CDZ Its rough, but I can compromise and outlaw most abortions.


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Roe vs Wade was decided in the supreme court, which means those the constitution entitled to make those judgements disagree with your interpretation of it.
What's more local than making the decision on your own personal opinion of morality. That's why I find it a weird argument. The argument for a state level is that it brings the decision closer to the people. But the same people who advocate it, shy away from letting people making their own choices.
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Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Because it's not murder. Just like a miscarriage isn't a death in the family. No casket or funeral.
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Odd compromise
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Because it's not murder. Just like a miscarriage isn't a death in the family. No casket or funeral.
Not true, funerals happen all the time, sometimes no casket but a gravestone is still purchased. And miscarriage does not happen on purpose. If someone dies accidentally hitting a tree with their car we don't call it murder.
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Because it's not murder. Just like a miscarriage isn't a death in the family. No casket or funeral.
Not true, funerals happen all the time, sometimes no casket but a gravestone is still purchased. And miscarriage does not happen on purpose. If someone dies accidentally hitting a tree with their car we don't call it murder.
No but you must have a funeral.

When you scramble an egg you didn't kill a chicken.
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Let's say the country "votes" and finds abortion to be wrong...You wish to then punish the churches for being in the right side of the argument? Because America found abortion immoral? That would be like the south saying to the abolitionist, ok we'll release the slaves...but you are financially responsible for them. Slavery is wrong but the abolitionist have to house, feed, and support the slaves? Does that make any sense to you? If abortion is wrong....shouldn't the responsibility fall on the individuals being irresponsible not using birth control when participating in the act of reproduction? Birth control that is super cheap, super accessible, and super effective. Is it really the churches fault that people don't practice safe sex? Not to mention not all churches are opposed to abortion, so you're just going to indiscriminately tax them...because a law changed?
Interesting, but I disagree

I want Roe overturned and for abortion policies set by each state

Because 10th amendment...
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Because it's not murder. Just like a miscarriage isn't a death in the family. No casket or funeral.
Not true, funerals happen all the time, sometimes no casket but a gravestone is still purchased. And miscarriage does not happen on purpose. If someone dies accidentally hitting a tree with their car we don't call it murder.
No but you must have a funeral.

When you scramble an egg you didn't kill a chicken.
Who says you must have a funeral...and since when has a funeral been what defines life? Where are you going with this argument. And if that is your argument, people have funerals all the time for miscarried babies.

What's a better argument is when a pregnant women is killed, IT IS CONSIDERED A DOUBLE HOMICIDE. That women could have been on her way to get a scheduled abortion...still a double homicide, so your wrong there. If someone were to repeatedly stab a pregnant women in the stomach, and kills the baby, but the women survives...guess what, it is considered murder.

And I don't think you understand biology. Chickens lay eggs weather or not those eggs are fertilized...I get all my eggs from my chickens, there is no rooster around, so they aren't fertilized eggs, so there's no "baby chickens"'s a gamete cell. Not a separate life, only has half the chromosomes of a chicken. Just like when a women has her period...we don't call that a miscarriage when the egg passes, since it's a gamete cell passing, with only half the chromosomes of a human.
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Let's say the country "votes" and finds abortion to be wrong...You wish to then punish the churches for being in the right side of the argument? Because America found abortion immoral? That would be like the south saying to the abolitionist, ok we'll release the slaves...but you are financially responsible for them. Slavery is wrong but the abolitionist have to house, feed, and support the slaves? Does that make any sense to you? If abortion is wrong....shouldn't the responsibility fall on the individuals being irresponsible not using birth control when participating in the act of reproduction? Birth control that is super cheap, super accessible, and super effective. Is it really the churches fault that people don't practice safe sex? Not to mention not all churches are opposed to abortion, so you're just going to indiscriminately tax them...because a law changed?

1st, Churches in general have done much political work on the subject. The big one seems like a PAC.

2nd, aren't livest sacred and beautiful? Those voting against abortion believe so. Thus they have to act accordingly.
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
For a couple of reasons, the most important being that I see it as how the Constitution was intended to work

Plus, this allows the people to decide their own standards on a more local level

I do think abortion is murder, but I shy away from a "hard line" on that because I recognize that it's a complicated issue
Because it's not murder. Just like a miscarriage isn't a death in the family. No casket or funeral.
Not true, funerals happen all the time, sometimes no casket but a gravestone is still purchased. And miscarriage does not happen on purpose. If someone dies accidentally hitting a tree with their car we don't call it murder.
No but you must have a funeral.

When you scramble an egg you didn't kill a chicken.
Who says you must have a funeral...and since when has a funeral been what defines life? Where are you going with this argument. And if that is your argument, people have funerals all the time for miscarried babies.

What's a better argument is when a pregnant women is killed, IT IS CONSIDERED A DOUBLE HOMICIDE. That women could have been on her way to get a scheduled abortion...still a double homicide, so your wrong there. If someone were to repeatedly stab a pregnant women in the stomach, and kills the baby, but the women survives...guess what, it is considered murder.

And I don't think you understand biology. Chickens lay eggs weather or not those eggs are fertilized...I get all my eggs from my chickens, there is no rooster around, so they aren't fertilized eggs, so there's no "baby chickens"'s a gamete cell. Not a separate life, only has half the chromosomes of a chicken. Just like when a women has her period...we don't call that a miscarriage when the egg passes, since it's a gamete cell passing, with only half the chromosomes of a human.
Even if the rooster cums on the egg you didn't kill a chicken
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Abortion should be a state issue, not Federal.

Either way the Fed's should not be involved.
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Abortion should be a state issue, not Federal.

Either way the Fed's should not be involved.
Answered that one
I've always found it a weird argument. Can you explain why you want to have something to be decided on state level, and not on individual bases, or federal bases? If you think something is morally wrong, going as far a calling somebody who has an abortion a murderer. Why does the state's view on morality have more validity as the individuals, or the country for that matter?
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Let's say the country "votes" and finds abortion to be wrong...You wish to then punish the churches for being in the right side of the argument? Because America found abortion immoral? That would be like the south saying to the abolitionist, ok we'll release the slaves...but you are financially responsible for them. Slavery is wrong but the abolitionist have to house, feed, and support the slaves? Does that make any sense to you? If abortion is wrong....shouldn't the responsibility fall on the individuals being irresponsible not using birth control when participating in the act of reproduction? Birth control that is super cheap, super accessible, and super effective. Is it really the churches fault that people don't practice safe sex? Not to mention not all churches are opposed to abortion, so you're just going to indiscriminately tax them...because a law changed?

1st, Churches in general have done much political work on the subject. The big one seems like a PAC.

2nd, aren't livest sacred and beautiful? Those voting against abortion believe so. Thus they have to act accordingly.
And they do, christians are the biggest group for adoptions and foster care. And their private charitable organizations are much more effective at providing care for orphans worldwide than the USG is. but if abortion is wrong, shouldn't the people preforming the abortions be picking up the slack?
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Abortion should be a state issue, not Federal.

Either way the Fed's should not be involved.

No. Never.

No matter what, we must keep religion and government out of our most personal life decisions.

And other people.

There is nothing in the world that makes your decisions about your reproduction (or, assuming consenting adults, your sexuality) my business.

Nothing could or should give me control over your life decisions.

It is utterly bizarre and totally unreasonable that anyone could think otherwise.


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“We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.”

No, we must not.

Thankfully the United States is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, whose citizens are subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; efforts to violate the right to privacy and compel a woman to give birth against her will is proof of that.

Otherwise, the thread premise is ignorant, ridiculous nonsense.
Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Let's say the country "votes" and finds abortion to be wrong...You wish to then punish the churches for being in the right side of the argument? Because America found abortion immoral? That would be like the south saying to the abolitionist, ok we'll release the slaves...but you are financially responsible for them. Slavery is wrong but the abolitionist have to house, feed, and support the slaves? Does that make any sense to you? If abortion is wrong....shouldn't the responsibility fall on the individuals being irresponsible not using birth control when participating in the act of reproduction? Birth control that is super cheap, super accessible, and super effective. Is it really the churches fault that people don't practice safe sex? Not to mention not all churches are opposed to abortion, so you're just going to indiscriminately tax them...because a law changed?

1st, Churches in general have done much political work on the subject. The big one seems like a PAC.

2nd, aren't livest sacred and beautiful? Those voting against abortion believe so. Thus they have to act accordingly.
And they do, christians are the biggest group for adoptions and foster care. And their private charitable organizations are much more effective at providing care for orphans worldwide than the USG is. but if abortion is wrong, shouldn't the people preforming the abortions be picking up the slack?


Those who do or have abortion are part of the answer.

Same with birth control. Make birth control readily available and you would end poverty, hunger, illness.

Religion an christians are, for the most part, the cause of many, if not all the world's problems. So called christians don't actually care about other human beings. They just want control over other people's lives. Get them out of our lives and there would be peace and prosperity around the world.

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Compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow but today I realized I could outlaw abortion if the following (difficult) conditions are agreed to in law. And maybe a few others you all can think of.

-We must vote as a nation to see what the country believes.

-Any ban must be Federal. We are not creating 50 non-equal districts.

-If abortion is outlawed there will be a donation line attached to Federal 1040 forms the next year. The "support the children" fund. Whatever percentage of the population voted for abortion, that percentage better donate enough to that fund to pay for the any increase in adoptees or abortion will be allowed for the next 100 years.

-Churches pay taxes just like corporations. Sales taxes on donations received, taxes on property, earnings, the whole bit. There is big money in churches. There is religion in outlawing abortion.

-Churches must provide foster care for these new precious lives they saved. It will help the churches obtain non-profit status and if they do it well you will have more Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, whatevers in a generation.

-Getting an abortion in another country is punishable upon return just like murder and there is a reward for foreigners turning in aborters. Rich gals have an advantage. They can get off work and go places to get an abortion. Poor gals can't afford trips to other states or wherever. We're equal, enjoy it.

-No pills which do anything worse than spermicide....
Abortion should be a state issue, not Federal.

Either way the Fed's should not be involved.

The states are subject to the Constitution and its case law, and may not enact measures contrary to Constitutional case law, such as laws that violate the right to privacy by ‘banning’ abortion.

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