I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

You have asked why the MSM was so negative toward Trump. You make the claim that Trump was a great president, he got things done. But you posted something that is very telling,

He doesn't take any side except what will be best for HIM, best for his family... best for America in that order

There is your answer. A president is, first and foremost, a leader. I completely agree with your assessment of Trump's priorities. And anyone with that hierarchy of priorities is, quite frankly, incapable of being a leader. In fact, a real leader would have the exact opposite hierarchy. Country first, family second, himself last. A good example, Gerald Ford. He granted Nixon a pardon. That was not good for him, probably wasn't too good for his family, but was what he needed to do to move the country toward healing after Watergate. It cost him the presidency. He put the country first. Lyndon Johnson refused to run for re-election. That choice wasn't good for him, it was good for the country. And when it came to getting things done, Johnson was THE MAN. Trump had few real accomplishments that he could point to. Gas prices, well hell, his pitiful response to Covid tanked the economy, so hell yeah gas prices went down. Energy independence my ass, we never stopped importing oil. That is a fabricated claim based on numbers, it is not based on reality. True energy independence means we don't import anything for our energy needs. And perhaps we could achieve that if we weren't exporting diesel and natural gas.

But Trump's real legacy will be his inability to accept his defeat, further fracturing an already divided nation. A real leader would have accepted that defeat, even if he thought it was fraudulent, for the good of the country. Every previous president for two hundred years gracefully accepted their defeat. Trump's selfishness, always putting himself first, will be how he will be remembered. He would burn the entire country to the ground, was even willing to order soldiers to attack fellow Americans, just to preserve his position. Absolutely disgusting.
Utter bullshit. The correct answer is that Trump tells the truth about the left and the Democrat party.

You flatter yourself with these apologies for leftwing idiocies..
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But Trump sucks as a businessman. He turned a large fortune into a small fortune. In the NYC real estate market, he was regarded as a patsy who would pay far more than the property was worth.

World leaders saw him the same way. He was easy to manipulate into bad deals if you just stroked his ego. His surrender to the Taliban was one obvious example.
Another bullshit left-wing meme.
Through the whole 2016 camapign, the entire national media served as Trump's cheerleader corps. They put him in office. And now you stab your MSM allies in the back? That's not very gracious of you.
Another lie. They were only Trump's cheer leader during the primaries because they thought he would be the worst candidate.
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No, which is why we want the media to stop having such a strong conservativce bias.

Any time you see some Trump cultist raving about the "liberal media", just smile, twirl a finger around your ear, and then slowly back away before you get drooled on.

"No, which is why we want the media to stop having such a strong conservativce [sic] bias."

Generally the Media have people who work in them who analysis political performance more than the average person.

Trump was a bad president, he was actually terrible... Look at the real Metrics... He borrowed a load of money and still handed the country back in a mess...

Obama inherited a mess of Economy and had record months of Job Growth... He behaved respectful to others...

Simply put you are complaining that the other football team are ahead and the ref must be biased... Evert thing your team are just not that good... GOP went into the last election with not updated policy platform... Where is the GOP Healthcare plan (it can't be just bitching about the Obamacare)... Trump was an embarrassment out side US and US soft power went to the lowest level until WW1, Completely dropped the ball on COVID....

Reality Shows are made up, Trump was and is a pretty bad business man who was born privileged. Just look at Micheal Cohen, the guy got average grades from one of the worst law schools in America, he promoted a security guard to being his COO... Seriously could you see Jeff Bezo or Bill Gates doing that? People at that level surround themselves with the best and they pay them (and not under the table, best don't need under the table money)..

Trump got bad coverage because his Administration ran from one crisis to another... it was chaotic... By the way government should be boring, bring is good, boring mean everyone is making money...

I read about two sentences before I realized it was nothing but "Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!"
Wow, this is mind reading day on US Message Board.

I'm thinking of a number between one and a million. What is it?
The way these progs believe they know what right wingers think is utterly hilarious.
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It's mental masturbation. Leftist morons like Mac1958 are just playing to leftist bigotry and hate to leftists. No one on the right looks at their stupid shit and thinks they have any clue what the right thinks. Democrats are mental eight year olds
I think eveyone here pictured a toddler stamping his cute widdle foot as you pouted that out.

Now, here's your binkies. You and bri clearly need a nap.
Again, Tramp has been a failed politician since 1999 when he FIRST ran for president.
Prove it! Who in the hell are you? You do just like the biased MSM write something with NO PROOF!
Prove to all of us exactly when every year for the last 22 years Trump has run for any office except
the one time !
Now I'm going to help you!!!
1987-1988: Trump considers a run for president, "considers" DID he run for this office?
2000: Trump enters the presidential race as a Reform Party
Note how the biased media makes up well he could have!!!
2003-2004: Trump begins hosting the reality show The Apprentice on NBC, which he also executive-
produces. He again mulls a run for president, but ultimately decides not to join the race
Remember he is "mulling"...
March 2011: A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows Trump leading all presidential contenders, including Mitt Romney.

So the MSM considers Trump running for office???
April 2011: Amid more research polls indicating that he would be the preferred
May 2011: Trump officially announces that he will not run for president. WHAT?????
February 2012:
Trump endorses Republican candidate Mitt Romney for president. WHAT???
February 2015: Trump decides not to renew his Apprentice contract...oh wow Trump announces... oh wait!

So edith...
Where in the above was Trump OFFICIALLY running for office.?
Se Edith... this is why people don't trust people like you! You take ONE, ONCE... Trump ran for office and then you make it sound as you said.." Tramp has been a failed politician since 1999 when he FIRST ran for president.
Just like the MSM exaggeration. Out of context. Outright LYING! Trump was NOT a politician every.
Never ran for any office except President in 2000 and did not as well as in 2003... but you and your fellow exaggerators...
WELL HE could have!!! Geez see why millions of Americans don't trust the MSM anymore than they would trust you EDITH!
They believe that Trump never lies.

They believe that Trump never did anything that deserved bad press.

There's nothing you can do with that.
OH so Trump lies but Obama never did? Biden hasn't? Every President has lied!
Now the point is WHICH of these 3 "liars" though thought first of the USA ? Which of these 3 liars was the first
President in 62 years to make the USA energy independent? Which President in the last 30 years DID NOT get us
into another war? Which President wants America First rather than be as Obama said "Brazil's best oil customer"?
So yea... Trump lies JUST as you did! YOU lied when you said "They believe that Trump never lies"!
Well I've proven to you that YOU are a liar because I and millions like me know that Trump like any human being lies!
Oh wait you must be Jesus? Right and YOU tell the truth all the time! AGAIN you lied about people like me when you say we believe that Trump never lies"! That is a lie...you LIAR!!!
OH so Trump lies but Obama never did? Biden hasn't? Every President has lied!
Now the point is WHICH of these 3 "liars" though thought first of the USA ? Which of these 3 liars was the first
President in 62 years to make the USA energy independent? Which President in the last 30 years DID NOT get us
into another war? Which President wants America First rather than be as Obama said "Brazil's best oil customer"?
So yea... Trump lies JUST as you did! YOU lied when you said "They believe that Trump never lies"!
Well I've proven to you that YOU are a liar because I and millions like me know that Trump like any human being lies!
Oh wait you must be Jesus? Right and YOU tell the truth all the time! AGAIN you lied about people like me when you say we believe that Trump never lies"! That is a lie...you LIAR!!!
I think eveyone here pictured a toddler stamping his cute widdle foot as you pouted that out.

Now, here's your binkies. You and bri clearly need a nap.

And mind reading day on US Message Board escalates. You don't just read my mind, you read EVERYONE'S!

Stupid bitch

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