My Thoughts on Ferguson


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've watched the media coverage of this, especially the dismay shown by some media outlets over the Grand Jury's findings. Here is my take on the whole thing.

A young black thug, high on marijuana, who thought the world owed him something, steals some minor items from a convenience store just to show how big and tough he was.

A police officer on another call – domestic violence which is always something they hate – responds to the call. When he sees someone matching the description of the perp, he calls him over.

Brown goes to the patrol car and, still thinking what a big deal he was, stupidly decides to pop the cop twice in the face!

Fearing for his well-being, the cop pulls his pistol and shoots the thug twice. The punk decides to run and when the cop gets out of the patrol car and tells him to stop, he turns and charges the cop. He's big and already showed a willingness to physically attack the cop who then puts him down for good.

Had this been a black cop putting a black punk down, not a thing would be said. Had it been a black cop putting a white or Hispanic punk down, nothing would have come of it. Had it been a white cop putting a while punk down, silence.

And we get more black punks running around the streets destroying things belonging to their black neighbors.

I think the jury found right. I think punks like Sharpton and the rest should keep their big mouths shut – including Obama. And, when the civil trials are over, Wilson will be found innocent. However, like Zimmerman, his life will be destroyed and he will have to spend the rest of his life hiding from the media.

That is the true injustice.
I've watched the media coverage of this, especially the dismay shown by some media outlets over the Grand Jury's findings. Here is my take on the whole thing.

A young black thug, high on marijuana, who thought the world owed him something, steals some minor items from a convenience store just to show how big and tough he was.

A police officer on another call – domestic violence which is always something they hate – responds to the call. When he sees someone matching the description of the perp, he calls him over.

Brown goes to the patrol car and, still thinking what a big deal he was, stupidly decides to pop the cop twice in the face!

Fearing for his well-being, the cop pulls his pistol and shoots the thug twice. The punk decides to run and when the cop gets out of the patrol car and tells him to stop, he turns and charges the cop. He's big and already showed a willingness to physically attack the cop who then puts him down for good.

Had this been a black cop putting a black punk down, not a thing would be said. Had it been a black cop putting a white or Hispanic punk down, nothing would have come of it. Had it been a white cop putting a while punk down, silence.

And we get more black punks running around the streets destroying things belonging to their black neighbors.

I think the jury found right. I think punks like Sharpton and the rest should keep their big mouths shut – including Obama. And, when the civil trials are over, Wilson will be found innocent. However, like Zimmerman, his life will be destroyed and he will have to spend the rest of his life hiding from the media.

That is the true injustice.

That's sure what it looked like to me.

Unfortunately, our country has reentered the time when it is only the color of the skin rather than the content of the character that counts. It may be the inverse of the prevailing attitudes during the earlier part of the 20th century, but it is certainly no better.

Identity politics sucks.
My theory is that Brown attacked him, but made an attempt to flee when he was ultimately killed. There were other, less lethal ways to handle the situation.

That said, I can't put myself in the officer's shoes. When you are in a life or death situation your adrenaline is pumping. While us arm chair investigators could easily think of other alternatives to shooting him so many times, we don't know what was going through his mind at that moment.

I don't blame anybody. It was a tragic event that would have been avoidable in a perfect world. Too bad we don't live in that world.

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