Japanese government seeks to penalize Herbivore Men for peacefully opting out of Femtopia.

Should Japanese men be forced into relationships with women through a Bachelor Tax?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
More than 1/3 (over 40%) of Japan's male population have voluntarily become "Herbivore Men." This means they abandon women altogether, forsaking all future relationships, most importantly marriage and children. The term "herbivore" is a Japanese reference to men that "will eat grass alongside women." Although it was initially laughed off by Japanese women and their government as a trend that could never grow or even sustain itself for long (because all those sex crazed rapists...men...can't withold themselves from sex), it turned out they were wrong. In fact very wrong.

The number of men that have decided to "opt-out" or "unplug from the matrix" in Japan has grown from 18% over 40% in less than two years. These men are not gay, and even the suggestion would be laughable since 40% of male population is certainly not going to be gay.

The Japanese herbivore culture is now coming to Caucasian nations as well, in America, Canada and the UK they go by the name MGTOW's (Men Going Their Own Way). These aren't a bunch of faggots who never had a girlfriend. They are actually men who have had several relationships in the past (or more) and can no longer tolerate the feminist bullshit plaguing modern women.

However, back to Japan. Instead of reversing the wrongs that led to their population and GDP decline by having over 40% of their male population opt-out of society, and after their shame-proganda backfired against Herbivores, by in fact producing more of them, the Women of Japan and their Daddy Government (whose running out of taxes) have decided to FORCE men into marriage and relationships by considering a Bachelor Tax.

Such was the way of ancient Rome when feminazi statutes came into effect as well. Rome imposed a massive bachelor tax that drove many men out of Roman provinces, who then took their knowledge of smithing and weapon-making to barbarian cultures.

No man wishes to be a slave. No self-respecting man would enter into a modern marriage contract. Divorce is a doom-hammer that is not wielded by men, but their spouses. We know what happens when one party wields a monopoly of power.

Question: Why not impose a Bacheleorette Tax on Women instead in Japan?

A bachelor tax not so unlikely

n theory, the tax applied to both men and women (regardless of their marital status) but in practicality, the tax was paid overwhelmingly by men. This is also clear due to the fact that everyone – men and women – referred to this tax in the common lexicon as taxa pe sulă (literally the tax on the dick).

The reasons for this had a lot to do with biology and with inherent gynocentrism. A woman could get a certificate of infertility fairly easy (even if she was fertile) and that certificate would exempt her from being subjected to this tax. Like in all communist countries, the doctors were State functionaries and were as corrupt as any other functionary in that era so for a few hundred lei or for a few packs of Kent (that cigarette brand was a common currency for many bribes) a doctor would write almost anything you needed on a certificate, as long as it was likely to be true. And given the poor state of the general health following the draconic rationalization plan implemented in 1981, it was quite likely for a woman to be infertile for a certain period of time. Also, due to gynocentrism, a doctor was more likely to accept to lie in a certificate when a woman requested it than when a man did the same.

The tax was levied independent of marital status. Fertile men married to infertile women would routinely be subjected to the celibacy tax. Divorce was, in theory, an option, but there were disincentives for divorce – like the danger of being relegated to a lower paid job for no longer being “morally reliable”.[5]
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"These men are not gay... These are a bunch of faggots who never had a girlfriend. "

You just can't buy this stuff.
Didn't know this was some kind of issue. But consider how a woman has the unprecedented power to destroy a man's life these days.

I mean, when a man is $91,000 in arrears in his child support payments one has to ask..

Who the f*** pays $91,000 to raise a child?

And then she gets the house too? I love how Two and a Half Men lampoons how much women can rip men off in divorce settlements. Of course it may be a stretch that Alan Harper had to pay her attorney fees, alimony, child support, and she also got his house, etc, but good parodies are based on reality.

So what were you saying about these men who would rather not take the risk of relationships with women?
Japan is screwed up and dying mostly because they do not allow enough immigration to make up for their low birth rate. Opting out of breeding is a visible social phenomena in Japan but all Western nations are experiencing the same rapidly aging native population that did not have enough kids to replace themselves, even us.
Japan is screwed up and dying mostly because they do not allow enough immigration to make up for their low birth rate. Opting out of breeding is a visible social phenomena in Japan but all Western nations are experiencing the same rapidly aging native population that did not have enough kids to replace themselves, even us.

They've done fine for the past 71,000 years without immigration (Lake Toba Supereruption referenced in the Japanese Amarestu and Vedic Hidden sun myth, cleverly reinterpreted in the Genesis 1). I can assure you that's not the problem
Japan is screwed up and dying mostly because they do not allow enough immigration to make up for their low birth rate. Opting out of breeding is a visible social phenomena in Japan but all Western nations are experiencing the same rapidly aging native population that did not have enough kids to replace themselves, even us.

The evils of contraception. And only the Catholic Church takes a stand against it these days. History will prove us wise.
No man wishes to be a slave. No self-respecting man would enter into a modern marriage contract. Divorce is a doom-hammer that is not wielded by men, but their spouses. We know what happens when one party wields a monopoly of power.

OK, we all understand that you are afraid of women. Take it up with your shrink.
No man wishes to be a slave. No self-respecting man would enter into a modern marriage contract. Divorce is a doom-hammer that is not wielded by men, but their spouses. We know what happens when one party wields a monopoly of power.

OK, we all understand that you are afraid of women. Take it up with your shrink.
He hasn't found the right one yet. Have some faith, friend.
Japan is screwed up and dying mostly because they do not allow enough immigration to make up for their low birth rate. Opting out of breeding is a visible social phenomena in Japan but all Western nations are experiencing the same rapidly aging native population that did not have enough kids to replace themselves, even us.

They've done fine for the past 71,000 years without immigration (Lake Toba Supereruption referenced in the Japanese Amarestu and Vedic Hidden sun myth, cleverly reinterpreted in the Genesis 1). I can assure you that's not the problem
Sorry, I thought you were actually going to discuss a current social phenomena, should have known better. Every developed nation in the world IS experiencing negative population growth in their native populations, Japan is just the most extreme example. Most counties deal with this by allowing immigration to offset the death spiral of an ever aging population and fewer children. If you have a problem with this accurate portrayal of modern life in developed nations you should probably talk about that rather than something that happened before the last ice age.
Sorry, I thought you were actually going to discuss a current social phenomena, should have known better.

We are discussing it. You can listen to any interview with a "Herbivore Man" or a caucasian MGTOW and they'll tell it's a direct result of feminism.

Even 18% of the the male population is nothing to sneeze at. Never mind 40%+

Have you see the "yes means yes" law in california, where a man now needs to obtain continuous verbal consent from a woman in order to keep fucking her?

So only women wield the doom hammer? Do men not want to be slaves anymore than women? I'm pretty sure the doom hammer swings both ways......

The government should stay out of the bedroom, regardless of what governments and what bedrooms.
Japan is screwed up and dying mostly because they do not allow enough immigration to make up for their low birth rate. Opting out of breeding is a visible social phenomena in Japan but all Western nations are experiencing the same rapidly aging native population that did not have enough kids to replace themselves, even us.

The evils of contraception. And only the Catholic Church takes a stand against it these days. History will prove us wise.
Freeing women from the bondage of childbirth is the greatest achivement of science in the later half of the 20th century and probably prevented WWIII.
Japan is screwed up and dying mostly because they do not allow enough immigration to make up for their low birth rate. Opting out of breeding is a visible social phenomena in Japan but all Western nations are experiencing the same rapidly aging native population that did not have enough kids to replace themselves, even us.

The evils of contraception. And only the Catholic Church takes a stand against it these days. History will prove us wise.
Freeing women from the bondage of childbirth is the greatest achivement of science in the later half of the 20th century and probably prevented WWIII.
Child birth is bondage? Do you people have any idea how sick and depraved you are?
The term "herbivore men" (soushoku danshi, 草食男子) appeared in 2009 or thereabouts. It is sometimes contrasted with "carnivore women". :badgrin:

I think the "abstains from sex" bit might be overstated...kinda hard to suppress a primal urge, and of course the Japanese famously have their public face (tatemae) and their private lives (honne)....

The "herbivore men" may not be so different from Americans, Swedes etc who drop out of the rat race to live on a remote homestead or small farm, reading and emulating Thoreau, Aldo Leopold and Wendell Berry.....
Sorry, I thought you were actually going to discuss a current social phenomena, should have known better.

We are discussing it. You can listen to any interview with a "Herbivore Man" or a caucasian MGTOW and they'll tell it's a direct result of feminism.

Even 18% of the the male population is nothing to sneeze at. Never mind 40%+

Have you see the "yes means yes" law in california, where a man now needs to obtain continuous verbal consent from a woman in order to keep fucking her?

Damned if I don't hate those ambivalent ones: "Yes! Yes! Oh yes!!! WAIT! No, No, Yes, No, Yes,Yes, NOOOO! Yes, No, Yesssss!"

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