Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the III...WTF


May 23, 2014
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
Bush92 reveals he has a conspiracy mind.

One, no Marxist of any kind is in the "Civil Rights Division."

Two, nothing is going to happen to Clinton, Holdern, Lynch, Comey, or Mueller, etc. That is silly to think it would.

A. Mitchell Palmer was a criminal.
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
He has been in office as a senator since 1997. Therefore, he is beyond corrupted.

Not sure we fully understand the power of blackmail.

After ONE TERM in office chances are they got you on something, let alone 20 years.
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
Sessions has indeed turned into a lame duck AG. He has literally done nothing. Absolutely nothing.
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
He has been in office as a senator since 1997. Therefore, he is beyond corrupted.

Not sure we fully understand the power of blackmail.

After ONE TERM in office chances are they got you on something, let alone 20 years.
These days they don't need to get you on Lisa Bloom showed, all it takes is hundreds of thousands of dollars to bribe some woman to make a public accusation.
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
Sessions has indeed turned into a lame duck AG. He has literally done nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Virtually every career politician in Washington is a viper.

Personally I want Gowdy in there. I think he is one a very few authentic law and order guys.

Trumps fault for not knowing this. Plus he appointed Mueller, which tells me there was a viper advising him.

Bush92 reveals he has a conspiracy mind.

One, no Marxist of any kind is in the "Civil Rights Division."

Two, nothing is going to happen to Clinton, Holdern, Lynch, Comey, or Mueller, etc. That is silly to think it would.

A. Mitchell Palmer was a criminal.
Palmer was a hero and stopped communist subversives who college professors now admire and hold up as heroes.
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
He has been in office as a senator since 1997. Therefore, he is beyond corrupted.

Not sure we fully understand the power of blackmail.

After ONE TERM in office chances are they got you on something, let alone 20 years.
These days they don't need to get you on Lisa Bloom showed, all it takes is hundreds of thousands of dollars to bribe some woman to make a public accusation.
She is a disgrace.
The FBI IS functioning at a high level. Trump isn't functioning at all.

Can't stand Lil Jiffy the Lyin' Racist Keebler Elf but he was right about this one.

Sessions does seem to be a disappointment. Maybe he is in the back pocket of estab republicans but either way he seems either timid or not up to the job.
When Trump nominated Sessions to be AG I was ecstatic! First of all...he has the proper accent. Second...I assumed he would clean the activist Marxist out of the Justice Department...especially the outdated and unnecessary “Civil Rights Division.” Third, I hoped we would get justice on Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, and the rest of the rouges gallery. Fourth, re-name the Justice Department building after a real Attorney General who was not interested in being a political hack artist for his brother, A.Mitchell Palmer...pursuer of communist. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Sessions says FBI 'functioning at a high level' after Trump criticism
Sessions needs to go. Trump should copy a page from JFK and make a family member his AG
It’ll be funny that when he’s fired, the net accomplishment will be that his Senate seat was flipped blue
Only temporary and Republicans will gain seats in 2018.
Democrats in the nation have gained 100 seats since President Trump was elected.... I think the tide has turned and now it is Democrat's time to gain seats.... it is really what happens when a new President comes in...time and time again....almost like it is just routine...

No JOY should be taken by a ruling political party going after their opponents and using their political power and offices trying to lock them up....COMRADE. Holy SMOKES! :eek:
It’ll be funny that when he’s fired, the net accomplishment will be that his Senate seat was flipped blue
Only temporary and Republicans will gain seats in 2018.
Democrats in the nation have gained 100 seats since President Trump was elected.... I think the tide has turned and now it is Democrat's time to gain seats.... it is really what happens when a new President comes in...time and time again....almost like it is just routine...

No JOY should be taken by a ruling political party going after their opponents and using their political power and offices trying to lock them up....COMRADE. Holy SMOKES! :eek:
100 seats where? State legislatures in blue states that were gerrymandered in their favor? Laughable. GOP will gain seats in Senate...hold their majority in House.
It’ll be funny that when he’s fired, the net accomplishment will be that his Senate seat was flipped blue
Only temporary and Republicans will gain seats in 2018.
Unlikely. The GOP is a party of racists and child molesters right now. People will reject that.
A.) Your comment is stupid.
B.) I remember your 2016 predictions.
Democrats picked up seats in the House and Senate, and the Presidential candidate got 3 million more votes.

In 2018, you won’t have a broken electoral college and Russian sabotage to help you.

A tip: stop nominating child rapists.

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