Jackie Robinson, Racism and Achievements


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
Milton Friedman has now been dead for years, that's a given..
But he's still on youtube :p

When Milton Friedman said that the great achievements of civilization have not come from Government Bureaus...

I said You're right, because that is not their mission.
Their mission is to set standards and laws, and organize and regulate society.

Take a look at the movie "The Life of Jackie Robinson" its a cheap movie, but it exposes a whole lot...
Take a look at how he was treated.

The great achievements of civilization have not come from those fucking useless fat tubs of lard either.

Even by the standards of high school completion back then, they were very poorly educated, and even if they went to college they would not have known ANYTHING that we know today.

Those are the kind of assholes that we need the government to sort out, and thank god we have it today.

Also, the great achievements of civilization have not come from poverty and Austerity either, they have come from capable people.

And we make capable people through stimulus.

Thank you.
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