Jesus is coming back to kill everybody as is says it the bible.

1. No chance.
2. In the title you say Jesus is going to kill everybody, I right?
3. Point is, if Jesus is going to kill evrybody, why come back, he can just desolve the planet, with a word.
4. Wouldn't that kill everybody, and save him a trip back?
What fun would that be ?
He wants to ride around on a horse and chop off kids heads that listen to Ozzy and kill old ladies with fire who fucked somebody else's husband 60 years ago before throwing the whole lot into a lake of fire so he can listen to them screaming for the next 6000000000000000000000000000004 1/2 years while he chokes his chicken.
It's a Gawd thang. You wouldn't understan.
Just remember. He loves you ! :cuckoo:
Children.... This is what we call an idiot!

Jesus is not an idiot. In fact, I think he is very intelligent. I am quite certain that he would qualify for Mensa.

I can only tell you what the Bible says. If you disagree, you really should not call people names, especially, Jesus.

Are we allowed to only pay attention to those parts of the Bible we want to accept and disregard all of the rest?

I won´t jesus get called an idiot too.

But extinguishing from that he´s the son of god
and that his words are the core of everything in christian faith
aren´t his directly spoken and named rules and laws the onliest thing that should count for true christians?

Luke 6. 27-28: “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you"

Luke 10 25-28: 25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

Love. That´s it. That´s all. No fear, no anger, no harm, no kill, no murder, no slaughter. If god will make an end anytime, than it´s his business, not mine or of any other christians. Here you have the rules and guidelines: Love. Discover the love, research the love, ask the love. This hasn´t to do anything with hippieness like another usmb member said in another thread. This is hard work. The field of love is big and there are many stones, rocks and pest plants in it. But I believe this: As soon as i raise my hand against something else or speak words that let others do so, i´ve already left my field.

Love is so much: Forgiveness, Patience, Understanding, Teaching, Learning, Helping, acting responsibility, to others, to god and to myself. And even this "myself" is always the hardest thing. Sorry Neubarth but i always get upset when any anger or harm is spoken or announced in the name of god and jesus. It is the wrong way to the hearts of the searchers.
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I was sitting on the shitter when he, I mean He, came and gave me a message for you.


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Children.... This is what we call an idiot!

Jesus is not an idiot. In fact, I think he is very intelligent. I am quite certain that he would qualify for Mensa.

I can only tell you what the Bible says. If you disagree, you really should not call people names, especially, Jesus.

Are we allowed to only pay attention to those parts of the Bible we want to accept and disregard all of the rest?

Hey New Barf.....Yeshua (Jesus) isn't an idiot.

You are......
Um, okay, after reading this thread it appears we should be frightened on a returning Zombie Jesus coming to kill us all?

Here's a thing though - what would happen if he did turn up? One god against billions of us? Come on humanity - I reckon we can take him. We did it last time and we can do it again.

There is some chatter on that there inter web that 2012 could be the year, so who knows, the chap who started this thread could be in for a happy Christmas.
Um, okay, after reading this thread it appears we should be frightened on a returning Zombie Jesus coming to kill us all?

Here's a thing though - what would happen if he did turn up? One god against billions of us? Come on humanity - I reckon we can take him. We did it last time and we can do it again.

There is some chatter on that there inter web that 2012 could be the year, so who knows, the chap who started this thread could be in for a happy Christmas.

If you saw it on the internets it must be true!

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