Japans increased need for oil has ramifications for USA


Jul 14, 2009
Are we going to tap our USA reserves?
Are we going to build more refineries or Nuclear power plants?
Are we going to languish as a country , subject to the whim of the ruling class bureaucratic edicts controlling our lives? as or fuel and means of production become more expensive?
Judging by the president's response or lack of it it seems the choice of democrats is to ...languish until they can spin a story that gets them another term. The democrat party has systematically prevented the US from becoming independent of foreign oil. There is a documentated case where democrats gave oil pirate Hugo Chavez a standing ovation. Obama tried to appoint a communist who once led an arson and looting rampage to be on the "green jobs" board. There are no green jobs. There is no man made global warming. The green movement was a front for the failed 60's revolution. Is the president still willing to tell Americans that windmills are the solution while he jets around on his golfing vacations?

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