Jake Tapper Accuses Elon Musk of "Sabotage" Over Not Allowing Ukraine to Use Starlink to Attack Russian Fleet in Crimea

First of all Musk has no obligation to do that.

But, as always, you're dead fucking wrong.

Musk did contribute utilization of his starlink to Ukraine for search and rescue.

He only denied it for weaponized offenses, and understandably so.

Dude doesn't want to be part of a war.

Again: You're a Mainstream Media casualty.

And probably too old to learn the lesson and get religion.


I don't want Elon Musk making foreign policy decisions on behalf of the rest of the world. He's not qualified.
Good for Elon Musk for not letting his satellites being used to help attack Russian warships escalating the war. Jake Tapper is a warmonger propagandist.

Jake Tapper is supposed to be an unbiased journalist.
Jake Tapper is supposed to be an unbiased journalist.
From Elon this morning.

I am a citizen of the United States and have only that passport. No matter what happens, I will fight for and die in America.

The United States Congress has not declared war on Russia. If anyone is treasonous, it is those who call me such.

Please tell them that very clearly.— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 11, 2023
Do you think he's treasonous?
No. It’s not the word I would use to describe him.

But words don’t mean anything to Musk. He calls people pedo guys and then pretends like that doesn’t mean he’s calling them pedophiles, so I don’t really feel bad that people are calling him a traitor. He’s getting a taste of his own medicine.

Anyway, first amendment protects our right to call him treasonous.
So you support Ukraine bombing Russian people in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
Yep. Right up until the moment the invading bastards leave Ukraine and decide Ukraine can remain free of Russian control. As long as Russia is doing the cross border attack to occupy and subjugate Ukraine, I don't mind Ukraine drone attacks in Russia, as a reminder, that maybe Russia should stop their occupation goals or face harassment attacks there in the mother country of the motherf#ckers.
You picked up on that, eh?
You are getting better. :cool:
Who gets to determine what is of US “vital interests”?

Do you want to send in US troops to take Crimea from the Russians?
The elected US Government, headed by the elected President sets foreign policy. I like many Americans, just happen to agree with current foreign policy.
^ What King George said about Jefferson.
That would be such a cool quote to see! :auiqs.jpg: If that is how those leaders talked back then, they were truly ahead of their time.:cool:
Putin was deliberately pushed into this by years of calculated US provocation.

And not only will they stop in Ukraine, they’ll stop once they get the Russian part of Ukraine back.
Nope. Russia chose, based on Putin's goals, just like the leaders of that country chose to invade Afghanistan. The godless Russians will continue to see their own sons killed in their senseless onslaught, and even counter harassment drone attack on their own country right up until they pull out and go home, not to return. At that time Ukraine will quit killing Russians for invading. Sounds fair to me.
Yep. Right up until the moment the invading bastards leave Ukraine and decide Ukraine can remain free of Russian control. As long as Russia is doing the cross border attack to occupy and subjugate Ukraine, I don't mind Ukraine drone attacks in Russia, as a reminder, that maybe Russia should stop their occupation goals or face harassment attacks there in the mother country of the motherf#ckers.
You picked up on that, eh?
You are getting better. :cool:
I’m talking about before Russia invaded. That went right over your head.

They were bombing ethnic Russians that have been living there their whole lives.
That's exactly what he did. And he talked to Moscow before he did it.
Musk made no foreign policy decision. He didn’t talk to Moscow. He refused to allow starlink be used by Ukraine for military purposes. Stop being an idiot.

Musk did absolutely the right thing. He didn’t want his company to be a participant in an armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
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how is weather in Moscow 🇷🇺 ?



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