do you people put up with this sh*t?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
So..a friend at the office couldn't get her verizon router to work with her computer. The Verizon store told her she has to be at Vista SP1 in order for it to work. She tried 3 times to update and it failed during the process each time.
She brought it o me and asked if I would help her. in the *#@#& do you folks put up with this piece of @*^#! operating system?!
1) The update is 437 MB...what the..that is more than my entire operating system!!
2) After it downloaded the update, it just sat there for like 20 minutes. So finally I look closer and there is a pop up window behind the download is a dumba$$ disclaimer that you have to click before it starts updating? - Who the &(&%#@ put a pop up BEHIND the download window??
3) So I click it...and hour and a half later it wants to reboot. So I click yes...what the f*ck? It doesn't reboot, it logs you off and says Stage 1 - 1% finished.
4) Another 30 minutes later and the screen goes stayed this way for a good 3-4 minutes..then finally the little blue circle starts spinning and it that a joke? You know how many people probably just shut the computer ooff then - and the update would have to restart.

How does anyone stand Windows?
I ask myself this now and again...I have a laptop only a year old with vista and it makes me ask more frequently than normal.....I guess the answer is to install a new one and get the system back to where I have it now would take so long that I am willing to put up with the short term angst than a longer bout.
I ask myself this now and again...I have a laptop only a year old with vista and it makes me ask more frequently than normal.....I guess the answer is to install a new one and get the system back to where I have it now would take so long that I am willing to put up with the short term angst than a longer bout.

Man you need to give Linux a shot.
Find a laptop in decent shape for cheap...UPS it to me, I will set it all up for you and send it back.
You will never look back.
I ask myself this now and again...I have a laptop only a year old with vista and it makes me ask more frequently than normal.....I guess the answer is to install a new one and get the system back to where I have it now would take so long that I am willing to put up with the short term angst than a longer bout.

Man you need to give Linux a shot.
Find a laptop in decent shape for cheap...UPS it to me, I will set it all up for you and send it back.
You will never look back.

you are really tempting me....:eusa_think:
I ask myself this now and again...I have a laptop only a year old with vista and it makes me ask more frequently than normal.....I guess the answer is to install a new one and get the system back to where I have it now would take so long that I am willing to put up with the short term angst than a longer bout.

Man you need to give Linux a shot.
Find a laptop in decent shape for cheap...UPS it to me, I will set it all up for you and send it back.
You will never look back.

you are really tempting me....:eusa_think:

UPS would be...about $15 I'm guessing.
Add how ever much you pay for a used (but working) laptop....and your computer woes are over. Will boot up in about 10 seconds tops (laptops boot slower) and power down in about 3-4 seconds.
No more malware/spyware/ and a anti-virus program that is worse than most any virus.
Everything just works..and it is 100 times faster...and best of does NOT slow with age.
This laptop came with windows 7. In my opinion it is the best Microsoft has offered since Win 98. I also have Kubuntu Linux on the machine and that's about all I use. I keep the Win 7 for the wife for when we travel. Her son and I have been Linux users for over 10 years, but can't get her to come over from the dark side.
Man you need to give Linux a shot.
Find a laptop in decent shape for cheap...UPS it to me, I will set it all up for you and send it back.
You will never look back.

you are really tempting me....:eusa_think:

UPS would be...about $15 I'm guessing.
Add how ever much you pay for a used (but working) laptop....and your computer woes are over. Will boot up in about 10 seconds tops (laptops boot slower) and power down in about 3-4 seconds.
No more malware/spyware/ and a anti-virus program that is worse than most any virus.
Everything just works..and it is 100 times faster...and best of does NOT slow with age.

And upgrades are free!
So..a friend at the office couldn't get her verizon router to work with her computer. The Verizon store told her she has to be at Vista SP1 in order for it to work. She tried 3 times to update and it failed during the process each time.
She brought it o me and asked if I would help her. in the *#@#& do you folks put up with this piece of @*^#! operating system?!
1) The update is 437 MB...what the..that is more than my entire operating system!!
2) After it downloaded the update, it just sat there for like 20 minutes. So finally I look closer and there is a pop up window behind the download is a dumba$$ disclaimer that you have to click before it starts updating? - Who the &(&%#@ put a pop up BEHIND the download window??
3) So I click it...and hour and a half later it wants to reboot. So I click yes...what the f*ck? It doesn't reboot, it logs you off and says Stage 1 - 1% finished.
4) Another 30 minutes later and the screen goes stayed this way for a good 3-4 minutes..then finally the little blue circle starts spinning and it that a joke? You know how many people probably just shut the computer ooff then - and the update would have to restart.

How does anyone stand Windows?

Vista is like ME, it sucked.

I run it because it's my job. Window 7 is much better than Vista but I'm suprised at how many updates it takes from Microsoft. From a straight install last we to the lastest service patch, 48 updates.......
Vista is like ME, it sucked.

I run it because it's my job. Window 7 is much better than Vista but I'm suprised at how many updates it takes from Microsoft. From a straight install last we to the lastest service patch, 48 updates.......

They all suck. Windows 7 is difficult also, we have one 7 machine at work - it is clearly faster than even XP, and does some things such as putting running apps in "sleep" mode so the computer is not so clogged when you have multiple apps open...but heck, Mac has been doing this since 1998 or so. And Linux has been managing memory like this since, maybe the 80's.

Take this as an example.
A belkin USB wireless appliance.
In windows:
It must be installed from a CD, which installs a whole application and other garbage you do not adds over 150MB of crap.
In Linux:
You open ndiswrapper app...point it to the .inf OK...DONE.
Nothing installs...done.
I mostly use windows because I don't feel like relearning how to use a computer and having to track down or hack drivers for new hardware.

Plus each distro seems to use a different file hierarchy just to make the whoe thing one giant pain in the ass
Man you need to give Linux a shot.
Find a laptop in decent shape for cheap...UPS it to me, I will set it all up for you and send it back.
You will never look back.

you are really tempting me....:eusa_think:

UPS would be...about $15 I'm guessing.
Add how ever much you pay for a used (but working) laptop....and your computer woes are over. Will boot up in about 10 seconds tops (laptops boot slower) and power down in about 3-4 seconds.
No more malware/spyware/ and a anti-virus program that is worse than most any virus.
Everything just works..and it is 100 times faster...and best of does NOT slow with age.
As linux comes to be more popular, more linux viruses surface

And there exist firewalls and antivirus programs for linux
Windows is a slow hog, but the business world runs on it and will for the next 20 years or more.

Its a necessary evil :(
you are really tempting me....:eusa_think:

UPS would be...about $15 I'm guessing.
Add how ever much you pay for a used (but working) laptop....and your computer woes are over. Will boot up in about 10 seconds tops (laptops boot slower) and power down in about 3-4 seconds.
No more malware/spyware/ and a anti-virus program that is worse than most any virus.
Everything just works..and it is 100 times faster...and best of does NOT slow with age.
As linux comes to be more popular, more linux viruses surface

And there exist firewalls and antivirus programs for linux

Sure, but the entire construct of Linux makes it hard to write viruses for.
Anyone who can follow a few basic VB scripts can write a working virus for windows...not so for Linux. It takes bonafide skills to write a working virus in a *nix environment.
Linux is written with security as "job#1" - next is a strict "frugality" in linux apps - include only what you need to make it work.
This type of approach is naturally a great defence.
Windows is written with security as a faaaaar distant priority, and frugality is a word that has never been uttered in Redmond.

As a note - have you tried the newer distros in the past couple years?
It is incredibly easy to use today. parents use ubuntu..and they are 69 and 73 years old.
Sure, but the entire construct of Linux makes it hard to write viruses for.
Anyone who can follow a few basic VB scripts can write a working virus for windows...not so for Linux. It takes bonafide skills to write a working virus in a *nix environment.

I know two things about coding, and the first thing is jack, so I really can't have this conversation with you unless you want to talk to yourself while I sit there with a glazed-over look in my eyes.

Thanks for trying, though.

I've used Puppy, Ubuntu, and Mint.

Mint was the only one of the three to run all my hardware- including wireless- on all machines as soon as I dropped the disk in.

well... almost... it imported the drivers my my Windows installation and converted them automatically [when I tried typing in the scripts with the other two, it was no-go).

The average user doesn't want to spend all day getting the machine to work- hell, I get pissed setting up Windows to show all extensions and files after a clean install, I do not want to fuck around trying to get drivers to work and I don't want to have to become a programmer just to use my damn computer- that's why we have a GUI in the first place

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