Jan. 6 th terrorist attack hearings should damage trump.

There isn't anything that these hearings will reveal that will damage Trump anymore than he already is. We know pretty much what he wanted and what he did in the two months leading up to 1/6/2021 and on that day itself.

What IS liable to cause some damage is the very bright spotlight that's going to shine on some very high profile Republican politicians and conservative media whores. All of whom had some sort of hand in the travesty of that day, whether is was helping to plan it, helping to execute it, or helping to try and brush what happened that day under the rug.

Should be fun watching the right wing squirm in June. :)
Congress CAN NOT prosecute anyone. These hearings are simply to record history, and to inform the public on what really happened, leading up to 1/6, on 1/6, and after 1/6, and to see if any legislation is needed to prevent another soft coup de'tat attempt.
No, the "hearings" are being used by partisan hack weasels to huff and puff.

With any luck, they only thing they'll prevent is the re-election of the prattling, posing, poltroons participating in them.
Congress CAN NOT prosecute anyone. These hearings are simply to record history, and to inform the public on what really happened, leading up to 1/6, on 1/6, and after 1/6, and to see if any legislation is needed to prevent another soft coup de'tat attempt.

Except that they don't care about what really happened. THeir motive is to make a show of it, to hurt their political enemies.

Do you admit that there is a motive for Bidens' administration to use the 1/6 riot and the criminal prosecutions afterwards for political reasons?
There is no doubt that Trump wanted to punish America for losing the election
As he should have.
And there is no doubt that some Americans want a dictator instead of the will of the people
Democracy and the Republic have proven incapable of maintaining morality and decency in Society. An Autocratic Society would do so. That’s why I would prefer the change.

There is no doubt that Trump wanted to punish America for losing the election.

And there is no doubt that some Americans want a dictator instead of the will of the people.
The terrorists work for the FBI. It was a set up as obvious as the massive fraud those people were there to get something done about.
Your "MY WAY" by Force? What could go wrong? Nope... Screw that..
So far as I’m concerned the other option is burning the entire nation to the ground and allowing the vultures and hyenas to feast on the scraps. Either is preferable to what we have now.
You see most republicans wanted to beat up cops and hang Mike pence also so they don't think of this as a big deal.

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