Jesus said: "I didn't come to bring peace, I bring division"


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
In a household three will be against two and two against three.

Father will be against son and son against father.

Mother will be against daughter and daughter will be against mother.

Mother-in-law will be against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law will be against mother-in-law.

This is probably one of Jesus' hardest teachings to accept.

Christians would like a world where our families are united in faith, but such a world is not possible according to Jesus.

I think of my own family, and this is true for us as well.
In a household three will be against two and two against three.

Father will be against son and son against father.

Mother will be against daughter and daughter will be against mother.

Mother-in-law will be against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law will be against mother-in-law.

This is probably one of Jesus' hardest teachings to accept.

Christians would like a world where our families are united in faith, but such a world is not possible according to Jesus.

I think of my own family, and this is true for us as well.

My wife and I were discussing that same passage earlier today. He also said in Matthew 10:34-36

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."

Yes, that is the passage they read this last Sunday at Mass.

It really makes you think that the world Christians would like to have is not really possible, and Jesus said so in the very beginning.

I raised my three children in the Catholic Church, but none of them attend Mass on Sunday.

I've been blaming myself, but after this Gospel reading I realize that maybe I did the best I could.
Yes, that is the passage they read this last Sunday at Mass.

It really makes you think that the world Christians would like to have is not really possible, and Jesus said so in the very beginning.

I raised my three children in the Catholic Church, but none of them attend Mass on Sunday.

I've been blaming myself, but after this Gospel reading I realize that maybe I did the best I could.

Much of Christianity is practicing what Brannon Howse calls "Marxianity. That's a watered-down mixture of the Christian faith, Marxist Liberation Theology, social justice, white privilege, interfaith dialog, radical feminism, political correctness, and tolerance of sin like homosexuality.

The entire concept of judgement seems to be missing these days.
There's two things about judgment in the Bible that seems inconsistent.

The Prodigal Son parable says, God will let us come back to him and he will forgive us no matter what we've done, no matter how much we've turned our back on him.

The Foolish Bridesmaids parable says, if you're not ready when Jesus comes, you will go to hell.
In a household three will be against two and two against three.

Father will be against son and son against father.

Mother will be against daughter and daughter will be against mother.

Mother-in-law will be against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law will be against mother-in-law.

This is probably one of Jesus' hardest teachings to accept.

Christians would like a world where our families are united in faith, but such a world is not possible according to Jesus.

I think of my own family, and this is true for us as well.
So Jesus works for MSNBC or are you saying he works for Congress?
What Jesus is saying is he doesn't bring peace in this world, only peace in the next world.

So, those who think we're going to all join hands and sing kumbaya have to realize that we can't even achieve this within our own families.
What Jesus is saying is he doesn't bring peace in this world, only peace in the next world.

So, those who think we're going to all join hands and sing kumbaya have to realize that we can't even achieve this within our own families.

There is no peace in this world, as the devil pretty much owns it.
What Jesus is saying is he doesn't bring peace in this world, only peace in the next world.

So, those who think we're going to all join hands and sing kumbaya have to realize that we can't even achieve this within our own families.

There is no peace in this world, as the devil pretty much owns it.
That's obvious every time you turn on the TV, radio, or look at a newspaper.
Jesus is the apostle of HATE!
Luke 14:26 Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.
The only kind of peace a Christian can really accomplish in this life is inner peace.

I think there are some Eastern philosophies that also teach this.
Jesus is the apostle of HATE!
Luke 14:26 Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.
I asked a priest about the teaching that you have to give up all your money to follow Jesus and he said that applied to SOME Christians but not ALL.

A Catholic who leaves his family to become a priest, nun, or brother follows this teaching.

Lay Catholics who choose married life do not have to follow this teaching.
Jesus is the apostle of HATE!
Luke 14:26 Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.
I asked a priest about the teaching that you have to give up all your money to follow Jesus and he said that applied to SOME Christians but not ALL.

A Catholic who leaves his family to become a priest, nun, or brother follows this teaching.

Lay Catholics who choose married life do not have to follow this teaching.
What exactly does that diversion have to do with the pure HATE that Jesus teaches?????
Take him at his word... Division... two against 3 ...666 or 3 into or against 2 which equals 666... The sign of the devil to bring Division or strife... Too simple for you then read John 66:6 ...It can’t be more obvious...
You are a fucking moron. Period.
Wow ...showing true Christian love... According to your gospels you should be afraid of receiving hellfire from your saviour for saying such a thing but I will turn my other cheek to you don’t worry... However you are missing a few letters in your statement You should have said I couldn’t be “ more on” in my figuring not moron and you being TN could “ har D ley” be correct in your statement.... even though you have posted here over 60000 times I guess when you reach 66600 we should all watch out especially if you don’t clean up your words...
You are a fucking moron. Period.
Wow ...showing true Christian love... According to your gospels you should be afraid of receiving hellfire from your saviour for saying such a thing but I will turn my other cheek to you don’t worry... However you are missing a few letters in your statement You should have said I couldn’t be “ more on” in my figuring not moron and you being TN could “ har D ley” be correct in your statement.... even though you have posted here over 60000 times I guess when you reach 66600 we should all watch out especially if you don’t clean up your words...
Take it easy. He’s on your side. He hates Christians.

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