it's time to expose radical Islam


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
for decades, americans have been told that Islam is a religion of peace. presidents, PM's, media folks, athletes, the pope, & even terrorists themselves have all said that.

islam doesn't mean peace, it means allah.

there is no connection between salam (peace) and islam (submission) these are two distinct words with unrelated meanings.

Obama once said: "the Quran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he killed all mankind"...this is easily rebuttable, all i have to do is quote the very next verse: "those who oppose allah should be killed or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off, and a great torment will be theirs in the Hereafter."

here are some more Quran quotes that juxtapose Obama.

"fight against those who don't believe in allah among the people of scripture (Christians) until they submit"

Muslims are instructed to fight...until you SUBMIT. it is a religion of FASCIST SUBMISSION.
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some more "peaceful" Quran quotes:

"jihad is ordained for you, though you dislike it" (2:216)

muslims are commanded to "strike terror into the enemies of allah" (Quran 8:60)...that's t. e. r. r. o. r.

muslims are commanded to fight until they achieve universal islamic worship.
the quran explains that the goal of jihad is global islamic dominance (8:38) sound familiar?

it is foolish to insist, as our leaders habitually do, that the violent acts of radical islamists can be divorced from the religious ideals that inspire them. instead, we must acknowledge that they are driven by a political ideology, an ideology embedded in islam itself, in the quran.

still not convinced?

i leave you with this quote

"oh muslims, islam was never for a day the religion of peace. islam is the religion of war" - Baghdadi

next time you hear all the PC bullshit, go directly to the source. pick up a quran or listen to what muslims say about their own religion
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my fellow Republicans, my fellow Americans (and liberal Democrats who are obviously not Americans),

there are still many across the world engaged in a massive effort to unassociate the word jihad from what we see with our eyes...the aggressive terrorist war against non-Muslims.

the Quran specifically says: "slay them wherever you find them" (4:89)

as these commands are in the Quran itself, Muslims believe they originated with "Allah", and are thus obligatory.

as Ibn Khaldun, Islam's most prominent scholar said: "the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission"...RELIGION OF PEACE MY PASTY WHITE ASS!

the founder of the Muslim brotherhood said: "jihad is an obligation from Allah on every Muslim and cannot be ignored" goes on & on
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the only things muslims assimiliate into america is our victim culture

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