Its two days before Thanksgiving....Is it too early to start the War on Christmas?

I refuse to shop anywhere that does not wish me a Happy Hanukah. I'm not Jewish, but they don't know that, so they should do it anyway. Besides, maybe someday I will convert. It worked out pretty well for Sammy Davis, Jr.
sorry but that's not mocking, it's kids on display.
I was the tech director for a large auditorium and we rented it to the schools in the area to do their Christmas pageants.
most kids are either scared shitless or pushed into it by stage moms or dads
sorry but that's not mocking, it's kids on display.
I was the tech director for a large auditorium and we rented it to the schools in the area to do their Christmas pageants.
most kids are either scared shitless or pushed into it by stage moms or dads

Nothing worse than children singing.......fingernails on a blackboard
sorry but that's not mocking, it's kids on display.
I was the tech director for a large auditorium and we rented it to the schools in the area to do their Christmas pageants.
most kids are either scared shitless or pushed into it by stage moms or dads

Nothing worse than children singing.......fingernails on a blackboard
even worse many of them blow chunks while on stage!
How sad that liberals, allegedly so big on respect for others, devote so much time they should spend with the friends (if any) and family at Christmas to spreading hate.

But, hey, if they enjoy it I guess we can let them have their fun.

So long as they don't hurt anyone other than themselves.
How sad that liberals, allegedly so big on respect for others, devote so much time they should spend with the friends (if any) and family at Christmas to spreading hate.

But, hey, if they enjoy it I guess we can let them have their fun.

So long as they don't hurt anyone other than themselves.
what liberals would that be? most everyone I know lib or con spend as time with loved one during the hoildaze ,as much as they can stand.
cons have the hate market all sewn up always have always will..

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