal ways in and out of Gaza are through its official border crossings with Israel and Egypt. Gaza has little control over those crossings, and both of its neighbors have severely restricted the movement of people and goods across the borders because of security concerns.

LIAR as the border crossings are manned by hamas thugs on the gaza side and they often close them to traffic in and out of gaza. They even close them to the aid lorries and fire on them


Hamas Fatah bicker over Gaza crossings - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East#
Yes, and they are using the media to spread their immense propaganda.

Unlike Israel who actually sent Netanyahu to speak before Congress?

Exactly WHO is better at propaganda?

Don't you mean he was invited to come and speak by the Americans ?

NO, dingbat...He was invited when the Israeli ambassador basically "bribed" Boehner into accepting the deal to give the finger to Obama......

In the same way that Palestinians are not all Hamas "lovers".....Many of us are not necessarily kissing the arses of Israelis as you certainly do.

Then either you are LYING or the American Senate is Lying. My money is on you being the LIAR

Given that 74 US senators are technically traitors to the U.S., I'll take that bet.

No use arguing with two Israel ass-kissing idiots......

Mohammed turned on the Jewish tribes in Median because ....for just a bit of money....they betrayed Mohammed and opened the gates of the city to enemies of Mohammed's own people.....

Secondly, the Hebron Massacre was sparked by rumors that some Jews had blown up a Mosque in Jerusalem.....Sad occurence, no doubt. But, Muslims did not just wake up one day and decided to kill Jews....As a matter of fact, many Muslims sheltered Jews and avoided further killings.
Yeah what's your point:

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

Look at the previous posts, dingbat.........(I swear some of these right wingers are simply idiots.)
I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?
Yeah what's your point:

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

Look at the previous posts, dingbat.........(I swear some of these right wingers are simply idiots.)
I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

Simple to "answer" your question, dingbat....I'll type real slow so that you can keep up (or ask a grown up to explain it to you)

One of YOUR right wing ilk, posted pictures of bimbos asking if we wanted to instead see Arab women dressed in burkas.....someone else responded with that above picture showing that Jewsih orthodox women ALSO cover themselves from head-to-toe...

If you still can't understand, find another hobby....Dolt !!!
Yeah what's your point:

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

Look at the previous posts, dingbat.........(I swear some of these right wingers are simply idiots.)
I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

Simple to "answer" your question, dingbat....I'll type real slow so that you can keep up (or ask a grown up to explain it to you)

One of YOUR right wing ilk, posted pictures of bimbos asking if we wanted to instead see Arab women dressed in burkas.....someone else responded with that above picture showing that Jewsih orthodox women ALSO cover themselves from head-to-toe...

If you still can't understand, find another hobby....Dolt !!!

Wow, you're dumber than I thought. The pic of Jews that was posted has been used 100 times, and is the only one deluded lefties can find of Jewish woman dressed like that.
I , and I'm sure you and everyone else, have never ever seen Jewish women dressed like that, and I've been to Israel 12 times.

So, thanks you for showing your ignorance deluded leftist, but that pic proved NOTHING. Except that you're as gullible and brainwashed as the other lefties here.
Yeah what's your point:

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

What are you trying to prove by posting this pic ?

Look at the previous posts, dingbat.........(I swear some of these right wingers are simply idiots.)
I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

I know exactly what was said in the previous posts moron. But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

But what does this one pic that these deluded lefties keep posting of Jewish women wearing veils prove ?
Lets see if you can answer the question?

Simple to "answer" your question, dingbat....I'll type real slow so that you can keep up (or ask a grown up to explain it to you)

One of YOUR right wing ilk, posted pictures of bimbos asking if we wanted to instead see Arab women dressed in burkas.....someone else responded with that above picture showing that Jewsih orthodox women ALSO cover themselves from head-to-toe...

If you still can't understand, find another hobby....Dolt !!!

Wow, you're dumber than I thought. The pic of Jews that was posted has been used 100 times, and is the only one deluded lefties can find of Jewish woman dressed like that.
I , and I'm sure you and everyone else, have never ever seen Jewish women dressed like that, and I've been to Israel 12 times.

So, thanks you for showing your ignorance deluded leftist, but that pic proved NOTHING. Except that you're as gullible and brainwashed as the other lefties here.

Well, toasty, you know what you can do with your yarmulke?????

That's right, all the way up there......LOL

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