Jane Fonda playing Nancy Reagan? A bad joke?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
You can imagine the Hollywood elitist fat cats snickering to each other at drugged out cocktail parties that they planned to cast Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan in the over rated movie "The Butler". It isn't that they couldn't find any other actress, it seemed that they planned all along to be a big joke and they thought conservative Americans and Vietnam Vets would just take the insult without comment. Guess what happened? Americans rallied together and the joke backfired.
just another way to shit on the people of this country...Its what Hollywood does
I think it's a joke. And not because I hold NR in such high regard. But, because JF has bitched and moaned about the NR types and it's a joke to think that she's supposed to accurately portray her. But, that's that production company's deal. If they want to turn away potential viewers then that is there deal.

However, perhaps the JF move is a way to get oodles of free publicity. So, maybe it'll still work out.
And, the punch line is watching heads explode.

Seriously, while its true that ole Nancy loved spending the tax payer's money as much as her mentally vacant husband, she was still the FLOTUS of this country and deserves to be recognized as such.

As for Jane Fonda, this thread is a great place to add to the lies about her. Carry on.
And, the punch line is watching heads explode.

Seriously, while its true that ole Nancy loved spending the tax payer's money as much as her mentally vacant husband, she was still the FLOTUS of this country and deserves to be recognized as such.

As for Jane Fonda, this thread is a great place to add to the lies about her. Carry on.

so, Mabell Obama and Nancy has something in common...spending taxpayers monies..

who would of thought from that poor life the MaBell came from:lol:
She's just an actress, a pretty decent actress, playing a role, in a movie. She will not say or do anything that isn't scripted for her.

Don't work yourselves into a tizzy, it really isn't worth it...
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I wouldn't go stand in to pay and see it anyway about some Butler, really...

I can be bored at home
She just an actress, a pretty decent actress, playing a role, in a movie. She will not say or do anything that isn't scripted for her.

Don't work yourselves into a tizzy, it really isn't worth it...

You gotta be kidding me!

The only reason she ever got her first role was due to her father's cloud in Follywood.
And then she had to show her bod.
She just an actress, a pretty decent actress, playing a role, in a movie. She will not say or do anything that isn't scripted for her.

Don't work yourselves into a tizzy, it really isn't worth it...

You gotta be kidding me!

The only reason she ever got her first role was due to her father's cloud in Follywood.
And then she had to show her bod.

:doubt: What do you think her first role was?

And yeah, she probably got her first role based on name recognition, but it was more than her name that has kept her working for the last 53 years...

Look, she's not my favorite actress and I certainly don't say to myself, "Oh, Jane Fonda is in that movie, I must rush out to see it!" But there is no denying that she has talent. Much like Sean Penn, I do not agree with her politics but that she is wrong in that arena does not negate her ability to entertain.

I'm not trucking to my local movie house to see The Butler, but when it hits HBO or whatever, I'd probably sit and watch it, but not because of any actor or actress in the cast, but because it look to me to be interesting.
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just another way to shit on the people of this country...Its what Hollywood does

A classless and tasteless passive-aggressive way to drive an anti-American agenda, home to it's base of progressives and low information voters...

half of them going to see the film probably didn't know who Reagan was...:eek:

they're going to see that goddess, OPRAH
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You can imagine the Hollywood elitist fat cats snickering to each other at drugged out cocktail parties that they planned to cast Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan in the over rated movie "The Butler". It isn't that they couldn't find any other actress, it seemed that they planned all along to be a big joke and they thought conservative Americans and Vietnam Vets would just take the insult without comment. Guess what happened? Americans rallied together and the joke backfired.

That is why I will never see the movie even if it's shown on TV. It just needs to die a quick death and go to b rating status.
Willful ignorance is really no excuse.

Hanoi Jane playing Nancy Reagan is a complete slap in the face of every American soldier, every patriotic American and most especially, to the Reagan's themselves.

But this is how hollyweird writes history to their liking.
Hanoi Jane playing Nancy Reagan is a complete slap in the face of every American soldier, every patriotic American and most especially, to the Reagan's themselves.

But this is how hollyweird writes history to their liking.

true but that is hollyweird..most of them are traitors to this country but have no problems sucking up the riches it gives them... but it's not the patriotic Americans today like it was back then...today it's who's playing in the film, like Oprah (a traitor) so they don't care
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You can imagine the Hollywood elitist fat cats snickering to each other at drugged out cocktail parties that they planned to cast Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan in the over rated movie "The Butler". It isn't that they couldn't find any other actress, it seemed that they planned all along to be a big joke and they thought conservative Americans and Vietnam Vets would just take the insult without comment. Guess what happened? Americans rallied together and the joke backfired.

Wait, it backfired? What does that mean? As far as I know, The Butler has been the #1 movie in the country for the past couple of weeks. That doesn't sound like anything backfired....

I can understand being unhappy with Fonda's casting. Based on the numbers, though, it doesn't seem to have hurt the film.
There is no question about it. It's the way Hollywood thinks. They often have old stars in a cameo on remakes of classic films. Look carefully and you can find Gene Barry in the remake of War/Worlds. Jane Fonda has a cameo for her 60's political radicalism and the kicker is (yuk yuk) to have her play Reagan's 1st Lady. No doubt it was a planned insult. Hollywood was pandering to the radical base and poking a finger in the eye of Vietnam Veterans at the same time. They must have giggled for months over the great joke and just knew conservatives would roll over for the insult as usual. Amazingly there is a real backlash and it might make a difference at the box office.

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