Jeb Bush Isn't a Conservative?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
I think the problem is how you define Conservative.

If you define conservative as "Making sure the system favors the rich over the working guy, every fucking time", then Jeb is absolutely a conservative.

If you define conservative as "Wanting too keep America White, Straight and Christian and playing on your fears", no, he isn't that guy. he'll probably pretend to be that guy like Romney and McCain did.

A great example is the illegal immigration issue. The True Masters of the Conservative Movement WANT illegal immigration. They want a work force that will work for shit wages in awful conditions. So naturally, Bush is totaly taking the Chamber of Commerce position on it.

Of course, the rank and file who hate gays and Mexicans just like Jesus will have none of this. SO watch for Jeb to stop talking about it pretty soon and hiding his Mexican Wife in a closet somewhere.
That he is not considered so by many just shows how rigidly lock-step the Republican base has become with their check-the-box, unimaginative mentality.

Here are two articles recently about Bush's time as governor. He certainly was never criticized as being "too moderate" when he was governor.

Who s a Conservative Jeb Bush Is About to Find Out - Bloomberg Politics

What Kind of Republican is Bush His Time as Governor Offers Clues - WSJ
I'm sure if he ever runs the media will make him look like he's right of Ted Cruz.
Is there any legislation Obama has signed that Jebby would not have?. Excepting Obamacare and he just might have signed it too (like Romneycare), I doubt there is anything. This also applies to Poppy Bush and W.

Yet many Americans think the parties are diametrically opposed.
Of course the left wants him as the nominee. We had two similar candidates and the conservatives did vote for them, given the alternative, but the moderates saw little reason to vote for them over obama.

Same will happen next time. Plus, a Bush isn't going to win. The left would offer lip service to support him and as soon as the nomination was locked up they would scream bloody murder about Bush dynasties, more of the same, we aren't a kingdom, blah blah blah.
He’s considered tax increases as part of an overall reform package to help balance the budget in the past – anathema to those that control the GOP today. He can't handle with his own party, so how can he handle with the whole country?
If the nominees are Jebby and Mrs. BJ bubba, progressives get a win-win again.

The power elite and the MSM also win...

....though the vast majority of Americans lose.
That he is not considered so by many just shows how rigidly lock-step the Republican base has become with their check-the-box, unimaginative mentality.

Here are two articles recently about Bush's time as governor. He certainly was never criticized as being "too moderate" when he was governor.

Who s a Conservative Jeb Bush Is About to Find Out - Bloomberg Politics

What Kind of Republican is Bush His Time as Governor Offers Clues - WSJ

Well let's see, after 8 years of Bush, with wars abroad and massive debt and the never ending chorus of how Bush was a liar and needed to be impeached and tarred and feathered, those that oppose another Bush are extremists?

Here is what you do, you grab your shoulders and start to pull as hard as you can. Then when you hear the "pop", you should be able to see for the first time.

Of course, the smell of ass will need to be cleaned off your head so scrub hard.
He’s considered tax increases as part of an overall reform package to help balance the budget in the past – anathema to those that control the GOP today. He can't handle with his own party, so how can he handle with the whole country?
Spending like drunken sailors and raising taxes isn't fiscal conservativism on this planet. Not sure how it works on yours.

Bitching that the GOP isn't the same as Democrats only makes sense to a liberal.
He’s considered tax increases as part of an overall reform package to help balance the budget in the past – anathema to those that control the GOP today. He can't handle with his own party, so how can he handle with the whole country?
Spending like drunken sailors and raising taxes isn't fiscal conservativism on this planet. Not sure how it works on yours.

Bitching that the GOP isn't the same as Democrats only makes sense to a liberal.

You have to understand the mind of a partisan hack, it goes both ways ya know.

He's not 100% pure, which means he's not a conservative and must be attacked with precisely the same ferocity as any liberal.

That appears to be the current rule.

The current crop of Republican firebrands will continue the political purge that will winnow down each and every potential candidate until they distill their brand to its base alloy.

So say "hello" to Li'l Ricky Santorum in 2016!
There's a good chance that the GOP primaries will have so rightwing nut candidates in the race, at least for awhile, that they'll carve up the rightwing vote and leave someone like Jeb alone with the moderate vote,

and get him the nomination.

He's not 100% pure, which means he's not a conservative and must be attacked with precisely the same ferocity as any liberal.

That appears to be the current rule.

The current crop of Republican firebrands will continue the political purge that will winnow down each and every potential candidate until they distill their brand to its base alloy.

So say "hello" to Li'l Ricky Santorum in 2016!

Conservatives have no place in the federal government, that much is clear.

To flourish as a federal bureaucrat, you must reject any notion of a limited government. Essentially you need to support printing money and throwing it all over the world for power and influence. Any one who opposes this system will be crushed.
There's a good chance that the GOP primaries will have so rightwing nut candidates in the race, at least for awhile, that they'll carve up the rightwing vote and leave someone like Jeb alone with the moderate vote,

and get him the nomination.

definition of a right wing nut to a left wing nut:

any R who believes in limited government and individual liberties.
There's a good chance that the GOP primaries will have so rightwing nut candidates in the race, at least for awhile, that they'll carve up the rightwing vote and leave someone like Jeb alone with the moderate vote,

and get him the nomination.

No doubt they will find a Ron Paul in there that advocates balancing budgets and stopping wars abroad.

Everyone needs a good laugh.
There's a good chance that the GOP primaries will have so rightwing nut candidates in the race, at least for awhile, that they'll carve up the rightwing vote and leave someone like Jeb alone with the moderate vote,

and get him the nomination.

definition of a right wing nut to a left wing nut:

any R who believes in limited government and individual liberties.

Sounds like you are a Progressive bigot.

Sounds like hate speech to me.
There's a good chance that the GOP primaries will have so rightwing nut candidates in the race, at least for awhile, that they'll carve up the rightwing vote and leave someone like Jeb alone with the moderate vote,

and get him the nomination.

definition of a right wing nut to a left wing nut:

any R who believes in limited government and individual liberties.

Given that the top two constitutional initiatives with broad support from the right are constitutional amendments to outlaw all abortion and ban same sex marriage,

I don't know who you're talking about.
He’s considered tax increases as part of an overall reform package to help balance the budget in the past – anathema to those that control the GOP today. He can't handle with his own party, so how can he handle with the whole country?

Reagan also raised taxes as President. Also, as governor of CA, tax rates were higher when Reagan left office than when he entered.

Taxes in Florida were lowered under Jeb.

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