Ivanka Trump Products: Still Made In Foreign Countries


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Ivanka Inc.

The first daughter talks about improving the lives of working women. Her father urges companies to “buy American.” But her fashion line’s practices collide with those principles – and are out of step with industry trends.

On Inauguration Day, President Trump stood in front of the U.S. Capitol and vowed that his “America First” agenda would bring jobs back to the United States.

“We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs,” he declared, adding: “We will follow two simple rules — buy American and hire American.”

Looking on from the front of the stage was Trump’s daughter Ivanka, the celebrity and fashion entrepreneur who would soon join him in the White House.

The first daughter’s cause would be improving the lives of working women, a theme she had developed at her clothing line. She also brought a direct link to the global economy the president was railing against — a connection that was playing out at that very moment on the Pacific coast.

As the Trumps stood on stage, a hulking container ship called the OOCL Ho Chi Minh City was pulling into the harbor of Long Beach, Calif., carrying around 500 pounds of foreign-made Ivanka Trump spandex-knit blouses.

Another 10 ships hauling Ivanka Trump-branded shoes, cardigans and leather handbags bound for the United States were floating in the north Pacific and Atlantic oceans and off the coasts of Malta, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and Yemen.

Those global journeys — along with millions of pounds of Ivanka Trump products imported into the United States in more than 2,000 shipments since 2010 — illustrate how her business practices collide with some of the key principles she and her father have championed in the White House.

While President Trump has chastised companies for outsourcing jobs overseas, an examination by The Washington Post has revealed the extent to which Ivanka Trump’s company relies exclusively on foreign factories in countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and China, where low-wage laborers have limited ability to advocate for themselves.

And while Ivanka Trump published a book this spring declaring that improving the lives of working women is “my life’s mission,” The Post found that her company lags behind many in the apparel industry when it comes to monitoring the treatment of the largely female workforce employed in factories around the world.

Much More (w/Pictures): She talks about working women. Her father says “buy American.” We go inside Ivanka Inc.

“We will follow two simple rules — buy American and hire American.” The Trumps don't practice what they preach. Does anyone care?
I repeat from the OP:

“We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs,” he declared, adding: “We will follow two simple rules — buy American and hire American.”
Sub-Minimum Wage Salaries, Rights Violations & Missing Activists: Inside Ivanka Trump’s Sweatshops

Ivanka Trump’s book Women Who Work was presented as a guide for self-actualization, helping women balance life and work because yes, you canhave it all! At least, if you are as wealthy, white, well-staffed and well-connected as Ivanka Trump, you can. The idea that Trump the Younger could offer any insight into the lives of real working women, or any working person, was already laughable. Then reporters and activists started revealing the conditions workers are forced to endure in the Asian sweatshops that produce her clothing and footwear line, and her callous obliviousness is almost–almost–too extreme to believe.

Exposing the Violations of Ivanka Trump's Sweatshops | The Mary Sue

Workers at a factory in China used by the company that makes clothing for Ivanka Trump’s fashion line and other brands worked nearly 60 hours a week to earn wages of little more than $62 a week, according to a factory audit released Monday.

Workers endured long hours, low pay at Chinese factory used by Ivanka Trump’s clothing-maker


youre smart enough to actually read, and understand what a bill of laden is ... I have a copy of one that shows how deep the Trump Cartel is in outsourcing their retail products. If you want the link just say so.
Sub-Minimum Wage Salaries, Rights Violations & Missing Activists: Inside Ivanka Trump’s Sweatshops

Ivanka Trump’s book Women Who Work was presented as a guide for self-actualization, helping women balance life and work because yes, you canhave it all! At least, if you are as wealthy, white, well-staffed and well-connected as Ivanka Trump, you can. The idea that Trump the Younger could offer any insight into the lives of real working women, or any working person, was already laughable. Then reporters and activists started revealing the conditions workers are forced to endure in the Asian sweatshops that produce her clothing and footwear line, and her callous obliviousness is almost–almost–too extreme to believe.

Exposing the Violations of Ivanka Trump's Sweatshops | The Mary Sue


This would be like America electing JP Morgan or Andrew Carnegie as President in the Robber Baron days. Boy did we fuck up.
Hypocrisy among conservatives is well documented, and vehemently denied by conservatives.
I support The Donald trying to encourage American companies to make stuff. Folks the shorts I used to buy from Cabela's were made in China and were not bad. They would last about 3 years. I ordered the exact same short and now they are made in Vietnam and are thin and have a giant waist. Same thing with Carhartt moving factories to Mexico. The material is thinner and the sizes are fucked up. For fat Americans. Not for beautiful bodies like yours truly.
I support The Donald trying to encourage American companies to make stuff. Folks the shorts I used to buy from Cabela's were made in China and were not bad. They would last about 3 years. I ordered the exact same short and now they are made in Vietnam and are thin and have a giant waist. Same thing with Carhartt moving factories to Mexico. The material is thinner and the sizes are fucked up. For fat Americans. Not for beautiful bodies like yours truly.

Funny. I thought you deranged NaziCons voted for Comrade Trump to reverse all that? But now you're okay with it?
Has congress implemented tariffs yet? Are Dems pushing for it? No.

If congress passes the measures to bring back jobs, Trump will sign it, and companies will return to the US. You can't blame any company for remaining where it is economically viable to stay in business until the laws change and makes it viable for them to be in the US.

Thanks for playing, nutters.
Has congress implemented tariffs yet? Are Dems pushing for it? No.

If congress passes the measures to bring back jobs, Trump will sign it, and companies will return to the US. You can't blame any company for remaining where it is economically viable to stay in business until the laws change and makes it viable for them to be in the US.

Thanks for playing, nutters.

Well, at long last, a reasonable post, after a torrent of liberal bull crap.

Lower the corporate tax and the jobs will come back.
Well, at long last, a reasonable post, after a torrent of liberal bull crap.

Lower the corporate tax and the jobs will come back.

How would lowering corporate taxes raise the cost of foreign labor?
I support The Donald trying to encourage American companies to make stuff. Folks the shorts I used to buy from Cabela's were made in China and were not bad. They would last about 3 years. I ordered the exact same short and now they are made in Vietnam and are thin and have a giant waist. Same thing with Carhartt moving factories to Mexico. The material is thinner and the sizes are fucked up. For fat Americans. Not for beautiful bodies like yours truly.

Funny. I thought you deranged NaziCons voted for Comrade Trump to reverse all that? But now you're okay with it?
so how are you NaziLibs any different?....

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