Japan is like a video game


Gold Member
Aug 17, 2018
You know how in Japanese games you'll have these shop keepers and salesmen NPCs just standing around in the middle of nowhere waiting for customers? I mean non-Japanese games have that too but it started with Japanese games like zelda and final fantasy and stuff.

That's not just in games. When I lived and traveled in Japan, I would run into these...real-life NPCs, running these restaurants in pretty much deserted towns, like in Yokohama where you won't see a peson on the street, or in restaurants, and yet the waitresses are just...standing there, like statues, in this deserted town, in this restaurant with no customers in it...smiling like they're ready to greet customers. I saw this in multiple countryside restaurants and it was just bizarre. I was literally the only person around walking through this barren town, you'd think everything was closed, and yet all the vacant restaurants, food stands etc are still being manned by staff just...standing there, smiling, like NPCs in a game. Has anyone been to Japan and run into that?
Yokohama is never "deserted." There are ALWAYS people on the street and in restaurants. It's the second largest city in the country.
Yokohama is never "deserted." There are ALWAYS people on the street and in restaurants. It's the second largest city in the country.
Edit: Shimonoseki was where I was thinking. I took a ferry there from kitakyushu and it was like that. I asked a jeweler about where all the people were and he said they were at work, but it was strange how lifeless the city was and yet the restaurant and food stand staff were just standing there, not looking at their phones or reading or doing something to pass the time - just standing there dutifully I guess. I ran into other places in the country in wakayama prefecture that were similar. It wasn't like that near Tokyo or osaka.
Shimonoseki isn't "deserted" either. It is the largest city in Yamaguchi Prefecture. There are trains and ferries coming and going from there to (among other places) eventually Busan across the way all the time.
Shimonoseki isn't "deserted" either. It is the largest city in Yamaguchi Prefecture. There are trains and ferries coming and going from there to (among other places) eventually Busan across the way all the time.
When I went there towards the evening in 2017 it was utterly deserted. I met one person on the street and that was it.

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