It's Official: Worst. Recovery. EVER


And the American people still voted Obama back in, they still gave the Dems Senate seats, and they still gave the Dems House seats. Wow, go figure. Perhaps they just weren't convinced that the Republicans can be trusted in their current incarnation, maybe?

Perhaps they also know what most of the rest of us know, that this wasn't just another recession.

what do you mean wasn't just another recession ??we are still in one !!

And the American people still voted Obama back in, they still gave the Dems Senate seats, and they still gave the Dems House seats. Wow, go figure. Perhaps they just weren't convinced that the Republicans can be trusted in their current incarnation, maybe?

Perhaps they also know what most of the rest of us know, that this wasn't just another recession.

what do you mean wasn't just another recession ??we are still in one !!
Then your definition of recession is different from the rest of the World.

And the American people still voted Obama back in, they still gave the Dems Senate seats, and they still gave the Dems House seats. Wow, go figure. Perhaps they just weren't convinced that the Republicans can be trusted in their current incarnation, maybe?

Perhaps they also know what most of the rest of us know, that this wasn't just another recession.

what do you mean wasn't just another recession ??we are still in one !!
Then your definition of recession is different from the rest of the World.
we are not recovering economically !!
what do you mean wasn't just another recession ??we are still in one !!
Then your definition of recession is different from the rest of the World.
we are not recovering economically !!
We are. Not quickly, but recovering none the less. Continuous GDP growth, job growth, decline in unemployment rate. What measures are you saying are not recovering?
Fewest number of first time jobless claims in 5 years announced this morning. Good news ladies and gentlemen. Celebrate the good news.

Would you be saying that if Romney was president right now?

Of course. Good news is good news. Liberals do not applaud bad news. That is a nutter thing.

If that were true you would be pointing out how the Bush tax cuts led to an increase in tax revenue and helped stimulate the recovery after the 2001 recession.

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Then your definition of recession is different from the rest of the World.
we are not recovering economically !!
We are. Not quickly, but recovering none the less. Continuous GDP growth, job growth, decline in unemployment rate. What measures are you saying are not recovering?

This is not a continuous GDP growth.

On Monday, top Federal Reserve official Charles Evans said the U.S. economy is expected to grow 2.5% in 2013, a substantial shortfall from the 4.2% growth rate the Obama administration originally projected.
Would you be saying that if Romney was president right now?

Of course. Good news is good news. Liberals do not applaud bad news. That is a nutter thing.

If that were true you would be pointing out how the Bush tax cuts led to an increase in tax revenue and helped stimulate the recovery after the 2001 recession.


I would?

Hmmm. I think you are out of things to you just took a shit instead.
we are not recovering economically !!
We are. Not quickly, but recovering none the less. Continuous GDP growth, job growth, decline in unemployment rate. What measures are you saying are not recovering?

This is not a continuous GDP growth.

On Monday, top Federal Reserve official Charles Evans said the U.S. economy is expected to grow 2.5% in 2013, a substantial shortfall from the 4.2% growth rate the Obama administration originally projected.

Ummm, yes. 2.5% growth is growth. That it's not as big an increase doesn't make it a decline. GDP has gone up every quarter since 3rd quarter 2009,
This has been tracking along as the Worst Recovery in the post WW2 era for a couple of years now.

The bottom has now officially fallen out of the Obama economy, and all the media and focus will of course be on ...... other things.

What a huge surprise Einstein, the 2007 recession is the biggest economic downturn since the the Great Recession.
Below is a look at all previous recessions since 1948. Please note that the recession of 1990 was very small, yet it took 12 months to recover.The recession in 2001 took which was also very small took almost two years to recover. Now look just exactly how deep the recession of 2007 compared with previous recessions. And the point of this thread is what?


  • $PrivateScariest5-thumb-615x407-104098.jpg
    34.7 KB · Views: 40
'If there was any debate whether the Fed's policies have helped the economy or just the market (and specifically the Bernanke-targeted Russell 2000), the following two charts will end any and all debate. As the following chart from the St Louis Fed shows, as of the just completed quarter, US GDP "growth" since the "recovery" is now the worst in US history, having just dipped below the heretofore lowest on record.'


It's Official: Worst. Recovery. EVER | Zero Hedge

There is Epic Suck, and then there is ..... Obama.

Elections have consequences. Vote responsibly next time, peeps.
That's your fault because you're a psycho, ugly bitch!

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