Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

This OIG report that basically absolves the DoD is disputed by the general in charge of the NG that day.

You are making me interrupt my reading of the timeline. The first thing I notice in the General's rebuttal, if I can call it that, is the general cannot state his case in accordance with the UCMJ. Is this an active General. I now got to dig up Title 10, Subtitle A, Part II, Chapter 47, in the United States Code, that is where the UCMJ is found. I am charging this officer, with conduct unbecoming of an officer. I need the code to see if I stated the law he broke.

How does he break the law that he was sworn to follow, the UCMJ. The first six paragraphs is pure political propaganda. The General repeats himself multiple times.

What was the need to repeat that it is false in so many ways. Only facts should be stated not all this crap designed to, dictating what we are to think before any facts are stated.

Marener (notice no name calling, you gave something with teeth), could you see how MAGA reading this will dismiss it before we get to the substance of the argument, or facts? It is written as political rhetoric.
myriad inaccuracies, false or misleading statements, or examples of faulty analysis
the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol
will also detail a series of false and/or misleading statements or documents
engaged in repeated violations
narrative formed and developed by LTG Piatt, and his close associates, and is fundamentally flawed
The DoDIG report is replete with factual inaccuracies, discrepancies and faulty analysis
It relies on demonstrably false testimony or statements
The focus of this memorandum is on the discrepancies and falsehoods
The danger is that if this report, with its glaring errors
All too often the DoDIG Report lacked accuracy and precision.
the imprecision and inaccuracy begins with the title
1st post
, This OIG report that basically absolves the DoD is disputed by the general in charge of the NG that day.
I think you meant, Colonel, not General, the link is to a report by a Colonel?
The Harder Right: An Analysis of a Recent DoD Inspector General Investigation and Other MattersBy Colonel Earl G. Matthews, U.S. Army
The Colonel is unhinged spewing rhetoric like he has to wear a woman's thong.
I cant address much more of this, and right now it is only fair that I ridicule the Colonel, because of his over the top political rhetoric.

First, the Colonel describes a phone call he did not hear, hence has no idea how the voice of Chief of Police Sund sounded like. The exact words should be quoted from a transcript, not paraphrased with rhetoric.
a series of frantic telephone calls
Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion
a dire emergency
All the bullshit aside that the Colonel just spewed, he does get down to some facts. Quick observation, his times do not match the times of the Inspector General's report, and thus far I do not see that the Colonel Matthews is calling the times in the IG report as false.

Everything in this paragraph agrees with my comments and does not disagree with the IG report. At least up to about page 75 of 150, which is all I have read.
A Review of Key Events Beginning at 1:49 p.m. on 6 January 2021, MG Walker began to receive a series of frantic telephone calls from the then Chief of the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), Steven Sund informing MG Walker that the security perimeter at the U.S. Capitol had been breached by hostile rioters. Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency on Capitol Hill and requested the immediate assistance of as many D.C. National Guard personnel as MG Walker could muster at the intersection of New Jersey and Louisiana Avenues, where law enforcement personnel from various local and federal law enforcement partners were assembling to assist and support U.S. Capitol Police efforts to restore order at the Capitol. MG Walker immediately made the Secretary of the Army aware of Chief Sund’s request and requested permission to assist USCP. At roughly 2:30PM on January 6, 2021, Dr. Christopher Rodriguez, Director of the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (DCHSEMA) established a telephone bridge and invited MG Walker, Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, MPD Chief Robert Contee, USCP Chief Steve Sund, D.C. Deputy Mayor Dr. Roger Mitchell and U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division Chief Thomas Sullivan to join.
2100 hours, 30 APR 24, it is time for bed for this vet, to many hours reading and researching. And then reading again, posting the same links over and over to one person who ignores the posts with links. At least all but one of the dozen or so.

Just saying goodnight so that the animals dont come sniffing around barking that I am not replying cause I can not answer.

As all can see, I am more than willing to answer and reply with quotes only from the law, rules, precedents, and the IG report. All linked from the .gov websites. No Fox news, I do not watch it, not even to see the Great One.
1. This Bowser letter:

2. Stop typing lies. Prove your points with links or just stop typing.
In the final analysis ... Bowser plays a Cop-out game of
Hide the salami.Again which proves she's not fit to be a
3rd string tuba player in an old folks home band.
Which parlays nicely with her cop-out game regarding
how she reacted with dealing with Protests at George Washington
University.Where she ordered a Stand Down INSTEAD of letting the
D.C. Metro Police handle violence among Protestors.Again the same
pile of crapola where Trump was blamed for what Protestors did at
Lafayette Park one night.Where Potus Trump was forced to seek shelter
with family members in a basement bunker.
The fight in the tunnel you’re referring to wasn’t a tunnel entrance. The tunnel entrances are spread out among various administrative buildings next to the Capitol.
LOL.................you're wrong.

What was the goal of those 'barbaric' individuals that day, regarding tunnel entrances?
5th post
The Capitol Police Board gets its authority by law. The law gives them the authority to declare an emergency. They did.
No one really knew what to do. It was an unprecedented event in modern history.
Which law and which precedents. I see this law reads as you say. So then the ball is dropped by the Capitol Police Board. Why did they not declare an emergency and authorize Federal Troops into the Jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch of Government.

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies

(a) Assistance

(1) In general

Executive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board or in accordance with paragraph (4) and on a permanent and reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board; except that the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard may provide such assistance on a temporary basis without reimbursement when assisting the United States Capitol Police in its duties directly related to protection under sections 1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109 of title 40.1 Before making a request under this paragraph, the Capitol Police Board shall consult with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions, except in an emergency.
The Capitol Police Board gets its authority by law. The law gives them the authority to declare an emergency. They did.
No one really knew what to do. It was an unprecedented event in modern history.
Actually there were many, a few, precedents. And the law states what to do. And then there is the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol.

We both agree the requests went from the Chief of the Capitol Police to the Capitol Police Board. All the testimony does not seem to be in question. The letter you provided. The inspector general report.
Which law and which precedents. I see this law reads as you say. So then the ball is dropped by the Capitol Police Board. Why did they not declare an emergency and authorize Federal Troops into the Jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch of Government.

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies

(a) Assistance

(1) In general

Executive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board or in accordance with paragraph (4) and on a permanent and reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board; except that the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard may provide such assistance on a temporary basis without reimbursement when assisting the United States Capitol Police in its duties directly related to protection under sections 1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109 of title 40.1 Before making a request under this paragraph, the Capitol Police Board shall consult with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions, except in an emergency.
Again.That has to do with requests

Requests have to go through the SecDef
who has ultimate authority

It is no way says that any entity can deny NG deployment

If the SecDef says that the NG deploys… it does
The law states that Congress can declare an emergency by passing a joint resolution or it can be declared by the Capitol Police Board.

You can find out when the recess was called by reviewing CSPAN from the day.

It was very chaotic and no one really knew what to do since it’s so unusual that the Capitol would be besieged and assaulted by a large violent mob.
Technically, a small mob arrived long before the speech was over. Once the speech was over it took how long to walk that mile and a half. Giving the Capitol plenty of warning.

Does not seem chaotic at all.
Technically, a small mob arrived long before the speech was over. Once the speech was over it took how long to walk that mile and a half. Giving the Capitol plenty of warning.

Does not seem chaotic at all.
The Capitol was under attack by OathKeepers and Proud boy’s and others before the speech was over.

The CP were barely holding their own then and when that mob of thousands arrived they were overwhelmed
The Capitol was under attack by OathKeepers and Proud boy’s and others before the speech was over.

The CP were barely holding their own then and when that mob of thousands arrived they were overwhelmed
a failure in pelosi's jurisdiction

Plenty of warning, they were walking

Had the mob been as violent as described, dozens would of been shot

The fact is, many lies are being told

Total exageration
Again.That has to do with requests

Requests have to go through the SecDef
who has ultimate authority

It is no way says that any entity can deny NG deployment

If the SecDef says that the NG deploys… it does
The written request get approved by House Leadership, committees, the capitol police board, which the sergeant at arms being a part of, reports directly to the speaker.

At the least, the cover-up started at the top, sergeant at arms, who resigned, I bet you they are rich now
No one really knew what to do. It was an unprecedented event in modern history.
Unprecedented is a bad word to use. Now it is shown this was not unprecedented. Federal Troops were called several times. How many times is several, more than a few? Not one or two, not three, at least four, with this the fifth. This is why I say Pelosi was derelict. If someone wishes to claim she just did not know, then she proves incompetence. Ignorance of the precedents is dereliction of duty.

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"Trump was correct.A Potus { head of the Executive branch } has
certain inalienable power."

For example, the power to pick up the phone and call Mitch or Nancy while they were under siege and hiding in the Capitol on January 6th, and say: "Hey guys, it looks awful over there. What would you want the Commander-in-Chief of the United States to do to help you guys out?"

But alas, Don sat on his hands for over 3 hours and watched the mob savage our uniform police, vandalize our Capitol, and loot legislator's offices, all the while threatening to kill specific officials.

Personally, and this is just me, but I'd bet Mitch and Nancy would have welcomed that call and any promised help from the most powerful individual in our governance.

The written request get approved by House Leadership, committees, the capitol police board, which the sergeant at arms being a part of, reports directly to the speaker.

At the least, the cover-up started at the top, sergeant at arms, who resigned, I bet you they are rich now
So you only read parts of things.

Read the reat
Again.That has to do with requests

Requests have to go through the SecDef
who has ultimate authority

It is no way says that any entity can deny NG deployment

If the SecDef says that the NG deploys… it does
Here you go

For example, the power to pick up the phone and call Mitch or Nancy while they were under siege and hiding in the Capitol on January 6th, and say: "Hey guys, it looks awful over there. What would you want the Commander-in-Chief of the United States to do to help you guys out?"

But alas, Don sat on his hands for over 3 hours and watched the mob savage our uniform police, vandalize our Capitol, and loot legislator's offices, all the while threatening to kill specific officials.

Personally, and this is just me, but I'd bet Mitch and Nancy would have welcomed that call and any promised help from the most powerful individual in our governance.

To protect them from the 73 year old grandma that was fighting cancer? To protect them against the man wearing the horn hat. Nancy had guns, armed protection, and was evacuated at 2pm. So your scenario that you AVATAR describes is all lies.

Nancy Pelosi was derelict in her duty. She received over 6 phone calls. Finally said yes and allowed Trump to save her.

At that something, Trump saved Pelose from her incompetence.
So you only read parts of things.

Read the reat
You seem to miss the precedents. The reports, that all coincide with the witnesses testimony. Everything lines up, and in the end, it is stated that Pelosi finally caved in and authorized the troops.

We already went through the wall and your weak attempt to call the law, "a guide on how to file paperwork".

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