Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

when requested by the Capitol Police Board
The Speaker of the House is neither the Capitol Police Board nor in charge of the Capitol Police Board.
That is not what the law says, which is linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites
That is not what the precedents state, which are linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites
That is not what the Rules of the House state which are linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites.

Faun, you are making the claim that the Capitol police board reports to nobody and that the Emergency Plan for the Protection of the Capitol does not exist.
  • Christopher Krebs, Don Trump's hand picked overseer of he 2020 Election stated it was the most secure election in American history.*
  • Bill Barr, Don Trump's hand picked Attorney General, publicly stated that they was not evidence to indicate sufficient fraud to change any election result.
  • Fox News, who attempted to muddy the waters of 'the most secure election' with their false news coverage, was found liable of defamation to the tune of almost $1 billion dollars.

Poster Elektra, you got a big big rock to push up a steep steep hill to prove that the 2020 election was fraudulent or less transparent than previous elections.

Reported: "As the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Krebs rejected Trump’s claims of widespread fraud and said there “is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

That statement soon led to his firing."


Your distinction makes no difference.
Trump has said he has total immunity while he was in office.
And, importantly, it is his time in office that is the issue.....and his insistence that when he was in office he could do no wrong, commit no crime.
Which makes Trump into a Saint as compared to Biden.
Trump was correct.A Potus { head of the Executive branch } has
certain inalienable power.However this Biden boob who lies
constantly and vews his Student loan forgiveness plan
a right.It's NOT.It is straight out an Illegal and Unconstitutional
abuse of power.Like many of his weekly abuses of power.
when requested by the Capitol Police Board

The Speaker of the House is neither the Capitol Police Board nor in charge of the Capitol Police Board.

You can type lies. Read the truth:

Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6,
Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter,
That is not what the law says, which is linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites
That is not what the precedents state, which are linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites
That is not what the Rules of the House state which are linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites.

Faun, you are making the claim that the Capitol police board reports to nobody and that the Emergency Plan for the Protection of the Capitol does not exist.

I quoted the law you posted. It says the Capitol Police Board is authorized to call up the national guard. :itsok:
I quoted the law you posted. It says the Capitol Police Board is authorized to call up the national guard. :itsok:
Only with written permission, quote the entire law. Who grants that written permission? Quote the entire law, and we can discuss what it means. Unless you are here only to contradict, if that is the case I will answer for you and point out how vapid you are.

You can type lies. Read the truth:

Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6,
Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter,


Irving was a member of the Capitol Police Board.

Your link indicates he made that call unilaterally, without consulting Pelosi.

But you still blame Pelosi, right?
Very stupid post.
1. Trump said "fill the request" (for the NG). Bowser's letter denied that the NG was needed.
2. Capitol Police Chief Sund also requested the NG but Sgt. at Arms Irving, lead of the 3-man Capitol Police Board denied the request because of Pelosi's policy.

The NG was requested dumbass, TWICE. So there was no "insurrection" unless it was coordinated by the FBI.
Firstly WHAT Bowser letter.? It was Trump who mailed both
Bowser And Pelosi a letter { My quess on the best WH stationary }
and Pelosi either Never opened that Trump letter or tossed it in
her waste basket.Because Bowser sent Pelosi her Letter,Trump
mailed her.The Trump letter was mailed { sent } within a week or a few
days prior to January 6th.
Sean Hannity Interviewed on his Fox Show by Trump aide Kash
Patel who explained explicitly about the letter.
POLITIFACT { Inaccurate on purpose } Government Fact Checker
got it wrong.Dint ever both using Kash Patel's first name.
Instead using half ass wording to make Trump out to be a Liar.
Nothing New among D.C. pack of scumbag ridden wolves.
Crap like Trump never wrote a letter Authorizing use of the
National Guard.NO! ... Trump wrote a letter to both Pelosi and
Bowser Requesting { not Authorizing} use of the National Guard.
Got how this dopey pack of Democrat-inspired ass clowns operate.
Same crap we had with the Faux Quid Pro Quo Zelensky
phone call { Basis for Trump's first Impeachment }
and 3 + years of a DNC/Hillary paid Steele Dossier.
Lies and total B.S.
With abject pride by it's users { Scumbag MSM and it's
patrons like CNN and MSNBC }.
and Pelosi either Never opened that Trump letter or tossed it in her waste basket.
We have proof of what Pelosi does with what Trump writes
Only with written permission, quote the entire law. Who grants that written permission? Quote the entire law, and we can discuss what it means. Unless you are here only to contradict, if that is the case I will answer for you and point out how vapid you are.

Here's that whole law -- you'll note, the word, "Speaker," is not in there...

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies​

(a) Assistance​

(1) In general​

Executive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board or in accordance with paragraph (4) and on a permanent and reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board; except that the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard may provide such assistance on a temporary basis without reimbursement when assisting the United States Capitol Police in its duties directly related to protection under sections 1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109 of title 40.1 Before making a request under this paragraph, the Capitol Police Board shall consult with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions, except in an emergency.

(2) Procurement​

No services (including personnel), equipment, or facilities may be ordered, purchased, leased, or otherwise procured for the purposes of carrying out the duties of the United States Capitol Police by persons other than officers or employees of the Federal Government duly authorized by the Chairman of the Capitol Police Board to make such orders, purchases, leases, or procurements.

(3) Expenditures or obligation of funds​

No funds may be expended or obligated for the purpose of carrying out this section other than funds specifically appropriated to the Capitol Police Board or the United States Capitol Police for those purposes with the exception of—

(A) expenditures made by the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard from funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard in providing assistance on a temporary basis to the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties directly related to protection under sections 1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109 of title 40; 1 and

(B) expenditures made by Executive departments and agencies, in providing assistance at the request of the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties, and which will be reimbursed by the United States Capitol Police under this section.

(4) Provision of assistance​

Assistance under this section shall be provided—

(A) consistent with the authority of the Capitol Police under sections 1961 and 1966 of this title;

(B) upon the written request of—

(i) the Capitol Police Board; or

(ii) in an emergency—

(I) the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate in any matter relating to the Senate;

(II) the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives in any matter relating to the House of Representatives; or

(III) the Chief of the Capitol Police, if the Chief of the Capitol Police has determined that the provision of assistance is necessary to prevent the significant disruption of governmental function and public order within the United States Capitol Buildings and Grounds, as described in section 1961 1 of this title; and

(C)(i) on a temporary and reimbursable basis;

(ii) on a permanent reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board; or

(iii) on a temporary basis without reimbursement by the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard as described under paragraph (1).

(5) Revocation​

The Capitol Police Board may revoke a request for assistance provided under paragraph (4)(B)(ii)(III) upon consultation with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions.

(b) Reports​

(1) Submission​

With respect to any fiscal year in which an executive department or executive agency provides assistance under this section, the head of that department or agency shall submit a report not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year to the Chairman of the Capitol Police Board.

(2) Content​

The report submitted under paragraph (1) shall contain a detailed account of all expenditures made by the Executive department or executive agency in providing assistance under this section during the applicable fiscal year.

(3) Summary​

After receipt of all reports under paragraph (2) with respect to any fiscal year, the Chairman of the Capitol Police Board shall submit a summary of such reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

(c) Effective date​

This section shall take effect on January 10, 2002, and apply to each fiscal year occurring after such date.

(Pub. L. 107–117, div. B, §911, Jan. 10, 2002, 115 Stat. 2322; Pub. L. 117–77, §2(a), Dec. 22, 2021, 135 Stat. 1522.)
Yes, the attack would not of occurred if Pelosi was not Speaker.

Unless you wish to argue that all Democrats would of been derelict in their duty to protect the capitol
Horse shit. That attack on the Capitol had exactly zero to do with Pelosi.

It had everything to do with TRUMP. Trump called those assholes to DC. He riled them up with lies about the election.

And he sent them to the Capitol on a mission
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Here's that whole law -- you'll note, the word, "Speaker," is not in there...

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies

(a) Assistance under this section shall be provided—

(B) upon the written request of—
You will notice, it also does not state that the Capitol Police Chief can call for the National guard.

I can play your game of ignorance.

The National Guard can never be called or ordered to the Capitol because it does not say, National Guard in the law.

Upon written request?????????? What could that be??????
That is not what the law says, which is linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites
That is not what the precedents state, which are linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites
That is not what the Rules of the House state which are linked and quoted, directly from the .gov websites.

Faun, you are making the claim that the Capitol police board reports to nobody and that the Emergency Plan for the Protection of the Capitol does not exist.
All of that talks about how requests for support are processed. Nowhere does it state that support or deployment can ONLY happen upon that request and nowhere does it say that any of the entities mentioned have the final say as to whether deployment can happen.

But hey. On Jan 6 EVERYONE mentioned including Pelosi was SCREAMING for support and it was slow in coming because Trump wasn’t asking for it. In fact Trump NEVER ASKED FOR IT on Jan 6.
Horse shit. That attack on the Capitol had exactly zero to do with Pelosi.

It had everything to do with TRUMP. Trump called those assholes to DC. He riled them up with lies about the election.

And haven’t them to the Capitol on a mission
I get it.Unlike Pelosi and her Party of drat provable Democrat
inspired haters of all things Americana and Patriotic.
Not a week went by when Pelosi dint wield her evil witches
brew and broom.Tell us all about how Pelosi and Democrats
Don't RILE-UP their flock.
I could asked what yer I.Q. stands at.
But that would be like wondering how high Great White
sharks can swim above water.
All of that talks about how requests for support are processed. Nowhere does it state that support or deployment can ONLY happen upon that request
No, this a law, it is not instruction on how to process anything

Lesh, the law states Leaders of the House must be consulted.

The law is not explaining how to process, it is stating that house leadership must be consulted. House leadership is not the Chief of the Capitol police or the Sergeant at Arms

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies

Before making a request under this paragraph, the Capitol Police Board shall consult with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions,
(B) upon the written request of—
Pelosi must declare an emergency before the call is made in accordance with the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol is in effect.

False. The Capitol Police Board can also declare an emergency. Regardless, Pelosi worked with the mayor to get the national guard deployed...

3:29 p.m. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam tweets that his team is working closely with Mayor Bowser, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to respond to the situation. Northam says that at the mayor's request, he is sending Virginia National Guard members and 200 Virginia State Police troopers to Washington.

... why didn't Trump?
You will notice, it also does not state that the Capitol Police Chief can call for the National guard.

I can play your game of ignorance.

The National Guard can never be called or ordered to the Capitol because it does not say, National Guard in the law.

Upon written request?????????? What could that be??????

So? Sund couldn't call for the National Guard. The Capitol Police Board could have.
Very stupid post.
1. Trump said "fill the request" (for the NG). Bowser's letter denied that the NG was needed.
2. Capitol Police Chief Sund also requested the NG but Sgt. at Arms Irving, lead of the 3-man Capitol Police Board denied the request because of Pelosi's policy.

The NG was requested dumbass, TWICE. So there was no "insurrection" unless it was coordinated by the FBI.
1. That (or something similar)was said to Trump’s SecDef who was THE ONLY PERSON who could have made it happen.

And HE ignored it. Bowser asked for and got a small number of NG to help with traffic issues

2.Irving is not Pelosi and there is no claim that any communication went on between them. ALSO.
That only has to do with a request for support. It is in no way a refusal of support. Had Trump actually ORDERED NG and followed up on that order his SecDef would have made it happen

Save us the QAnon musings mmmkay?

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