Jeb, Hello Jeb?

what i really want to see are all four of them on the victory tour throughout all 57 states. Walker/Cruz/Rubio/Paul. Four Horsemen? now we are talking standing line only at red rocks and maybe even the grand canyon.
Yo, get a grip? What do you think the Tea Party is? Well. I`ll tell you, they are everyday Americans who work, pay taxes, want smaller Government, less regulations that are strangling small business, stop all the waste in Washington, hold the Politicians accountable, and get the HELL out of my life!!! There, it sounded nothing like MSNBC, now did it!!!!

I know exactly who the TEA Party is. THey are a bunch of dumb, insecure white people who crapped themselves when they saw a black guy in the White House. Seriously, they are dumber than dogshit.
About 95% of the Florida Republican Party infrastructure - ie, the fundraiser, pollsters, etc - is with Bush right now.

It's hard to see Rubio winning anything if he doesn't have anything behind him.
About 95% of the Florida Republican Party infrastructure - ie, the fundraiser, pollsters, etc - is with Bush right now.

It's hard to see Rubio winning anything if he doesn't have anything behind him.
Yeah, and that might be good news for the dems.

He'll have more money than any republican in a crowded field .... EVER. His bankroll will dwarf Mitt's. He's even acceptable to Adelson and the Israeli firsters. He's probably as neo-con as his big brother. And, his big brother won the nomination exactly as Jeb is running. But, it's a different gop today.
I'd be Ok with Jeb, and were it not for the composition of the Scotus, I'd vote for him without a second thought. I think he'd be the most formidable challenger for Hillary. If the gop runs another guy with misogynist and anti-latino baggage, I just don't see him winning, and he might even lose Fla.
Jeb will still be the nominee. You guys don't understand how any of this works, do you?

Yo, yes, I know, Jeb is out, period!

I wonder how many primaries it will take for Bush to bow out?

It's funny to watch you conservatards think you control your own party.

You couldn't stop McCain, you couldn't stop Romney. what makes you think you can stop Bush?

Three moderates, three losers...Thank you Joe for pointing that out. What is the definition of insanity again? Oh yeah..."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I'd be Ok with Jeb, and were it not for the composition of the Scotus, I'd vote for him without a second thought. I think he'd be the most formidable challenger for Hillary. If the gop runs another guy with misogynist and anti-latino baggage, I just don't see him winning, and he might even lose Fla.

Yes, Cruz and Rubio are horrifically anti-Latino.

Jeb will still be the nominee. You guys don't understand how any of this works, do you?

Yo, yes, I know, Jeb is out, period!

I wonder how many primaries it will take for Bush to bow out?

It's funny to watch you conservatards think you control your own party.

You couldn't stop McCain, you couldn't stop Romney. what makes you think you can stop Bush?

Three moderates, three losers...Thank you Joe for pointing that out. What is the definition of insanity again? Oh yeah..."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Exactly... every GOP moderate has lost. Hmmmm.... wtf??????
I like Rubio...he's bright, energetic, and gets it that the GOP has to steal as much latino support as possible from the Rats who let them in for votes. Otherwise the Rats use them like the rest of their patsies to control American politics for decades.
The Tea Party is a popular movement of 2010, now extinct as of the 2014 election when the GOP Establishment kicked them to the curb.

That's about as wrong as it gets....not only have the country club GOPers co-opted the Tea Party message, but used us to get the House and now the Senate back. This is their last dance if they don't follow through...if it were up to me, Boner and McConnell would both be back-benchers already.
Yo, get a grip? What do you think the Tea Party is? Well. I`ll tell you, they are everyday Americans who work, pay taxes, want smaller Government, less regulations that are strangling small business, stop all the waste in Washington, hold the Politicians accountable, and get the HELL out of my life!!! There, it sounded nothing like MSNBC, now did it!!!!

I know exactly who the TEA Party is. THey are a bunch of dumb, insecure white people who crapped themselves when they saw a black guy in the White House. Seriously, they are dumber than dogshit.
As opposed to what... obama voters?

Tea Party people look like geniuses compared to the mouth breathing, low life, parasitic progtard trash that votes left.
What do you think the Tea Party is?

The Tea Party is a popular movement of 2010, now extinct as of the 2014 election when the GOP Establishment kicked them to the curb.
yeah right....look how those conservatives in Israel were just 'kicked to the curb'.....RINOS will eventually be dealt with.....conservative America does not want to become Mexico Nuevo nor learn confusing 'new math' when kids are not even being taught simple 'old math'....
Jeb will still be the nominee. You guys don't understand how any of this works, do you?

Yo, yes, I know, Jeb is out, period!

I wonder how many primaries it will take for Bush to bow out?

It's funny to watch you conservatards think you control your own party.

You couldn't stop McCain, you couldn't stop Romney. what makes you think you can stop Bush?

Three moderates, three losers...Thank you Joe for pointing that out. What is the definition of insanity again? Oh yeah..."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Exactly... every GOP moderate has lost. Hmmmm.... wtf??????

And they (the establishment GOP) is going to try it again. First it was Christie, until he imploded, now it's Bush and Walker. I like Walker more than Bush, but he is a Romney-esque flip flopper as well.

Pro-choice to pro-life, pro-path to citizenship to anti-path to citizenship, even anti-ethanol to pro-ethanol for Iowans

And the establishment is setting up the false narrative of Bush vs. Walker. Before last month, you couldn't have wedged a frog hair between Bush's positions and Walker's positions. So for the establishment, it's win/win.

Walker The biggest flip flopper you will ever find The Iowa Republican
Jeb Bush is as big a phony as Obama. Electing Jeb would be a continuation of the present disaster.

On the upside, Rubio might be able to fix our relations with Central and South America. Seems the man in the White House doesn't know diddly about foreign relations. Funny when you think Obama was the guy who was going to hit the reset button. I guess the bowing and mea culpa routine didn't have the desired effect.

No one really wants another Bush. If Jeb was elected, that would mean during a 32 year period, every time we had a Republican President his name was Bush.


There is NOTHING about that poll I would trust. The left wants to pick the republican candidate because they have a good track record at picking a loser, and they know it, so they're going to tell you who THEY want to be in the lead, not who actually is.

The leaders in the republican field right now are Cruz, Walker and Paul, in that order.

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