It's time for change!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Gridlock defines are highways and our government, our schools and our industries. We've been fighting the war on poverty, the war on drugs and the war on terror and refuse to admit we have lost all three wars. It's time to surrender to reality; toss out solutions which do not work, define our problems and seek new means to solve them.

This thread is not about left or right, Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal. It's about facing up to facts and seeking a better way, a new way forward.

We've seen the past, the 20th Century was a period of great changes, from bi-planes at Kitty Hawk to space ships and man walking on the moon; from Hitler and Pol Pot to Ghandhi and Mother Theresa; two world wars, a world wide depression and flu epidemic, famine, the rise and fall of Fascisim and Communism and the birth of the nuclear age.

And yet, we seem to have learned nothing. The same old battles play themselves out in the halls of Congress and on this message board.

Once again, it's time to toss out the old and seek a new way forward. First, list the top three problems facing us today:


I have a bet with myself which I will post in code.

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1. Government by the consent of the Governed. Let's try it just once.
2. There are areas of our lives beyond Government Jurisdiction. Enumerated Powers.
3. If you can't pay for it, you can't implement it. Live within your means.
4. No unfunded mandates.
5. All regulations should be subject to regular review. You lose site of purpose, you forfeit Authority in that area.
1) Global economy and workforce. US simply cannot compete.
2) US Defense strategy. We can no longer continue being the world's police force. For free.
3) Partisan politics and career politicians. They look out for themselves before they look out for their constituents.
1. Defense (foreign and domestic)
2. Economy (including debt and jobs)
3. Energy (affects both above)
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Should be a mandatory law: The Federal or State governments cannot spend more revenue than they take in from taxes. Example: Federal government collects 1.5 trillion dollars from all sources in taxes for the year of 2011. In 2012 they cannot spend more than 1.5 trillion dollars and .5 trillion of that required to go to repay the national debt. Same thing for States.
1. Unemployment and the dwindling manufacturing base (or what's left of it).
2. The devaluation of US Currency.
3. Open borders and illegal immigration.

The goal for budget cuts should be 35-45% for the next ten years.

We should,

-End the Drug War.
-Close all overseas bases in nations that have not seen war in more then two decades.
-Scale back USAID to a "recovery fund only" program (where we only give money to nations who are recovering from natural disasters rather than making yearly payments to poor nations run by despots and tyrannts).
-Bring home the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
-Shut down the Department of Homeland Security.

This alone will in turn show the World that we are serious about cutting our spending, paying our debt, and creates a better business environment and put the dollar in better standing.

This has an effect on inflation. Gas prices go down. Food prices go down. The market speeds up. People buy, people sell, businesses start up. We can then work on some of the tougher domestic cuts and work on privatizing social security. Cutting entitlement programs by 2% every year for ten years, that sounds pretty decent to me. No drug war means less people in prison, that's revenue alone, but the drug war largely causes the poverty and welfare cycle in many areas. No drug war, cleaner streets, less of a burden on tax payers.
Three biggest problems facing our country

1) Corruption
2) Immorallity
3) A refusal to take responsibility for ones actions

The solution is to turn to God and repent of our sins. To remember that it's our individual action, not outsourcing that action to the government, that can solve this nations problems.

Seek Truth and virtue, we won't have these problems. Government isnt the solution. It's a symptom of the problem.
Three biggest problems facing our country

1) Corruption
2) Immorallity
3) A refusal to take responsibility for ones actions

The solution is to turn to God and repent of our sins. To remember that it's our individual action, not outsourcing that action to the government, that can solve this nations problems.

Seek Truth and virtue, we won't have these problems. Government isnt the solution. It's a symptom of the problem.

1) Corruption
2) Immortality
3) Entitlement
Governmental gridlock is not a bad thing.

All it means is that the fucking government won't be able to pass any more laws telling us what or what not to do. In other words the fucking government will leave us the hell alone for a while at least.
Three biggest problems facing the country:
1) The Democratic party
2) The Democratic Party
3) About 90% of the Republican Party.
1) Corruption
2) Partisanship and blind ideology (sorry that is two, but they are related)
3) Ever-growing entitlement mentality

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