It's okay to fly rainbow flag at state Capitol

I'll say the same thing here that I've said in the countless other threads started with this exact premise:

If you don't like the pride flag flying on public property, then do something about it. Organize. Make it an issue, and fight for it. Have the balls to make your opinions known in the public sphere, and see how much support you can get for it, rather than just whining from behind your keyboard.

That's how it works.

But then we'd be viewed as whiny piss you leftists

You're already viewed as a whiney piss ant.
Those offended by the rainbow flag have no reason to be offended. Thus endeth the lesson.
How many were held as slaves, or who declared war on the US while using the Rainbow Flag?


None were under the battle flag either. It was a flag of military battle units...not the confederate national flag.

What's funny is Georgia is replacing the battle flag with the real confederate flag. JUST of course with its seal in the middle of the circle of stars.

Liberals are dumb.

The one they are replacing it with is not seen as a symbol of the KKK......that's a good thing.
I'll say the same thing here that I've said in the countless other threads started with this exact premise:

If you don't like the pride flag flying on public property, then do something about it. Organize. Make it an issue, and fight for it. Have the balls to make your opinions known in the public sphere, and see how much support you can get for it, rather than just whining from behind your keyboard.

That's how it works.

But then we'd be viewed as whiny piss you leftists

You must realize that impotently whining about it on a message board already put you pretty firmly in the "whiny pissant" category.

Better on here than all of society,
I'll say the same thing here that I've said in the countless other threads started with this exact premise:

If you don't like the pride flag flying on public property, then do something about it. Organize. Make it an issue, and fight for it. Have the balls to make your opinions known in the public sphere, and see how much support you can get for it, rather than just whining from behind your keyboard.

That's how it works.

But then we'd be viewed as whiny piss you leftists

You must realize that impotently whining about it on a message board already puts you pretty firmly in the "whiny pissant" category.


Oh, that's cute. You started to reply, but thought better of it.

The difference between whining in the public sphere and whining on a message board is that whining in the public sphere can actually change things, if enough people agree with your whining.

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