Jeb, Hello Jeb?

Three moderates, three losers...Thank you Joe for pointing that out. What is the definition of insanity again? Oh yeah..."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

A few points here. The thing is, the moderates are at the end of the day the ones who control the GOP nomination, NOT the Conservatives. It has a lot to do with the fact that states that will never go GOP in the fall will decide the nomination on Super Tuesday.

also, how is Dubya a Conservative, and Jeb isn't?
Three moderates, three losers...Thank you Joe for pointing that out. What is the definition of insanity again? Oh yeah..."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

A few points here. The thing is, the moderates are at the end of the day the ones who control the GOP nomination, NOT the Conservatives. It has a lot to do with the fact that states that will never go GOP in the fall will decide the nomination on Super Tuesday.

also, how is Dubya a Conservative, and Jeb isn't?

I'd say the Conservative wing gets stronger and more disillusioned every day...and on the other side, the Liberal wing of the Democrat party gets stronger and more disillusioned every day. The "polarization" we see is the irresistible force of those shifts in balance pulling each party away from the center.

I have no doubt G.W.B. would have a hard time getting the nomination today. The internet has changed the way we see candidates. That's also the reason Hillary is having such a hard time. In the past, the parties and the media controlled the message. We were much more reliant on the mainstream sources back then. Those days are over.

That is one of the many reasons most informed citizens are wary of the Obama's FCC take over of the internet.
I'd say the Conservative wing gets stronger and more disillusioned every day...and on the other side, the Liberal wing of the Democrat party gets stronger and more disillusioned every day. The "polarization" we see is the irresistible force of those shifts in balance pulling each party away from the center.

I have no doubt G.W.B. would have a hard time getting the nomination today. The internet has changed the way we see candidates. That's also the reason Hillary is having such a hard time. In the past, the parties and the media controlled the message. We were much more reliant on the mainstream sources back then. Those days are over.

That is one of the many reasons most informed citizens are wary of the Obama's FCC take over of the internet.

yeah, when Obama starts banning you guys, maybe I'll take that bit of paranoia seriously.

Reality. Hillary is going to be the Democratic nominee and Jeb will be the Republican. And after Jeb thoroughly gets his ass kicked when people remember how badly his family has fucked up their lives in the past, you can always claim it was because he wasn't a "Real Conservative", and not becasue republicans have alienated women, minorities and working folks.

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